Translation of words American Court (ten)


The Mafia Mafia, mafia, mafia
Magistrate magistrate
Mail bomb mail bomb
Mail fraud mail fraud
Mail theft mail theft
Maiming destroyed
Making arrest arrest, arrest
Malfeasance evil, evil deeds
Malice malicious
Malicious mischief malicious mischief
Malicious prosecution malicious accusation
Malign calumny, slander
Malpractice dereliction of duty
Mandate warrant
Mandatory regulations, mandatory
Mandatory sentences provides
Manhunt Runaways
Manslaughter manslaughter, manslaughter
Maritime Law maritime law
Marshal bailiff, bailiff
Mass hysteria of collective madness
Material facts important facts
Material statement an important statement
Material witness an important witness
Matter of record have records that can be referred to
Maxim motto
Mayhem mayhem
Mediation mediation, arbitration
Minimum standard minimum standards
Minor minor
Miranda Rights Miranda rights
Mischief practical joke
Misconduct wrongdoing, misconduct
Misdemeanor light punishment of crime
Misleading question deceptive problem
Misnomer -
Misquote error reference
Misrepresentation misrepresentation
Missing is missing
Mistrial invalid trial (can be retried)
Mitigating circumstances mitigating circumstances
Mitigating factors mitigating factors
Modus operandi modus operandi
Money laundering money laundering
Monopoly monopoly
Moot (adj.) hypothesis, not practical
Moral certainty truly reliability
Moral standard moral standard
Moral turpitude immoral, despicable
The motion initiative
Motion denied motion denied
Motion granted motion granted
Motive motivation
Mug shot mugshot
Mutilation cut, destruction, damage
Mutiny mutiny, mutiny


Source: Legal English translation