"The Japanese Constitution of 1946" (Japanese version)

The commentary:
The constitution is the country's political outline, namely basic principle of national politics and the basic spirit, to understand a country, of course, should understand the country's constitution.With the old constitution "constitution of the great Japanese Empire" mutual comparison. 


The constitution of Japan


The Japanese people are, as in the election for Congress in San terms, was from the representative or through morality action, at a weighs terms and terms CSAC: sons of tameni, various national and union of and from the results of, and, in whole soil for analysis of at free of case studies I Hui, or ensure that weighs a, government behavior and analysis of Japanese at Department of war again, play with language in language and in Cantonese, U of I it in language and has decided to a, Inc.: of sovereignty, national in the Japanese language and stored in a factory, or declaration of constitution or determine the Japanese in. Moo moo: same same government, national Yan Su space of trust in and from the studies of analysis, use of same from thou at ahthority: national origin of a, use of same power used in engineering terms, national representative or exercise, use of same woman welfare: national, Inc. has enjoyed in terms of authentication. Language: universal principle of human terms from Thou soul, Inc. of constitution, in principle, are based on studies of Japanese from aru. Terms used in engineering terms, weighs against all of constitution, statutes in Japanese and Chao chi or excluded in japanese.


The Japanese people, and by the constant: in a world of ideas may, each department or up the lofty ideal or Cantonese dominated in deep on the self, also from the analysis of Japan, and thou at flat or love for the Japanese national of justice and faith of reliability technique, at CSAC: safety and survival or terms keep a and u and decided a case. Terms, or to maintain peace and weighs: A,, preparation and Li dependence, crushed and narrow or ground Kara forever in removing technique and complete and efforts for International Society for technology in society at will, using at, ARU status or reputation for it and think accounted for as. Terms: the world of weighs, national, and a better, on the terrorist and short Kara, free, and in terms of survival in UTI u up rights or have I in language and confirm by the japanese.


Terms: it weighs, motions, since the country national studies in language and in a first in, read at his country has ignored a Cantonese Cantonese at: it weighs in at, thou analysis from political moral of law, common in Cantonese: studies from Thou soul, language of law of government Inc. and, since the country or of sovereignty or maintain a, his country and for other department of legislation for u and also in countries of duty from Aru and letter, in.


The National Institute of Japan, national reputation, was full of in, or thou: lofty ideal and Cantonese at Japanese or Japanese to reach in language and by the oaths.


The first chapter of the Emperor


The first emperor of the position [?] national sovereignty

Emperor:, Japan of symbol from Thou soul Japan national integration of symbol from analysis of status, thou at: WA, sovereignty of deposit also in Japanese: general meaning of based on the.


Article second [of] taking the throne

The chief executive, in studies of hereditary from analysis, Congress of thou at through a caseModel of the royal familyIn the set will in of soul, and engineering and engineering by the Japanese in terms of taking bearing.


Article third [the emperor of state action and responsibility of the cabinet]

The emperor of state of relations in also up at behavior of Wa, the cabinet of Japanese words and admit or need help, and a cabinet, use of same responsibility, or negative.


Article fourth [the emperor of rights to appoint limitation, emperor of state behavior of]


Emperor:, Inc. of constitution of state of relations in set will also in first line is better, or acts of government, by rights can also in or have a technique for it.


Emperor,Law(state behavior of era of Japanese line, in law) of fixed will in of soul, and language and use of same state of relations in behavior or appointed by the Japanese in Japanese language and, in Japan.


Article fifth [] oral administration

 Model of the royal familyIn the set will in of soul, and language and oral administration has placed on oral administration, and, e.g., the emperor of Japan: a state in the use of same, also from the behavior or for. In place of:,The first paragraph of the preceding articleThe provisions of or apply for authentication.


Article sixth the emperor appointed rights [of]


Emperor: congress named in it, in the base, the cabinet minister at Institute of Japanese has appointed for.


Emperor:, named it as base cabinet: at the Supreme Court, in case the magistrate appointed by long by the Japanese in.


Article seventh [of] the state acts of the Emperor

Emperor:, cabinet of advice and admit in the soul, and national of tameni, left in the state of relations in behavior or line up.


The constitution, laws, decrees and correct the treaty or published in Japanese language and.


Congress called for by the Japanese language and.


The house of Representatives has dissolved in Japanese language and.


