"What is sworn into USA nationality? "



     Adding content is American oath:

    "I completely gave up I used to belong to any foreign prince, Prince, country or sovereign of citizenship and loyalty, I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, against domestic and foreign enemies. I will be sincere allegiance to the America. When legal request, I am willing to defend USA took up arms, when legal request, I will do the non combat military service for the USA, when legal request, I will perform work of national importance under the command of government officials. I swear in this free, without any mental reservation or, excuse, please God bless me."


   Join the Communist Party is China oath:

    "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, uphold the party's program, comply with the party constitution, to fulfill the duties of Party members, carry out the party's decisions, strictly observe Party discipline, the secret of the conservative party, loyal to the party, and actively work, life-long struggle for the communism, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, and never betray the party".


    Oath content joined the British nationality:

       I (name) (in the name of God) solemnly swear: on becoming a British citizen, I will be in accordance with the laws faithfully and bear true allegiance to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors. I will be loyal to the British Empire, respect its rights and freedoms. I will uphold its democratic values. I will observe its laws faithfully, performing as a British citizen duties and obligations.


    Sworn into Canadian nationality:

   I swear: I will be faithful and loyal to the queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors; I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada, duties as a Canadian citizen.


   The content of the oath to join Singapore nationality:

   I (name) the solemn oath: I will be faithful and loyal to the Republic of Singapore, I will obey the law, be a true, loyal and faithful, Singapore citizen. Help me, god.


    Sworn into the nationality of India:

   I (name) the solemn pledge: I will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of India, I will faithfully observe the laws of India, to fulfill my duties as a citizen of India.


   Sworn into the nationality of Norway:

   As a citizen of Norway, I pledge my loyalty to my country Norway and Norway society, and I support democracy and human rights, respect the laws of the country.


    Sworn in South African national:

   I (name) do solemnly swear: I will be loyal to the Republic of South Africa, promote all that South Africa progress against all possible damage, South Africa's behavior, uphold and respect its constitution, implementation is committed to promoting the ideals and principles contained therein.