USA how many lawyers? (Liu Guiming)

USA how many lawyers?

Time: 2007-07-12 09:45The publisher: lcykenAuthor:Liu Guiming

This is a humorous story:

Years ago, few Americans, Russians and Cubans to travel by train compartment. The train, the Russian out1A bottle of vodka drink up, but not drink the wine from the window threw. Americans don't understand why he is so wasted, the Russians said: "we have the best vodka, also has the largest number of vodka, you could throw!" Next to the Cuban people are smoking cigars, sees that make no reply to a pumping half cigars from the window threw. The Americans said: "you this and why?" Cuban replied: "we are in Cuba, we have the best cigars, also the most cigar, more do not throw a worry about wasting."

The Americans wanted to think, without further ado, stood up and opened the window, turned his head to his lawyer thrown out from the window......


As one from theCALE(ACLA) staff, came to American, natural to visitABA(Quan Mei Lawyers Association). Different from us is,ABAHeadquarters is not in the capital, and in the northern city of Chicago. However, "plan" also did not arrange my visit to Chicago, and arranged for me to visitABAThe Washington office.

EnterABAWashingtonD? C7Floor, today will receive me: the Department of public informationStephanIEOrabale TibbsThe government and the public, the Ministry ofKevin J? Driscoll. Arrange for me to meet with them or an old friend, she's been ChinaAdria Warren. AsABAPersonnel in charge of Asian law project, she will I referred to two officials from the elevator. Don't think just one office, actually is equivalent toABAHeadquarters. According to the Washington office staff told me, Chicago headquartersABAThe traditional symbol, and the Washington office isABARepresentative. In addition, I also visited many law firms, with a lot of various types of lawyers.

On the USA lawyers, many experts and scholars, many professionals have been made, published many insights, and produce many humorous, witty, acerbic, sad story. Therefore, we can make such a generalization of America lawyer: USA lawyer is really too much, more people halo (do not remember), an annoying (are scolding), more annoying (hate not "kill all the lawyers"). But always lingering in my mind the question is: America how many lawyers? America why there are so many lawyers? America really need so many lawyers?

A America, how many lawyers?

In view of law concept around the world is different, if you want to confirm that the number of the world's lawyer, is almost impossible. Similarly, to confirm the number of American lawyer, is a very difficult thing. Therefore,ABAAnd the association of Losangeles are not very accurate to give my answer. They told me, the lawyer about millions of people, such as the New York state11Million people, California has14Million people.

Fortunately, a source told me, the correct conclusion and the latest data (as is2004End of the year.95.4Million people. In fact, this data is only the number of private lawyer. According to incomplete statistics, the millions of lawyers are mainly distributed in the sequence of eight categories of:

  1Lawyer: probably accounted for, a private lawyer74%Look, the America, innumerable multitude of lawyers in the outsiders, mainly refers to American private lawyer.

  2Assistant: USA, members and the federal Senate existing100Senator,17A permanent committee. And the federal house of representatives present435Members,19A permanent committee. The Standing Committee of each about20Members (including the majority and the minority party). The work of the Standing Committee of each bill submitted to Congress of the draft law -- investigation, hearings, arguments and suggestions, and then sent to the discussion and voting. Preparation and coordination of these jobs are done by lawyers. According to the legal adviser of the federal Senate Judiciary Committee introduction, only the federal Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman services lawyers have25Position, behind every senator, would have1-3A lawyer for the service, and both the house and the Senate1/2To1/3Senator itself is a lawyer. The state government, both houses of Congress (the only Nebraska is unicameral) of lawyer service generally similar.

  3, judges and assistant. In American, not as a lawyer and a judge, is almost unimaginable. The judge American federal system1200Name (including the Federal Supreme Court9Name, the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals331A federal district court860Name), state court about8000. In general, there is a Sheriff office each judge. Its members are basically made up of lawyers. Preliminary statistics, for each judge lawyers5-10Name. The lawyer about American lawyer3%.

  4Lawyer: now, the government has, USA94A federal district, prosecutors in each area (including the prosecutor and assistant prosecutor, each area of about50Name) are government lawyers, are appointed by the president. Similarly, the government agency is a government lawyer (even The Pentagon has a large number of government lawyers). This part is about the lawyer lawyer8%.

  5, corporate lawyers: This is the one big characteristic USA lawyer system, America companies have their own legal departments, they only for each big company. Of course, with the development of business, some lawyers don't even do business lawyer, and have worked as aCEO. It is understood, this part of the U.S. attorney attorney8%.

  6Civil rights lawyers, America: a number of lawyers for blacks and other minorities and women, the disabled and all kinds of people, all people are vulnerable groups and lawyers discrimination, called a civil rights lawyer, mainly by the Justice Department's civil rights division is responsible for American federal. These lawyers about American lawyer1%.

  7Part-time lawyers, lawyers: this part mainly active in legal education, such as the Harvard University law school famous Dershowitz professor have long enjoyed a good reputation is a lawyer. The lawyer about American lawyer1%.

  8Public interest lawyers: legal services, these lawyers in legal aid, environmental protection, public interests. This part of the U.S. attorney attorney1%.

The eight categories, eight kinds of lawyers, represents the current situation of American lawyer. So, some people make fun of say: "American lawyers have 'the Eight Route Army'!"

Two, America why there are so many lawyers?

American population only accounts for the world total population5%So, the total land area6%Left and right, but its industrial and agricultural products and services products has accounted for the world25%Around the world, who accounted for the total number of lawyers35%. Thus, we can see, to35%The practitioners of the world5%The population of the market, natural overcrowding, competition is intense, the number of lawyers; USA numerous, natural also means the legal services market USA's demand is strong, the second; American lawyer service also promotes the America social development, this third. So, some families had complained of lawyers, and encourage their children to enter oneself for an examination law school, ready to be a lawyer in the future.