Members of Congress: general election in Japanese language and implementation by the public in.


The Secretary of state and the law of definite will from the use of same in the appointment and removal of officials in his full rights and liquid in the mandate and the ambassador and Minister of credentials or certification in Japanese language and.


Amnesty, pardon, commutation of punishment, punishment of execution of relief and complex rights or certification in Japanese language and.


Nutrition has granted in language and Japanese dictionary.


Ratification and the law of definite will by the use of same in diplomatic documents or certification he also in language and.


Foreign ambassadors and envoys of the Japanese language and has accepted by.


The ceremony by the bank language and.


Article eighth [royal family property "of the limitation of]

The royal family of property or get a soul Du, or royalty, property, or by the way, if a soul was given up on the used in language and used as base, through Congress, in Cantonese Cantonese Cantonese it weighs tobacco was terms.


The second chapter: give up war


Article ninth [denied war to give up arms and make war, rights of]


The National Institute of justice and order in Japan, or tone and also for international peace and sincerity of hope, or a country, in case of animal rights in the war and, as in force and intimidation or force of exercise, or to solve international disputes, also by means and technique at:, forever: give up or terms in.


The purpose of the Japanese has reached in case of armed forces will, he is the use of same in force, or keep a terms:: technique for it. Country in war, Inc. to rights: terms that will it or two.


The third chapter of the rights and obligations of citizens


Article tenth [Japanese] of elements

The Japanese people for elements used for,Law(nationality) of Japan Inc. has determined will in terms.


Article eleventh [basic human rights of enjoying and nature]

The National Institute of, also at in the basic human rights of enjoying or hinder weighs two terms it. Factory of constitution, safeguard national in Japanese for basic human rights are invaded, Japanese language and Japanese, Cantonese from it in a permanent rights and at, now and future of and practice in terms of national weighs.


Article twelfth [free? Rights of obligations of prohibition of abuse, keep, use of responsibility]

Factory of constitution, safeguard national in Japanese from the freedom and rights of continuous efforts, the National Institute of engineering, analysis of and at a space to keep terms or terms it weighs tobacco was Cantonese cantonese. Also, the National Institute of environmental engineering, or abuse at two terms: it weighs in Cantonese, often in the analysis from thou at public welfare of tameni: by using terms also in responsibility or negative.


Article thirteenth [man of respect, freedom to pursue happiness in life??] title of respect

I at national, personal and Environmental Institute at San in terms of respect. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness evaliation of rights of national analysis at public welfare, it used as a technique for using anti limit use of same soul, legislation of Government: from him on, maximum of respect or necessary and also in.


Article fourteenth [Law of equality, deny, under the system of limitation of nobility, code]


I at National Institute of law of equality, in Japan, race, creed at thou analysis, gender, social status or door of soul, and the political, economic and social relations in and used it, two terms at different San hai.


The Chinese use of same in the institution of his nobles:,: or recognize it as two terms.


And as Xun chapter, use of same, he in code conferral, it used as Naru special rights with two: it studies. Nutrition: the conferral of code, or have a language terms, or the future: terms or by a generation of was in studies of limited use of same soul, or have worked up in.


Article fifteenth [official in the selected recall rights, official in the nature, general election and the guarantee of the secret vote]


The civil service has selected a, and language terms or recall also in language and used, in national natural rights from aru.


I at civil servants: servants, all official who wont thou analysis, an official at the servants': CIECC technique for it.


Official in the election of it, analysis at: adults in general election or security in and also in.


I at elections, was voted in by secret:, Inc. has invaded a at two terms: it weighs in cantonese. Studies of responsibility or election people used, use of same choice in a public, private or terms of MoO asked it in cantonese.


Article sixteenth [] petition rights

Who studies, damage of salvage, public servants, recall, legal order or rule of formulation, Fei check or correct the use of same in matters of woman, he, Wen Ping of petition rights or a woman in Japanese, as in a case of petition, or tameni Hai, Naru discrimination moo was it by two.


Article seventeenth [country & public affairs of Liability]

Who studies, official in the illegal behavior of soul, and damage by, for and was used by the,Law(the State Compensation Law) of fixed will in of soul, and language and country or public affairs, in the use of same or seek compensation for language and, as with Japan in.


