USA legal provisions of the currency amount shall not exceed 70% of GDP, China has over 2 times!

The blogger comments:USA legal provisions of the currency amount shall not exceed 70% of GDP, China has over 2 times!
Yang Lianning: China Banknote Printing principle is how come?
"We said USA full Ma Liyin money, don't forget to currency rise, non US." (Wang Yongli) look -- in 2008 3 years ago nearly 3 years data, USA M2 is 8, $2, Chinese M2 is 6 / 9 trillion (trillion yuan, RMB 48) was $16% less zambia. In 3 years the RMB M2 growth of 107%, doubled the 14 · 3 trillion (90 trillion yuan) and the current M2, $9, $6, 3 years increased by only 35% yuan -- rose 107%, USD 35%, which is nearly 3 years gap. Look at the 11 years of data: in 2000 11 years ago, M2 is $5 trillions yuan, when M2 is 1, $73, $66% less than. In 11 years the RMB M2 growth of 726%, down seven times. The U. S. dollar M2 rose 92%, down less than one times. RMB doubled to more than seven times, less than $doubled, the original amount only $34% RMB, anti exceeds $31% -- this is 11 years gap.

USA legal provisions of the currency amount should not exceed 70% of GDP, Chinese has over 2 times. This can not but make people gasped, in addition to gain extreme notoriety in Zimbabwe and post-war once Germany, no country in the world M2 growth is higher than GDP growth. -- do not know than, than a jump, China and the United States who is more quantitative easing, who is printing money, also need to ask?