The lawyer skills

July 23, 2006
A lawyer should avoid six misunderstandings
Sue, how to choose a lawyer? At present, when the thing person lawyers should avoid six misunderstandings.
[error] law degree is higher; because of highly educated lawyer may not have rich practice.
[error] two lawyers fees as low as possible; because the lawyer fees too low, significantly lower than the standard, but the malicious competition, will reduce the quality of service.
[three] the win rate to judge the misunderstanding about the lawyer before confidence; lawyers not to see each other evidence, to talk about the win rate of little significance. Take one hundred percent successful lawyer, its breach of discipline in practice, and is not responsible for the commitment.
[four] you can replace the lawyer misunderstanding; some parties to consult various law firms the same problem, feel that the lawyer is just so so, think oneself also capable, results may be penny wise and pound foolish.
 [five] misunderstanding "court will help me to ascertain the facts"For the investigation of the facts; the court decided to submit to the basic evidence between the parties, according to the determined that the authenticity, relevance, legitimacy of evidence.
[six] the losing of lawyers level errorsThe burden of proof in itself; such as the existence of objective difficulties, lawyers in the unfavorable situation do everything in one's power, even if losing is not attributable to the fault of the lawyer.