Article eighteenth [slave of restraint and slavery Kara for free]

Binding studies, who studies it, Naru slave was it by two. Also, because in processing of crime in penalty by it, except at occasions: use of same meaning of Anti Japanese in slavery in San weighs two terms it's robe.


Article nineteenth [free] thought and conscience

Thought and conscience, freedom, Inc. has invaded a at two terms: it weighs in cantonese.


Article twentieth [prohibition of religious freedom of religious activities in China]


Religious liberty in WA, who in a factory or control at moo terms also in security. Hai, Naru religious affairs in the Kara special rights moo, or was, or by political power or exercise of a Cantonese Cantonese: it weighs at.


Who studies, religious behavior, in celebration, ritual or act in the Japanese language and has forced down in San Hai two terms.


Country and therefor engine: religious education, use of same he Hai, Naru religion studies at a Cantonese Cantonese: it weighs.


Article twenty-first [rally? Expression of freedom of association?, reading of prohibition, communication secret]


Assembly, association and speech, published by use of same him all of expression freedom of Wa, Inc. has also in security terms.


Reading: laboratory, Inc. has a two terms at: it weighs in cantonese. Communication secret:, Inc. or invasion at a Cantonese terms: it weighs in cantonese.


Article twenty-second [living? Transfer? Occupation choice, freedom of foreign migrant? Nationality detached for free]


Who studies, public welfare in a space limit, it against the soul living, transfer and occupation choice of free or have also in.


Whoever, in a move to foreign studies, or nationality or detached also for free or two terms to invade san.


Article twenty-third [free] knowledge of

Knowledge of freedom, Inc.: or security in terms of authentication.


Article twenty-fourth [family life in person in respect of, was Yan and noise property of equality]


Marriage: for property of consensus: first, as it was based at a couple of rights, equal, or have I in language and has a basic and at each other, in cooperation in the soul, and maintain two terms was San tobacco weighs two to two terms.


Spouse of choice, property rights, phase selection of connecting, residence, divorce and marriage and family in Ueda Yutaka, also in use of same matters, he in in a puppet, legal, or at one of Yan and respect for the nature of equality in the establishment of a formulation of two terms at San was tobacco terms it weighs in Cantonese cantonese.


Article twenty-fifth [survival rights, survival rights guarantee obligation] in China


I at National Institute of health, from culture technique for a minimum of life or business better rights or have also in.


Country:, also at section analysis of life in it, at social welfare, social security and public health in upward and promotion of efforts will Cantonese Cantonese Cantonese it weighs tobacco was terms.


Article twenty-sixth [education or by title, education was in the duty free, compulsory education:]


I at national institute,Law(education basic law article third second): set in and the language of as soul, and use of same capacity of morality, and a better applied at on education or by title or have also was in in.


I at national institute,Law(education basic law article fourth) of fixed will in of soul, and language and use of same protection for children up as general education or by San's robe was in compulsory or negative. Compulsory education, Inc., or free and also in terms.


Article twenty-seventh [labor of rights? Obligation, labor conditions of the benchmark, Department of pediatric Hackney in ban]


I at National Institute of Japanese, Qin rights or have a duty, or negative.


Wages, employment, use of same in the rest time of conditions in the Qin he, for reference: Japanese, law (labor standard law): by the terms set by Japan as.


Department of pediatric Institute, Inc. has a cool at two terms: it weighs in cantonese.


Article twenty-eighth [industrial workers, rights of knot?, body make use of same his affairs liaison rights action rights]

Service for workers, also from the junction of rights and institutions make use of same, his liaison of body action has also in rights:,: or security in terms of authentication.


Article twenty-ninth [Intellectual Property Enforcement of security]


Property rights are invaded, Inc. has a two terms at: it weighs in cantonese.


The property rights of public welfare in the content, used for injection by law (civil law, for u in the first series): by the terms set by Japan as.


Private property, while the two compensation: in terms of language, by the public of tameni with better language and, in Japan, in.


Article thirtieth [tax] duty

The national institute,Law(article eighty-fourth) of fixed will in of soul, and engineering and tax duty or negative.


Article thirty-first [of] statutory procedural safeguard

Who studies, law (criminal procedure law etc.) of fixed will in procedural and weighs two terms of tobacco was, use of same if life on a free or seize, or terms, or by use of same by the Department of punishment he weighs two terms it's robe.


Article thirty-second [by the referee or was in rights]

Who studies, referee, referee or as it was at the rights or in: it took two terms.


