The USA five: effects on USA legal system's 23 largest lawmakers
Aaron Lewis
America sixth President AdamHe said: "the support USA is legal and hope", he designedHouses of Parliament Front Gate gable sculptures: the altar is the "Declaration of independence" dated July 4, 1776, American goddess shields USA, goddess of law with "September 17, 1787 Constitution", the goddess of hope left arm around the anchor for a long voyage.
In 1950, the house was built America 23 lawmakers of the big head of the largest relief American legal system.
"The statue of John Marshall" (John Marshall statue), Washington's Marshall park. John Marshall (John
Marshall, 1755-1835), a former USA congressman (1799-1800), USA Secretary of state (1800 -1801), USA Chief Justice (1801-1835).Marshall in the chief justice administration was made the famous Marbury v. Madison (Marbury
v. Madison) decision. In this case, first established America separation of the three powers: the judiciary in this decision not only deny the legislature, law enforcement agencies and denied the president. In this case, judge John Marshall's famous phrase, now moment in America Federal Supreme Court (right): "the interpretation of the law, apparently belonging to the Department of Justice Authority and responsibility" (It is emphatically the
province and duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law
is). In 1607, 400 years ago, the first English settlers came to USA.At that time, no country, no king, only the law is not complete.
In 1748, Montesquieu first proposed the legislation, law enforcement, judicial three rights, to replace the church, the parliament, the aristocratic Wang Gongsan power. In 1776, American declared independence.China is a design process.USA since founding, design of the national reference for thousands of years of civilization.
In 1787, the world's first written constitution "American constitution" written into legislation, law enforcement, judicial separation of three powers.But I do not know how to operate.
In 1801, the founder of American jurisdiction, fourth chief justice John Marshall served for 35 years, independent judiciary molding.
The legal system from the design point of view, USA not more than two hundred years of history, but the history of four thousand years and the only history of four thousand years of national.This process continues today.
The following are 23, one one legislators story, this is the common wealth of mankind.
BC in ancient civilization
Four legislators
Hammurabi (1792- BC - 1750 BC) Hammurabi, king of Babylon, (King of Babylonia), "the code of Hammurabi" (Code of
Hammurabi) compilation of people.The code is one of the survivors of the judicial rules of early.
The world historians agree that:Sumerian civilization (Sumer) is the first human civilization: since about 8000, lasted for about 3000.This civilization has excavated 18 big city, small city ruins 10.Wheat, barley, dates, celery, onion, garlic, mustard, sheep, goats, pigs are originated from here, for they carry cattle, donkeys for their transportation.According to the statistics: the SumerianPeople create38 of the worldThe first. The civilization is referred to as a dozen important civilization, has occupied the dominant position of civilization: Sumerian civilization (Sumer) 9000 (11000 years ago), the Sumerians to mesopotamia. Before 6500 (before 8500), residents began to developed. Before 3500 (before 5500), the invention of cuneiform, bronze. The civilization of Babylon (Babylon) Before 1900 (before 3900), the invention of law. Hittite civilization (Hittites) Before 1595 (before 3595), the early discovery of iron and iron. Assyrian civilization (Assyria) Before thirteenth Century (before 3300), the early use of horse and chariot. Persian Empire 539 years ago, 4000000 square kilometers of Empire, create a unified small autonomous province system, etc.. The Hellenistic Age
330 years ago, the Greek perish world into Persian, Greek civilization peak. Rome Province era 116 years ago, Rome Emperor Trajan (Trajan) captured in mesopotamia. Right: "code of Hammurabi" (Code of
Hammurabi) stone, the Le Louvre Museum in Paris of france.The only code this code is not the civilization, but retain the integrity of the first code. Prior to this2050- 1870 BC, a plurality of city rivers found in many kinds of economic laws and regulations mud board writing record, relates to the market rules, units of measurement, loan interest income, wrong operation result in loss of punishment etc..Concept and practice of the economic law, is still used today. After thisThe emergence of other unified Mesopotamian Empire, all code based, for example:
Babylon empire period, leaving a "code of Hammurabi". Hittite Empire, issued a variety of "the Hittite laws". The Assyrian Empire, introduced various "Assyrian code".
