The preamble to the Constitution: Mumbai's primary and middle school students to read every day

Uent Assembly this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves thisconstitution. in view of this, through our constitutional convention in November 26, 1949, formulated the constitution, and it will be released to the public.India and Americans pay more attention to "constitutional" propaganda, but also from the baby, "read every day at school". Maharashtra (capital of Mumbai) government Ministry of Education recently issued a notice, requirements of the states in the morning when reading the preamble to the constitution must be set in India primary and secondary schools, and schools will be imprinted on the school entrance and the wall marked place. In addition, the Ministry of education also requires schools to guessing, writing, singing contest, posters and other forms to make the students become more familiar with the preamble to the constitution. It is said that this was done to allow the students have realized that the rights and obligations of a citizen of India.
In the preamble to the constitution of India is very short, 2-3 minutes can finish - not read do not know, the original India democratic country it is also the "socialist countries":

The preamble preamble
We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constituteIndia into a sovereign socialist secular democratic republic and tosecure to all its citizensIndia and Americans pay more attention to the constitutional propaganda, but also from the baby, in the school to read every day. Maharashtra (capital of Mumbai) government Ministry of Education recently issued a notice, requirements of the states in the morning when reading the preamble to the constitution must be set in India primary and secondary schools, and schools will be imprinted on the school entrance and the wall marked place. In addition, the Ministry of education also requires schools to guessing, writing, singing contest, posters and other forms to make the students become more familiar with the preamble to the constitution. It is said that this was done to allow the students have realized that the rights and obligations of a citizen of India. In the preamble to the constitution of India is very short, 2-3 minutes can finish - not read do not know, the original India democratic country it is socialistic country: The preamble We the people of preamble
We the people of India have a solemn decision, will be built in India become a sovereign socialist nonreligious Democratic Republic, and to ensure that all citizens:
Justice, social, economic and political; Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; Equality of status and ofopportunity; and to promote among them all Fraternity assuring thedignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of thenation
Justice in judicial, social, economic and political aspects; thought, expression, belief and worship freely; opportunities in the position and the equality; among the people to be friendly to the unity and dignity and national territory.Th and worship; Equality of status and ofopportunity; and to promote among them all Fraternity assuring thedignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of thenation. in the judicial, social, economic and political justice; thought, expression, belief and worship freely; opportunities in the position and the equality among the people to be friendly; the unity and dignity and national territory. In our constit
In our constituent assembly this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves thisconstitution
In view of this, through our constitutional convention in November 26, 1949, formulated the constitution, and it will be released to the public.
Th and worship; Equality of status and ofopportunity; and to promote among them all Fraternity assuring thedignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of thenation. in the judicial, social, economic and political justice; thought, expression, belief and worship freely; opportunities in the position and the equality among the people to be friendly; the unity and dignity and national territory. In our constitSource: (Http:// - the preamble to the Constitution: Mumbai's primary and middle school students to read every day _ Zhai Hua blog _ Sina blog