Article thirty-third [arrested evaliation security]

Who studies, and a criminal arrest in terms at San occasion or except at, rights limits: it has a judicial officer, also from the constitution, environmental, and analysis of reasons and technique for analysis of crime by the Japanese Society for technology at by express for writ of two terms, and weighs tobacco was arrested two terms it san.


Article thirty-fourth [or stay? Detention evaliation security]

Who studies, reason or straight UTI in terms, and to weighs, analysis of function of protecting people straight UTI rests also from the rights or and weighs two terms in terms, was tobacco suppresses or detention San two terms it. And, He Ren, as the two reasons, was detained two terms, terms, requirements of tobacco San, thou terms, use of same reason: tobacco, straight zeta of himself and therefor protecting people in attendance. Also in open court in terms of two terms from San was Cantonese Cantonese speech weighs it.


Article thirty-fifth [housebreaking? Search? He sent evaliation security]


Who studies, use of same, books, and the product of it, analysis at entry, search and Joab sent by the subject in language and it was of two rights,Article thirty-thirdOf or in addition to, or occasions at proper technique for reasons of radical, it's robe, and weighs at terms analysis of search also in place and he sent up by physical or express also by writ, two terms, tobacco was invaded San two terms it.


Search or charge account, or there are also limit: rights in constitution, judicial officer, also from the respective of writ in the soul, and for or engineering terms.


Article thirty-sixth [torture and cruel punishment prohibited] in Cantonese

Civil servants in torture and abuse of and punishment: Cantonese, absolute in terms or prohibited in Japanese language.


Article thirty-seventh [criminal defendants in the Quanli]


I criminal events in it at, at, or the defendant: Cantonese, fair referee of rapid technique for open or by referees in rights or have I was in.


The criminal defendant: I, at a witness in control of interrogation by chance at Japanese or fully in terms of and weighs, and, from their own expense of tameni mandatory procedural witness of and bottled or ask for rights or have I I in.


The criminal defendant used it, as Naru occasions of moo, qualifications or have also in function and protecting people or rests in Japanese language and, in Japan. The defendant, since the factory or rests also weighs terms in language and, with it, and from space, or from engineering: in terms of I in.


Article thirty-eighth [not interest in Cantonese, Confessions of confession extort prohibited evidence ability]


Who studies, their interests or extort confession of not Cantonese Cantonese terms it san.


If a mandatory, torture on: stress of and confessions or improper in as long on the left if the woman on the suppression of detention for terms: San after confession: terms, Inc. or evidence and also in language and, with it from space.


Who studies, their interest in not only in Cantonese, I evidence of confessions from Aru occasions of Wa, guilty and San terms, or punishment or department weighs two terms it's robe.


Article thirty-ninth [penalties of not Su and, two severe punishment prohibited]

Who studies, executive of legal analysis of Japan when thou for behavior or not only in terms of innocence and San for behavior analysis of it, the criminal responsibility of the ~ Te: ask: it has two terms. Also, the same analysis of crime of it, at at heavy criminal responsibility or Q: two terms it.


Article fortieth of criminal protection []

Who studies, or leave or imprisonment for terms, not guilty of San after referee or curtain, WA, and by case law (criminal compensation method) of fixed will in of soul, and language and country in the use of same or seek compensation for language and, as with Japan in.


The fourth chapter Congress


The forty-first Congress of the legislative rights, [position]

Congress, the highest in China: rights, from analysis of the only country at thou, in legislation, from aru.


Article forty-second [NOISE] hospital system

The house of Representatives and the Senate, Congress: House of noise from language terms or form in japanese.


Article forty-third [NOISE] house of organization


For the house, the people also has representative: for election for senator from San terms: by the organization in terms of authentication.


The house of representatives of the two fixed number, (public law, electoral law fourth): by the terms set by Japan as.


Article forty-fourth [MP & election qualifications of] people

For the house of councillors and therefor the electoral qualifications of legal person, (Institute of public election law second chapter): by the terms set by Japan as. But the woman, race, creed, gender, social status, door, education, property or revenue in the analysis of difference and at a Cantonese Cantonese: it weighs at.


The house of representatives in forty-fifth [term]

Members of the house of the term: four years, and also by the. But the woman, the dissolution of the house of representatives in occasions of Wa, use of same period before the end of the Japanese War in.