During the Persian Empire, legal mud plate remained many: combination of the 50 ethnic groups of countries. No law is not a country.In this sense, the Empire of Babylon was the first country, so many countries in the world, government buildings, set Hammurabi sculpture or relief, to represent the legislators on the world's first system of legal respect.
Moses (about 1350- BC to 1250 BC) Mose, a Hebrew (Jewish) prophet and lawgiver, he put the change confused people into a state, he accepted the law "the Ten Commandments from God" (Ten
Before 5500, the Egyptians invented the world's first paper: papyrus.Written on papyrus on the "Bible" records of the earliest Jewish law, Mose's "Ten Commandments". From animal to animal domesticated from hunting, collection of plants to agriculture, is a gradual process over a long period of time.Hunter gatherer, a square kilometers can feed 0.4 people, agricultural planting, a square kilometers can feed more than a dozen to a few people, wealth accumulation appeared.
The accumulation of wealth, labor rate than war plunder speed.So the war looting continue to occur: the land water and rights are the focus of.Later, the human has becomeA "resources",Social management has become a new kind of knowledge: the invention of law civilization, from the "code of Hammurabi" "the Hittite laws" "Assyrian code" to Mose "Ten Commandments" etc..According to the "Bible" records, Mose lived for 120 years: 40 years ago: in Pharaoh's Court (i.e., received a good education) In 40 years: in the folk (i.e. that human sufferings) After 40 years: led the Jews from Egypt and came to the land of Canaan (now Israel). Mose received God's "Ten Commandments" (Ten Commandments) are as follows:
1 I was your only God 2.
do not worship other gods and idols 3.
shall not misuse the name of God 4.
to keep the sabbath day (7 days to rest 1 days) 5.
your parents 6.
didn't kill 7.
may not commit adultery 8.
not steal 9.
do not be false 10.
does not covet your neighbor's wife and property
Mose in after wandering 40 years continue to supplement and improve the legal rules, he has written five books known as the "Mose law" (Torah, right), this is "the Bible"" Old Testament "24 books in the first 5 books.
Mose not only created the Jewish law, also initiate the religion of the Jews, and is the world's firstMonotheistic,Then two important monotheistic religions, Christianity and Islam are derived from judaism.The "Bible" records the history and the law, the confused confused 12 Hebrew tribes forged into a Jewish state of Israel, finally forming a.
Mose received the "Ten Commandments" and his laws, has also become a social moral foundation in Judaism, Christianity and islam.
Lycurgus (ca. 900 BC) Semi mythical Greek lawmakers, according to tradition, he was Sparta (Sparta) produced by the system and law.
Solon (about 638- BC 559 BC) Solon, Athenian statesman, first proposed constitutional and judicial reform.
Ancient Mesopotamia: leave software, such as law, religion, statecraft. The Egyptian civilization: leave hardware, such as Pyramid and the temple and other buildings. Greek civilization: a scientific, democratic, art and philosophy. Montesquieu (Montesquieu, 1689-1755) of the human political system into democracy, monarchy and despotism three systems: democracy and monarchy autocracy law, no legal system.The Greeks will be the first scientific and democratic art philosophy and so the introduction of the human society, the reform of the legal system.Right: "spring door".
Democratic legal force to a be hardly worthy of belief: the Persian (Persian
Empire, 550- 330 BC) is the first in the history of non three across the Eurasian continent, an area of about 8000000 square kilometers, population of more than fifty million of the Empire, Greece is a city-state, together hundreds of thousands of people, double square force all out of proportion.
In 492 BC and 490 bc, the Persian Emperor Darius (Darius) dispatched 600 warships and ten million army launched the two Persian war, defeat. In 480 BC, son of Darius, King Xerxes (Xerxes) dispatched more than 800000 army and 1207 ships to attack once again defeated Greece, again.He back to Persia, leaving the 300000 army and a fleet, continue to adhere to and the Greek city states.