American has so many lawyers, is because of the reason as follows:

One is the legal complex. American is a case law country, all kinds of all kinds of cases, multitude. Whether government agencies, or ordinary people, not to the point of these cases is always touch, not to see the essence. Can say, for their part, have no lawyers are unable to imagine. Similarly, to the judge, and so. More importantly, America law the most exquisite program. Familiar with the master program, program is a lawyer. "Simpson case" because his lawyer application (i.e. evidence rule) that the jury of the prosecution's evidence was suspected, so the judge in accordance with the "presumable innocence" principle of Simpson made a verdict of not guilty. The judge's ruling, the jury found, lawyer's negative result is, not that "Simpson is not a murderer", but that "Simpson is not a murderer". Can imagine, no legal assistance lawyers, Simpson even more money, right again, again high be of no avail.

Two is the cultural tradition. USA article16President Abraham Lincoln said on behalf of the USA lawyer culture warning: "we want to make the law become the country's political beliefs." President Franklin I has America Constitution called "people's files". The first Federal Supreme Court justice O Conner outgoing woman said: "when we campaign

The parliament or the administrative office, write a letter to the president, governor or Senator, initiating constitutional litigation in court, or constitutional meaning for our children's education, or when we have the Constitution in modern life or with a friend or neighbor dispute, we all pay tribute to our the Constitution and its makers." So, Americans on court judgment is always absolute obedience, even if he wanted to curse the street, he also dare not to enforce a judgment. When Gore and Bush in the presidential election recount dispute, Gore because of the court's decision against him and lost the presidency. He said: "I didn't like this decision, but I must obey the decision." The spring of this year occurred in Florida female vegetable Schiavo's fate has affected the people's heart, and finally, the Federal Supreme Court made a final, final legal argument. Although many people use different way to protest, but eventually had to accept the verdict. The birth of these decisions have a lawyer's shadow, there are lawyers toil, have a lawyer counsel. More important is, in accordance with the sixth amendment to the constitution of USA tradition, legal culture in the USA, a defendant may take the initiative to give up you request the right to legal counsel, but not because of lack of money and was forced to miss such rights.

The three is a vast territory. American vast territory, numerous people,50States each have different legal systems, states in the municipalities, county, county also have different legal traditions. USA is a highly respected person life, personal life, personal preferences, personal will, always emphasize the personal struggle of the community. Whether you are a Native American, or later immigrant Americans, no matter whether you are black or white, whether you live in or live in the eastern coastal, inland hinterland, can find the legal help, can find a lawyer to help. If there is no assistance and guidance law, any citizen can not manage clear thinking, sorted out. Similarly, many government officials to leave the lawyer be anxious and preoccupied, heart without the lord. Because of the regional difference, sometimes even things state time became lawyers defending the rights of the parties weapons. The immigration America or go to America to visit many foreigners, insight into the America when the first person may be lawyers, knowledge from USA when the last Americans may also be a lawyer.

Four is the market direction. The market is the market's needs, interests, needs also extended to different professional, and the nature of professional achievement the lawyer's market. Now, USA actually less than2%Civil cases heard by a jury, the rest98%In the case of judges also account for only a small part, most of the parties settled out of court ended. The out of court settlement will see professional lawyers and strategies how. The most worth mentioning is, USA tort liability compensation not only has the compensatory damages and punitive damages, a considerable number of. These damages are very attractive for the parties and lawyers. In addition, product safety and liability has become USA lawyer is very concerned about the professional and extensive use of weapons. Therefore, the market is more and more big, professional finer points, demand is bigger and bigger, more specifically a lawyer. Whether the litigation or non litigation, the lawyer, the increasingly high demand, the demand for law is more and more hot. Decide the existence of demand, the demand market, the market for lawyers, so, the relationship between lawyers and the market more closely. In USA lawyer millions of troops, professional market is getting better and better, more and more.

Three, USA really need so many lawyers?

America really need so many lawyers? No one can understand and correct answer. To Americans, have been accustomed to such a life: on the one hand called lawyers, on the other hand, cannot do without the lawyer. Even if is to "kill all the lawyers", but also to a series of problems after the first to hire a lawyer to agents and demonstrates how to kill, kill, kill, when who kill how to do so, the ultimate proof or cannot do without the lawyer. A lawyer is not life, they seem to have never thought.

In fact, American political life, economic life and daily life have told us, America need not only so many lawyers, but also must need so many lawyers. Because the country is represented by counsel, USA design, but also by law established, and then by the lawyers unity, therefore, is led by a lawyer.

We know,200Many years ago, USA Republic signed the "Declaration of independence" Co52People, including25Human law; representatives to participate in the Convention America Constitution Making Co55People, including31Human law, including represents one of the most influential, such as Thomas Jefferson, Alexxandre Hamilton, Yue Han, Marshall, John Adams, Daniel Webster etc.. In addition, in USA200Years of history, more than half the members of parliament,70%The president, vice president, cabinet members are lawyers. Can say, the lawyer has changed American, lawyer made American, improve the USA lawyer.

Love it or hate it, after all, America American; need it, hate it, American lawyers still America lawyer; more or less, or, USA lawyers are still needed, even necessary, is always an important.

So, in American, one more, lawyers are needed; even more people hate him, lawyers are necessary; even when not president, governor, lawyers are important. Because, in the American, the lawyer is not only an occupation, is not only a business, not just a group, more than just a class, but a force, a kind of culture, a kind of symbol.