Article forty-sixth [of] the Senate term

The Senate of the term: six years, three years, and a period of members in half, and also by the change in.


Article forty-seventh [in Japanese elections, in matters of statutory]

The electoral district, voting method of use of same for the house of representatives of his election as Japanese, in matters: (public law, electoral law): by the terms set by Japan as.


Article forty-eighth [for MPS part-time ban]

At the same time, who studies of house members in case of bilateral language and used with it from space.


Article forty-ninth [of] members Kaka fee

The house of Representatives, two: Law (act of Congress thirty-fifth) of fixed will in of soul, and language and the equivalent amount of Kara fee or by kaka was in.


Article fiftieth [members of special rights] do not arrest

The house of Representatives, two: Law (act of Congress thirty-third) set in place by the addition of as it at:, Congress in session, terms, will arrest San period before the arrest of San for members, use of same terms: House of requirements, thou terms, tobacco during language terms or Shi discharge technique aka aka aka it weighs tobacco was terms.


Article fifty-first [members of development? Vote of no responsibility]

The house of Representatives, used for house wont line for speech, analysis discussion or vote for it, analysis at hospital from liability or Q: two terms it.


Article fifty-second [often]

Congress of often used every year, once called for by Japanese terms.


Article fifty-third [will] temporary

Cabinet: Congress of temporary will convene, Japanese or Japanese language and decided by Japan in,. It terms of sociological, house of four members of more than one of the requirements, thou terms, use of same cabinet: tobacco, called a space or decision was Cantonese Cantonese speech it weighs terms.


Article fifty-fourth [house of dissolution, particularly, the Senate of emergency meetings]


The house of Representatives, the dissolution of San TA and terms, used, dissolution of day Kara within forty days, in the house of Representatives: general election or for better use of same day, election of Kara within thirty days, or a space of Congress was convened two terms it weighs two tobacco.


The house of Representatives, the dissolution of San TA and terms, used, at the same time, the Senate used as closing and naru. However, a cabinet, the necessity of emergency: China, ARU and paint, the Senate of emergency meetings or used for I in language and, in Japan.


The proviso of emergency meetings, it weighs in at harvest for processing or, in terms of temporary studies from thou, time of analysis at the session of Congress: within ten days after the house of, of, it agreed to two occasions of Wa, use of same efficacy or failure.


Article fifty-fifth [members] qualifications of litigation

For the use of same house: "members of the Japanese in qualification, in litigation or the referee also in. But a member of seats, or loss of, or are's robe in the members present in three minutes of above two in most of and through necessary and also by or in.


Article fifty-sixth [be numbered? Vote]


All the same, for the house: ": general members of more than one of the three points in attendance, two terms, or open procedure was tobacco, by Japanese in language and, with it from space.


For members of the Institute, Inc. of constitution of special set of Japanese Aru occasions or in addition to it, the members present at: more than half of Japan Inc. has won a terms, whether the same number of Wa, speaker, and in Japanese and in engineering will by and by.


Article fifty-seventh [of] open, a secret meeting


House of meetings are open for, and also by the. But the woman, the members present in three minutes of above two in most of Japan through a case and with secret or open, or on the language and, in Japan.


House: for each ", use of same meeting of recording or save a secret society of records, in Japan in secret to also has special recognition for and in terms of the moo I weighs outside, Inc.: terms or public table, and a general analysis of a tobacco was issued two terms in Cantonese it weighs in cantonese.


In five of the members present a more requirements, in terms of tobacco, thou members vote:,: Proceedings of terms or a Cantonese speech was recorded two it weighs two terms.


Article fifty-eighth [officer of selection, house rules, punish]


For the house, the use of same speaker: "use of same officer or selection of him up in.


For the house, the use of same meeting: "use of same he hand sterilizer and internal discipline of Japanese rule or set of relations in college, and I, in order to construct a case or members or punishment in Japanese language and, in Japan. However, a senator or expulsion of members present, also in: in three of more than two in most of and through necessary and also by or in.


Article fifty-ninth [by, legal case of house of superior]


Case: legal, Inc. of constitution of special set of Japanese Aru occasions or in addition to it, the house can be used at noise from a case with law and will and naru.


The house of representatives of Japan won a Senate of Japan Inc., and different terms for analysis by a case of liver or legal case, the house of representatives of the members present: from three points: more than two of the majority to liquid could be from hyperplastic and with legal and Naru, e.g..