In 479 BC, second years, 110000 Greek invasion of Xerxes left 300000 Persian army: Pilates campaign (Battle of
Plataea), 300000 Persian troops killed 257000 people, only the loss of hundreds of people in greece.Greece coalition first take action decapitation, assault killed the Persian infantry commander and cavalry commander, the rest of the process is a massacre.Then the Greek Navy in Mikari (Mycale) annihilated a Persian fleet Xerxes left, the liberation of the ionian. Defeated the Persian 115 years later, Alessandra Te (356 BC - 323 BC) in the first 330 years of the demise of the Persian empire,To conquer "was known to the whole world": the Greek world,Mesopotamia, Iran plateau, Egypt to India.The continuation of three hundred yearsThe Hellenistic Age (Hellenistic period)Start.
Greek civilization, not the end, only inheriting, until today.
The first successor's name, the same great empire: Rome.
Four legislators in Rome Empire
Western Rome and Eastern Rome Empire (the Byzantine Empire)
Gaius (110-180) Gaius, the Empire of Rome judge, his works are very rich, the most famous is "Institutes", a comprehensive interpretation of the elements of the law in Rome, became the Rome imperial civil law (Roman
civil law) foundation.
Papinian (146-212) PA Pigna UZ (Aemilius
Papinianus), often called Palmer Irpinia, Rome Empire judge, he compiled the 56 judicial problems and referee work, these data of East Rome (Bai Zhanting) "the Empire of Justinian code" (Justinian
Code) greatly influenced the formation.
Rome for more than 2000 years, through the Kingdom, Republic, monarchy three times, the specific method of calculation, so far no unified view. The 1 Rome Empire time acknowledged: in 1453, this year, the Byzantine capital Constantinople, by the Osman empire. 2.
Rome's time, three arguments: the first 840 or 814 years or 753 years before founding, in April 21st, She-Wolf raised Romulus (Romulus) the construction of the Rome city day. If in accordance with the Rome city built in 753 BC, the Empire of Rome last time: 753+1453=2206. According to the myth of the kingdom of Rome in 840 BC, the continuation of the time: 840+1453=2293. This is the history of mankind's most lasting Empire, this 2000 years does not include the two known as the Rome Empire era Europe and russia.
The WestThe "four poets"In two BC, was born in: Homer(Homer, about 850 years ago): the Iliad, Odyssey (Iliad) (Odyssey), the Troy War (Trojan
War). Virgil(Virgil, 70- 19 BC): "Aeneas Ji" (Aeneid), sing the praises of Rome imperial ancestors Aeneas (Aeneas). The Romans is greek.Greece is not a nation but a concept: the Aegean Sea area of the city states, including Troy."Homa epic" records: the battle of Troy, God the son of Venus, Prince Troy Aeneas led a group of surviving Troy fled collapsed homes, a wandering about six years, and finally in Italy Tiber River built new homes: the origin of the kingdom of Rome. In 28 BC, Rome from Republic to Empire, the first emperor Octavius was the Senate of Rome letter"Augustus",Octavius's friend, the poet Virgil (Virgil) sings the praises of Octavius and the Empire of Rome, and his famous epic "Aeneas Ji" (Aeneid), Aeneas Troy hero of history, was again confirmed as Roman history. Right: "Aeneas Troy" escape. Right: "Aeneas beatTurnus ",Turnus is the Italy tribal leaders, Aeneas beat him, settle down in Italy. USA movie "Troy" (Troy) end, Paris to Aeneas and others shouted: "as long as theAnd Troy's people live, our people have a future, protect them, Aeneas, as they found aA new home "(As long as it remains in the hands of a
Trojan, our people have a future. Protect them Aeneas; find them a
new home). Before twentieth Century, historians do not believe that the "Bible" records, but archaeological dig out "almost all city" mentioned in the bible. Before nineteenth Century, historians think "Homa epic" is a myth, but Archaeology discovered the ruins of the city of Troy. The Empire of Rome's two official languages: Latin, greek.
Rome inherited the Greek civilization, especially the art of Greece: Greek mythology and myth of Rome almost one one corresponding, Greece every exquisite sculpture, were the Romans copied dozens or even hundreds of.In the field of law, unified Rome beyond Greece, the development and perfection of the legal system, create the thousand year reich.
