What is not a public hearing criminal cases?

According to China's criminal procedure law and judicial interpretation of the provisions, the case could not be heard in public:

1Involving state secrets or personal privacy case, not a public hearing.

2If the defendant is minor cases. Among them, for14Years old grievances16Minor criminal cases, are not tried publicly.16Years old grievances18Old cases involving crimes committed by minors, the general is not a public hearing. This age is the age of the defendant to trial.

3For the parties to apply indeed belongs to cases involving commercial secrets, the court shall decide not to public trial.

No public hearing of the case according to law, any citizen including and hear the case independent court staff and the defendant's close relatives shall audit. But in the case of juvenile defendants in the case, for dissatisfaction18Trial of minors crime, when, can inform the suspect, the defendant's legal agent at.