In recent years, more and more people read USA lawyer, but what personality the most suitable reading professional lawyer?I found this article, personally feel that the 3, 8, 10 of the most side.Especially the 10, that is particularly good at survival in competitive environment of the people.The lawsuit is successful or not?Both sides son (or many side) rivalry, like war, and as a test, in the spirit of the occasion, Months and years pass by., estimated to be competent, strong talent nerve.Remember that 50% lawyers later want to change, may be one of the important reasons is that "bear"
Considering law school? Here are 10 signs you would make a good
One. like You love to argue. debateNot the occasional
tussle. But day in and day out, you want to argue about everything,
from what to eat for dinner to the right amount of detergent you
should use for a wash. Love of argument is the first sign you would
make a good lawyer. Lawyers argue constantly. With their
adversaries, with the courts, with insurance companies, even with
their own clients. Practicing law is by its very nature
adversarial, so if you love to argue, the legal field may very well
be for you
Two. You love to write love writingYou love to write. If -
and you are good at it you may want to consider becoming a
lawyer. Lawyers draft briefs, contracts, motions, pleadings, and
hundreds of letters every year. Writing is a large part of
practicing law. If you love to write, it might just be a sign you
would make a good lawyer
Three. You are a workaholicThe Many lawyers are
workaholics.. Indeed, some of the best attorneys work seventy or
eighty hours a week. If you are a workaholic, it may be a sign you
would make a good lawyer. In order to be successful in the law, you
will most likely have to make sacrifices. Among those sacrifices
will be your time. If you enjoy burning the midnight oil, consider
the field of law
Four. is good at negotiationYou are a good negotiator. Lawyers
negotiate on a daily basis. Whether you are a sports lawyer
negotiating contracts for professional athletes, or a personal
injury lawyer negotiating settlements for injured clients, or a
criminal defense attorney negotiating plea bargains, you had better
be good at what you do
Five. persuasiveYou are good at persuasion. This is
essential if you want to become a litigator. Motion practice and
trial work is all about persuading people to your side of the
argument. Whether you are persuading a judge or a jury, it takes a
great amount of skill and Practice
Six. thick skinnedYou have a thick skin. Beware of irate
judges, angry clients, and vicious adversaries. You will take a
fair share of abuse. If you have a thick skin, you have a better
chance at making a good lawyer
Seven. can balance of lifeYou are good at balancing your time.
This is essential. As a lawyer, you will need to balance your time
between paperwork and courtroom appearances, between telephone
calls and face time with clients and colleagues. Not to mention
your family life
Eight. can adhere to in the endYou are persistent. You simply must be
persistent as a lawyer. You will not get your way the first time
around. You will need to write letter after letter, draft motion
after motion, in order to succeed for your clients
Nine. can wait patientlyYou are patient. Practicing law
involves a lot of waiting around. Waiting around courthouses for
your case to be called. Waiting around for decisions on appeals to
be handed down. You simply must be patient, or you will grow old
before your time
Ten. aggressiveYou must be aggressive. You must be a pit
bull. In the law, poodles need not apply. No client wants a lawyer
who is a pushover, or a lawyer who waits for things to happen.
Clients want lawyers who are hungry and unafraid of a fight. They
want a lawyer who is aggressive
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