Rome Empire heyday of the two legislators, affecting Europe until the America history: Gaius (Gaius, 110-180), lay the foundation for the Rome civil code system. PA Pigna UZ (Papinian, 146-212), East Rome (Bai Zhanting) "Justinian code" (Justinian
Code).It is this part of the world famous code, making Rome the revival of the Empire, the Byzantine Empire continued in 1058.
Justinian I (483-565) Justinian, Byzantine emperor, he ordered jurist Terry Bonnie Ann (Tribonian) conversion of the Rome judicial code and full become "Justinian code" (Justinian
Code), he used a lot of rules and precedents, added "Justinian code".
This is the most complete of Rome code, formerly known as "Rome Daquan" (Corpus Iuris Civilis), commonly known as "Justinian code".
Tribonian (about 500-547) Terry Bonnie Ann, the Byzantine Empire, the judge, the person in charge Char J Martin Ni Thi designated legal compilation committee.
Rome empire in ancient Greek Byzantine (Byzantine) to build second capital, similar to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty Western Zhou Dynasty Chinese, Eastern Han dynasty.As the capital city of Rome to the Byzantine Empire was historians called the Rome Empire, or the Byzantine Empire (Byzantine
Empire), as follows: In the year 127 is the Rome prosperous period: an area of 6500000 square kilometers, a population of 88000000.This is Gaius (Gaius, 110-180) lay the civil code system, PA Pigna UZ (Papinian, 146-212) published 56 The judicial work period (right). 324 years, Constantin Thi established the city of Constantine (City
of Constantine), also known as the new Rome (New Rome), later known as constantinople.More than two thousand families moved to the new capital. 395 years, Theodor Si Thi (Theodosius
I, in 379-395) died, he put the Rome Empire to his two sons: two capital of Rome, is formally divided into two Rome empire.So, 395 years is usually historians believe is the Byzantine Empire began the year (right). The difference between things in Rome, three points should be emphasized: 1 of Rome's Christian Catholic, orthodox Byzantine Christianity became. 2 East Rome (Bai Zhanting) Empire, in the Greek language, known as the greek. 3.
East Char J Martin Ni of Rome, "Char J Martin Ni" was compiled code: West Rome have been destroyed, the East Rome army counterattack West territory of Rome, had recovered a lot of West Rome area. On the right is Char J Martin Ni recovered sketch map of West Rome: Green: Rome Empire heyday of the territory. Blue: the Char J Martin Ni era of the West Rome Empire, including the city of Rome. No other question things in Rome discussed here, only emphasize the importance of the law: First, the Empire of Rome Dingsheng period before and after 127 years is the most mature period for the Rome law. Second, the west after the fall of Rome, east of Rome in Western Rome Char J Martin Ni sent troops to recover large territory of Rome Renaissance is "the Char J Martin Ni code" to produce and implement period. The Byzantine Empire lasted one thousand years (395-1453=1058 years), there are many other reasons.For example, unlike Rome, Constantinople, surrounded on three sides by the sea, the invention and use of gunpowder Greek fire (Greek
fire): can explode and burn to destroy the enemy fleet in the water, all from the sea attack all failed.
Therefore, the continuation of two thousand years of the Empire of Rome the four most important lawmaker statue, entered the USA house.
The middle ages and the dark ages
Seven legislators
Maimonides (1135-1204) Maimon Ni Tis, the Jewish philosopher, was born in Spain's Cordova (Cordova), his "Mose" the Five Classics (Pentateuch) and the Talmud "Talmud" (Talmudic) documents of all Jewish law, the system of interpretation.
In the Jewish world, he is known as "the great eagle" (haNesher haGadol, English: the great
eagle).He is the legal scholars, the most famous Jewish history, Jewish priests, philosophers, doctor.He was born in Spain, died in egypt.At the time of his influence, from Spain, Morocco, Egypt, Yemen and other places until.Now Israel as he set a huge monument.
