USA how many lawyers

 This is a humorous story:
           Years ago, few Americans, Russians and Cubans to travel by train compartment. The train, the Russian took out 1 bottles of vodka drink up, but not drink the wine from the window threw. Americans don't understand why he is so wasted, the Russians said: "we have the best vodka, also has the largest number of vodka, you could throw!" Next to the Cuban people are smoking cigars, sees that make no reply to a pumping half cigars from the window threw. The Americans said: "you this and why?" Cuban replied: "we are in Cuba, we have the best cigars, also the most cigar, more do not throw a worry about wasting."
           The Americans wanted to think, without further ado, stood up and opened the window, turned his head to his lawyer thrown out from the window......
                           American how many lawyers
       In view of law concept around the world is different, if you want to confirm that the number of the world's lawyer, is almost impossible. Similarly, to confirm the number of American lawyer, is a very difficult thing. Some pundits say, the correct conclusion and the new data is (as of the end of 2004): 954000. In fact, this data is only the number of private lawyer. According to incomplete statistics, the millions of lawyers are mainly distributed in the sequence of eight categories of:

      1, private lawyers: probably accounts for all 74% lawyers, it seems, innumerable multitude of USA lawyers in the outsiders, mainly refers to USA private lawyer.


      2, members and their assistants: America Senate has 100 senators, 17 standing committee. And the federal house of the existing 435 members, 19 standing committee. The Standing Committee of each has about 20 members (including the majority and the minority party). The work of the Standing Committee of each bill submitted to Congress of the draft law -- investigation, hearings, arguments and suggestions, and then sent to the discussion and voting. Preparation and coordination of these jobs are done by lawyers.


      3, judges and assistant. In American, not as a lawyer and a judge, is almost unimaginable. The judge USA federal system 1200 (including the Federal Supreme Court 9, the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in federal district court in 331, 860), the state court has about more than 80000. In general, there is a Sheriff office each judge. Its members are basically made up of lawyers. Preliminary statistics, for each judge lawyers have 5 - 10. This kind of law about the American Bar 3%.


       4, the government lawyer: now, USA 94 federal prosecutors area, each area (including the prosecutor and assistant prosecutor, each area has about 50) was a government lawyer, are appointed by the president. Similarly, the government agency is a government lawyer (even The Pentagon has a large number of government lawyers). This part of the lawyer about American Bar 8%.


         5, corporate lawyers: This is the one big characteristic American lawyer system, USA companies have their own legal departments, they only for each big company. Of course, with the development of business, some lawyers don't even do business lawyer, and have worked as a CEO. It is understood, this part of the country's lawyer lawyer 8%


       6, a civil rights lawyer: American has a number of lawyers for blacks and other minorities and women, the disabled and all kinds of people, all people are vulnerable groups and lawyers discrimination, called a civil rights lawyer, mainly by the Justice Department's civil rights division is responsible for American federal. These lawyers about the American Bar 1%.


        7, part-time lawyer: this part mainly active in lawyers in legal education, such as the Harvard University law school famous Dershowitz professor have long enjoyed a good reputation is a lawyer. The lawyer about the American Bar 1%.


        8, public interest lawyers: legal services these lawyers in legal aid, environmental protection, public interests. This part of the 1% lawyers lawyers.


              America why there are so many lawyers?

 America population of only about 5% of the total world population, the total land area of about 6%, but its industrial and agricultural products and services products have accounted for about 25% of the world, who accounted for 35% of the total world law. Thus, we can see that, with 35% of the practitioners accounted for only 5% of the world's population market, natural overcrowding, competition is intense, the number of lawyers; USA numerous, natural also means the legal services market USA's demand is strong, the second; USA lawyer service also promote social development America the third. So, some families had complained of lawyers, and encourage their children to enter oneself for an examination law school, ready to be a lawyer in the future.

             America really need so many lawyers?

America really need so many lawyers? No one can understand and correct answer. To Americans, have been accustomed to such a life: on the one hand called lawyers, on the other hand, cannot do without the lawyer. Even if is to "kill all the lawyers", but also to a series of problems after the first to hire a lawyer to agents and demonstrates how to kill, kill, kill, when who kill how to do so, the ultimate proof or cannot do without the lawyer. A lawyer is not life, they seem to have never thought.

In fact, American political life, economic life and daily life have told us, America need not only so many lawyers, but also must need so many lawyers. Because the country is represented by counsel, USA design, but also by law established, and then by the lawyers unity, therefore, is led by a lawyer.