The credit situation is not very good people, you can find a local normal small loan company for unsecured loans in the case of funds.Have people ask: looking for small loan company for unsecured loans have what advantage?
Advantages: low threshold
Relative to banks, small loan company requirements will be much lower.For example, to apply for bank unsecured loan, the borrower must provide a bank to pay wages of water, and small loan companies can accept self storage water or relevant proof of income.
Advantage two: speed
What say here "speed" refers to lending speed.In urgent need of money customers must want to hurry up and get a loan, so the small loan company you can meet this requirement.
Advantage three: borrowing information will not be included in the credit system
If you have a lending relationship with bank credit, then all will be credited to the bank credit system, but for loan in the small loan company, will not be recorded in the credit system.
Wuhan Dragon wealth Company Limited (the formal registration of companies specializing in the three towns of Wuhan person, business loans)
(a) vehicle short-term loans (on lending):
1, as long as you have a car, we can help you to do short-term mortgage loan.The next point is low, fast, this is the one that gives you the most quickly to get the money
2, your vehicle requirements: Wuhan personal and public account of car
, Wuhan all vehicles, Wuhan stage vehicle, the field in Wuhan vehicles, small vehicles, and various trade handling vehicle can handle loans.
Any local 3, Wuhan area of the vehicle can be, we have no conditions
4, the loan amount: 7 to 8 according to the loan transaction prices, and ensure that the loan, fast speed, simple procedures
5, for the crowd: unlimited account, need a car in Wuhan, no matter what the car purchase a car, regardless of time, if you need money, for turnover can be