The most important works of Maimon Ni Tis, he used 10 years time to complete the work in Egypt "second" (the Torah, English: Repetition of the
Torah, in Hebrew: Mishneh
Torah).This book is not Chinese translation, English means "once again about the Torah (Pentateuch" Torah= Mose).This work is not only the law, but also the social and moral aspects of the encyclopedia, the name for 14 rolls:
Knowledge, love (Ethics), time (History), women (marriage), (Jin Ji), a sacred oath (credit), the initial capital (Law), for the service of God, worship, purification (ritual), damage (Criminal Law), obtain (Commercial Law), right (Civil Law), the referee (Si Fa).
Innocent III (1161-1216) Innocent III, the medieval Pope, Canon Law (Canon Law) and civil law students, in the dark ages (Dark
Ages) preserved the remnants of the Empire of Rome law.Innocent III was born rich count family, his family has 9 people were elected pope.
He is the 176th generation of the pope.He became Pope in 1198-1216, it is the Western European countries the nobles in the Crusade Jerusalem period, so many European countries the throne, the heir to the throne of war and marriage disputes, including the Holy Rome empire.Innocent III in the identity, the first strong intervention of these secular royal family disputes, including the Holy Rome Empire emperor.
In 1215, he published the famous "the Pope is the sun, the moon the monarch is" speech, the Pope's position.
The Church of Rome to promote the Renaissance also because of the special status of the affected Europe: Greece civilization - Rome civilization and Christian civilization.
Gregory IX (1147-1241) Grigori nine, medieval Pope, he according to canon law (canon
law) compilation of a papal legislation, in the key era of history, the remnants of his part of the save Rome imperial law plays a big role.
The Pope is the non Christians call, the call is Catholic.English Pope, from the Latin Papa, the Greek Pappas, not the emperor's meaning, but a child to father's name (a
child's word for father): Jesus in the world on behalf of.
Grigori nine is the 178th generation of the Pope, the reign of time: 1227-1241.He was first in the form of text rather than verbal confirmation Pope status: in 1234, he issued a new decree "integration" (Nova
decretalium), including the Pope ordinances and the Empire of Rome legal documents, first in the form of text that the legal status of the pope.
Legal principle, the first generation Pope is one of the 12 disciples of Jesus, Szentpeter (Saint
Peter, C. 1-67), though Peter had never won a title.Rome original Szentpeter church too small, must build new Szentpeter church and ancillary buildings.This project is a renaissance peak: a large number of architects, sculptors and painters to participate in this project, finally almost reconstruction of the entire city of Rome.
The early Pope, almost all of the martyrs.The first generation of Pope Szentpeter was crucified on the cross, the first 24 popes are all included in the martyr (martyr) list, all persecution, over a dozen of which was put to death (some Pope Pope martyrs death, be confirmed).Pope (twenty-fifth Dionysius?-268 years) is the first not included in the list of the Pope.The legal status of religion and the Pope, Pope Gregory 178th nine for the first time in the text that the world.
In thirteenth Century, the Vatican Pope gain legal status.
In Fourteenth Century, the Italy Renaissance bud: fiction and poetry.But the impact is not big, also not popular: there is no printing.
In fifteenth Century, Gutenberg (Johannes Gutenberg, 1398-1468) invented and popularized printing, stimulation of the renaissance.
In sixteenth Century, the Vatican as Renaissance Center: new buildings, ground breaking, the Greek civilization and Rome civilization is the advocate, sculpture art architectural art development, "the Bible" fiction and poetry printed in large numbers, the Renaissance began: Greece - Rome - Christian civilization.
1506-1616 years, after 110 years and 18 popes efforts, the completion of the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter.Other buildings continued.Not the.
Alfonso X (1221-1284)
Alfonso tenWise man.Wise), Lyon and Castilian King (King of Leon and
Castile).He edited a set of general code "Royal regulations" (Royal
Code), he compiled basic Spanish jurisprudence, "seven code" (Seven-Part Code).
