In the near future Diaoyu Islands demonstrations, Japanese car insurance company was whether we should claim?Today, the relevant regulatory authorities have told the "Legal Daily" reporters, whether or not to find the perpetrators, the insurance company should be in accordance with the terms of the car insurance claims. It is reported, at present the insurance company for the smashed vehicle survey, the loss of all normal work, but whether the payment, some say by specific claims department to decide, some said to company documents, and even some known to the CIRC to clear.
Is not clear, understand according to the reporter, some people think that, for belonging to the man-made accidents, should be to the perpetrators claim.Some people think that the vehicle losses due to riots led to the defenses, which belongs to the insurance company."The insurance company will have to wait for regulators clearly, this obviously belong to shirk the responsibility."The authorities said.
Reporter read the insurance clauses stipulated that some insurance companies, car damage clause: "during the contract period of insurance, because the insurance vehicle accidents caused by the loss, the company responsible for compensation in accordance with the provisions of this contract."There's the insurance company car damage clause set out in detail the provisions of insurance coverage, the insurance period, the insured or the valid driver in the use of motor vehicle insurance process, due to the collision, overturned, falling, falling, falling, external object fire caused by the insured motor vehicle losses, the insurer is responsible for compensation in accordance with the provisions of the insurance contract.
On the exemption clause Che Sunxian, insurance companies generally provides for any person to cause war, armed conflict, terrorism, riots, administrative act, judicial behavior, casualties and property losses, the company is not responsible for compensation.
The insurance company should claim?Beijing Technology and Business University head of the Department of insurance science Wang Xujin think, in the specified scope of liability insurance clause, the vehicle was neither clear is the scope of liability insurance, also not listed in the exemption scope.But the exemption in this sentence: "the other is not within the scope of insurance liability losses and expenses", so how to claim to see the provisions of the insurance company.
The authorities said, according to the provisions of the insurance provisions, the insurance company should claim.On the one hand, no government departments will protest action as riots, therefore does not belong to the exemption scope; on the other hand, in accordance with the insurance law the sixtieth regulation, third "because of the subject matter of the insurance of damage caused by the accident insurance, the insurance people paid indemnities to the insured date, the amount of compensation within the scope of subrogation insured indemnity against the third party rights."Namely, whether or not to find the perpetrators, the insurance company should Xianxingpeifu, after getting the subrogation, and claim to the responsible parties."Only in accordance with the provisions, not the perpetrators or responsible person clear, be deductible 30%, namely, the insurance company paid only 70%."The authorities added.
It is reported, the car damage insurance terms and almost domestic, as long as the intent to cause not insured loss of vehicles, to claim.(turn the Legal Daily)