Alfonso ten is the father of kings of Leon (Leon), the mother is queen Castilla (Castile), so his name is Leon and Castilian King (King of
Leon and
Castile).Alfonso ten's mediocre performance, the performance of the universally acknowledged: knowledgeable, compiled system of law, a lifetime to upholding the rule of law.Alfonso ten is not only the legislator, is also a writer and poet, he also organized the "Ave Maria praise song" (Cantigas
de Santa
Maria) and other works.Although it is a small country, Alfonso ten to invest a lot of money to the organization has been translated into many different languages all kinds of literature and political knowledge of economic law. Alfonso ten to popularize Castillian (Castilian): the language now called spanish.At the right is a Spanish Alfonso ten big bust.He is the founder of the Spanish Empire, his memorial sculpture in Spanish speaking countries and regions. Alfonso ten ninth generation successor, is another famous Lyon and queen Castilla (Queen of Leon and
Castile), Isabella Thi (Isabella
I, 1451-1504): she and her husband have rid the Muslim forces, supported by Kolumb voyage discovered America continent, the Spanish Empire for hundreds of years.
Alfonso ten who compiled code "seven" (Seven-Part Code, Spanish: Siete
Partidas) is not only a set of codes, and it is a"Humanitarian encyclopedia" (Humanist
encyclopedia), relating to philosophy, theology and ethics, in the 14-19 century, Spain and Latin America have great influence.
Simon de Montfort (1200-1265) Montfort, British politician, representative system of government. In the UK, established an early form of representative system of government.
A British earl, Crusader famous generals seed Montfort, two revolted against King Henry III (Henry III of England):
In 1258, Montfort raised an army forced Henry III signed a limited monarchy, aristocracy supervision and government regulations in Oxford (Provisions of Oxford).
In 1264, Montfort in the second war (BaronSecond Barons'
War, 1264-1267) captured Henry III and his son Edward (later King Edward Thi, Edward I of
England), as the actual law enforcement (Latin: De facto), he held the first direct election of the European Parliament (first directly
parliament).The parliament to run for a year, Montfort had died.1265, Edward escaped, organized more than ten thousand army offensive in London, killing Montfort.
However, the British history that Montfort's parliament is the first Constitutional Council, Edward Thi finally had to compromise: In 1295, Edward and nobles and knights to establish their recognized parliament, known as the model parliament (Model
Parliament). In 1297, Edward Thi signed the "confirmation charter" (Confirmatio
cartarum 1297), once again confirmed Edward Thi's grandfather, King John of England (John, King, of
England) reluctantly in 1215 signed the "Great Charter". Montfort is the world that is the modern parliamentary democracy (Modern parliamentary democracy) pioneer. John signed the "Great Charter" (Latin: Magna Carta) has become the first important documents of modern parliamentary democracy.
The United States Capitol rotunda, copy the British signed 1215 "Great Charter".
Saint Louis (1214-1270). Saint Louis, France's King Lewis the nine world (King Louis IX of France), he created the "agreement" (AmiensMise of AmiensHenry Sans): the king of England (Henry
III) a ruling dispute between rebel and British aristocrats.
Louis nine live 56 years, 44 years when the king of france.He participated in the seventh and the eighth Crusade: the seventh Crusade, he was taken prisoner, the eighth Crusade, he died in the army.But at home, his achievements: maintaining domestic peace, long-term economic prosperity, the creation of local prosecutors, currency, rectify the judicial system, the prohibition of private war.His enthusiasm and good at domestic and foreign dispute mediation, character, known as the king, later known as the Saint Louis.He brokered between the Pope and the sacred Empire emperor in the Rome dispute, the pope or antipope (Antipope, disputed election of Pope, 217-1449 Europe appeared 40 antipope) between the disputes, known as the European mediators. The outbreak of the second barons War (Second Barons'
War, 1264-1267) before, Henry III and aristocratic parties came to France, please Louis nine mediation.Henry Sans's point of view: the king has the right to appoint their own officials, without going through Parliament, the barons to occupy or destroy the king's castle and illegal land, for 300000 pounds.The nobles view: Henry III in violation of "Great Charter" and the "Oxford rules" (Provisions
of Oxford) law, government officials and judges to pass parliament appointment, Henry III to raise taxes and illegal, but also violated the religious freedom. Louis's "Nine": in view of the Amiens protocol that years of war, must put an end to the war.Henry III innocence, "Oxford clause" is invalid, the nobles of the castle to the king, the king of forgiveness rebellious nobles."The protocol" ruling, about 300000 pounds of compensation. This Agreement does not prevent the outbreak of war, but provides the wisdom to end the unrest: the two sides fought for 30 years, finally caved in.
Edward I (1239-1307)
Edward I, king of England, the British parliamentary constitutional founder, eliminates the political side effects caused controversy in the feudal system.
The "constitution" USA USA is a file, the constitution as a written constitution. British "the British constitution" (Constitution of the United
Kingdom) is not a file, a series of documents, but hundreds of years such as bill, protocol, the parliamentary resolution, referred to as the court, known as the unwritten constitution (uncodified
British constitution). "The British constitution", the first document is the most famous "Great Charter" (Magna
Carta): in 1215, Edward Thi's grandfather, King John of England (John, King, of
England, 1166-1216) a document signed by King Power constraint.But the nobility and King both sides did not comply with the "Great Charter", the war continued.Signed the "Great Charter" in second years, in 1216, John died in the war.
RightGraphJohn signed "the Great Charter"(John of England signs Magna Carta). John's son, Edward Thi's father, Henry III (Henry
III, 1207-1272) of the times, to continue the war unceasingly, nobles and the king two party struggle for decades, who have failed to comply with the "Great Charter". Edward Thi, a compromise repeatedly after the war: in 1295, the establishment of the parliament agreed, in 1297, he signed the "charter" identified in 1297 (Confirmatio
cartarum 1297): that his grandfather signed the "Great Charter", founded the parliamentary constitutionalism, eliminate many contradictions in Britain under the feudal system. Edward ancestor three generations the reign of King together for 108 years, finally established the "Great Charter": JohnIn: 1199-1216 Henry IIIIn: 1216-1272 Edward ThiIn: 1272-1307 After Edward I, king of England and later you have signed confirmation 32-45 times "Great Charter", "Great Charter" become the file that the British constitutional monarchy is the most important, "the first document" of the British constitution.
That is to say, the British constitution is the crystallization of the wisdom of eight hundred years, the British Parliament can supplement and perfect the existing constitution by the parliament resolution.
Modern Europe
Six legislators
Suleiman (1494-1566)
Sleiman, Osman (Ottoman Empire) of the Empire of Sultan, and he reform and improvement of the civil code and the code of Military Justice (Civil and military
codes), a large number of unstable territory united into an empire.
Osman Empire (Ottoman
Empire, 1299-1923), also known as the Turkey Empire, an empire Turks established, dominant center in Turkey Istanbul (Constantinople). In 1453, the Osman empire the seventh generation of the Sultan Mohamed S (Mehmed
II, 1432-1481) captured Constantinople, perish the Empire of Rome (Hou Shichang called East Rome, or the Byzantine Empire), Mohamed S capital Constantinople, claiming to be the emperor of Rome, inclusive of christianity. 1520-1566, the tenth generation of the Sultan Sleiman in the 46 year of his reign, he is the Osman empire in the 624 year history of the longest reign of Sultan.On one hand, the life of Sleiman at the 13 time, win a lot of battles, on the other hand, 9 Sultan Sleiman finishing in front of his judicial experience, social reform, taxation, criminal law, civil law, military law, laid the legal foundation of the empire after the death of Sleiman Osman 350 years. In 1520, Sleiman became the territory: right. In 1566, Sleiman died at the territory: the bottom right.The Osman empire is only able to challenge the 15-19 century European powers of Islamic countries, long-term possession of southeastern europe. In 1914, the Osman empire's defeat in World War I collapse, split into Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, Turkey, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon and other countries. The British historian Kinlos (Baron Kinross). SouleMan: "he is not like his father and grandfather, is a sword, he is still a pen person".Full name and meaning of Sleiman: Kanuni= lawmakers, so he called the legislation Emperor Sultan= Sultan, the supreme Muslim ruler's title Suleyman= Sleiman, king of Israel Salomon (Solomon) of the Turkish His English translation: Suleiman the Magnificent, often translated as Sleiman the great, sometimes translated as Sleiman the magnificent emperor.
Hugo Grotius (1583-1645)
Grau tiwusi, politicians in the Holland, Holland and Qi Lan (Holland and
Zeeland) of the chief justice, the first professional international law book "law of war and peace" (On the Law of War and
Peace) author.
Grau tiwusi was a philosopher, writer, poet, he according to natural law (Natural
Laws) laid the foundation of international law, known as the "father of international law".He also published a lot of religious writings, that nature is God cannot change the law. In 1602, Holland set up the world's first joint-stock company, Dutch East India Co (Dutch East India
Company).As of 1796, Dutch East India Co and Asia by 4785 to 2500000 tons of cargo ship trade, out of 1000000 europeans.In contrast, over the same period all other European countries from the European total only 882412 in Europe, second British East India Co 2690 ship trade, tonnage is only 1/5 in Holland. In 1609, at the age of 26, Grau tiwusi published "the freedom of the seas" (Mare
Liberum) theory, advocated: Marine is an international field, all countries have started in a sea of free trade.He published a series of works on international law, is the most famous theory of "war and peace" (On
the Law of law War and Peace).
Right: Grau tiwusi rest church.
Jean Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683) Kerr Porter, the French finance minister, French emperor Louis Xiv chief of staff, he put on commercial, maritime and colonial regulations compilation for code, judicial system reform in France he.
Kerr Porter advocate fair trade, mercantilism, promote development of manufacturing industry and market reform, he formed the clothing carpet glass and other luxury Royal factory.He planned and set up a French East India Company (French
East India
Company) and Holland and UK competition, in Coffee, cotton, fur, pepper, sugar and other trade, he also set up commercial Navy, in order to protect French ocean trade.He set up the domestic tax system perfect, his system of tariff protection of the French market, huge financial income resulting, mostly by Louis Xiv for the war or the construction of Palace of Versailles and other large buildings consume: Louis Xiv era is the heyday of the French empire. Kerr Porter five thirty every morning to work, rigorous style of work, diligence and justice,Nicknamed the "marble":He organized the construction of French colonial, schools, roads system, personal prestige high.For example, the 17 year old became the mistress Louis Xiv Louise
de La
Valli è re (1644-1710) had to the monastery, Kerr Porter personally to persuade the peerless beauty, return to the palace, she was later dubbed the Duchess of Louis Xiv (Duchy
of La Valli è re).
Kerr Porter in charge of the French finance power for more than twenty years, he decreed, reached more than 150.
Robert Joseph Pothier (1699-1772) The French judge, he portil, compiled a set of the Empire of Rome legal treatise "Justinian statute book compilation" (Digest of Pandect s of
Justinian), he also published many French legal books, these research results are integrated into the "French Civil Code" (Code
His grandfather and father are the judge, since he was 21 years old 52 years as a judge, his empire of Rome legal attainments, Napoleon compiles "Civil Code" (Code
Civil, also known as "the Napoleon code") in many passages and words or evenIs the "original copy" of hisWork.
Napoleon I (1769-1821) Napoleon I, emperor of the French, he established a committee of a set of "Civil Code" (Code
Civil), later known as the "Napoleon code", this set of codes combined traditional laws and legal effect of imperial Rome, nineteenth Century in Europe and America judicial system. The earliest surviving civil code is the code of Hammurabi "Babylon" (Code of Hammurabi), following three Codex maximum: 1 East Rome i.e. Byzantine civil code "Rome Daquan" (Corpus Iuris
Civilis, also called the Justinian code), basic civil law. 2 French 1804 "Civil Code" (Code
Civil), use this kind of law countries, including Italy, Spain, Belgium, Luxemburg, Holland, Poland and other European countries, and nearly all Latin American countries. In 1900 3 German "German Civil Code" (BGB,B ü rgerliches
Gesetzbuch) become imitation model, many European and Asian countries including Japan, Chinese mainland and Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, Portugal, Greece, Ukraine, etc.. The difference between these three kinds of classification of civil code, as follows: Justinian codeFrance Napoleon codeThe German civil code BGB 1.
General Part= general The 2.
Things= propertyThe 2.
Property= property2.
Law of Obligations= debt relations act The behavior of 3.
Actions=The 3.
Acquisition of
property= property accessThe 3.
Property Law= property law