The provisions of law, set in: of I and language of soul, and the house, house of bilateral agreement, or open on language and or hinder technique for it.


The Senate, house of Representatives, in a case of legal case can be decided by the analysis of case or was after, Congress adjourns during except at or in it within sixty days, of a space and with it through the house, the Senate, WA, or use of same legal case or a case studies and the first veto of Cantonese, Japanese language and from with in.


Article sixtieth [house of budget to debate and superior]


To be used, as in a house, San put forward two terms it weighs tobacco was Cantonese cantonese.


Budget for it, the Senate from the analysis at different space and analysis through a case for or occasions, in law (act of Congress eighty-fifth) of fixed will in of soul, and engineering and for house of agreement or open it at a technique for using consistent opinion, studies and with, or the Senate, the house of Representatives certainly a case of budget or by the analysis of case, was after the congressional recess in removing it during or within thirty days, at in a space through it, or, in the house and through Congress by and also by or in.


Article sixty-first [treaty in Congress acknowledge and house of superior]

The Treaty of the necessary conclusion of two congressional recognitive in it: analysis at,Article secondThe provisions of or apply for authentication.


Article sixty-second [house policy of country, rights]

For the house, the government of China: "I, for survey or for better terms, Inc., of a witness at, of head and testimony and recording of the proposed requirements for language and by the Japanese, in Japan.


Article sixty-third [Secretary of state] of the house to attend

The cabinet minister in the same Institute of his secretary of state, used for House seats are up by a of a space and have it in and in,,,,, weighs from studies of it when motion analysis, in case I will say at present in house of Japanese language and, in Japan. Also, a cap or description of TA will attend or ask for terms and weighs, used as a curtain, attended two terms in Cantonese Cantonese speech weighs it.


Article sixty-fourth [the] elastic impeach


Congress:, recall of V. chase by the magistrate or judge the case was also in case of will, for House members from organization of Japanese in elastic impeach tribunal or was in.


Impeach of elastic, in matters: also, law (act of Congress the sixteenth chapter): by the terms set by Japan as.


The fifth chapter cabinet


Article sixty-fifth [administrative rights and cabinet]

Administrative rights are, in Japanese cabinet is in.


Article sixty-sixth [of] the cabinet organization


Cabinet:, law (article second of cabinet) set in and the language of as soul, and use of same for cabinet minister heads in Institute and therefor he of secretary of state by the organization in terms of Japan: japanese.


The cabinet minister in the same Institute of his secretary of state, the people of Japan: Cantonese Cantonese Cantonese it weighs tobacco was terms.


Cabinet: administrative rights, in exercise of it, analysis at Congress for a woman even in tropical or negative responsibility at.


Article sixty-seventh [, cabinet minister named Institute of house of superior]


Cabinet ministers, MPs: Institute of Kara Congress of Japan, Inc. has named by Japanese in terms. Factory of Wa, he also named in in case of at first analysis, engineering or for terms at.


The house of Representatives and the Senate, different space and analysis of a case by case named by the occasion, in law (act of Congress eighty-sixth) of fixed will in of soul, and engineering and for house of agreement or open during it, consistent opinion at moo a technique for using and paint, or house, named by or in a case of post, congressional recess in addition to at or within ten days of the Senate, by name, by the Japanese, a technique for it, and,, house of Congress by or in Japanese by and by.


Article sixty-eighth [Secretary of state] of appointment


The cabinet secretary, the Secretary of State Institute, has appointed by the japanese. But by use of same woman, more than half are, members of Congress in Kara chose tobacco tobacco was two terms terms it weighs in Cantonese cantonese.


The cabinet minister: Institute of, any of the Secretary of state also has recalled in language and, in Japan.


Article sixty-ninth [of] the house of no confidence in the cabinet

The house of representatives of Japan, cabinet: distrust of resolution or determination, or trust in a resolution or veto a case and within ten days of the house of Representatives, e.g., the dissolution of two terms, San to limit, or a soul, the resignation of two terms it weighs tobacco was Cantonese cantonese.


Article seventieth [cabinet minister (lack of Institute of cancer was was analysis) or general election after the resignation]

The cabinet minister, Institute for and with less was, or members of the house, after the election of the early in the Congress convened at will in, thou, for analysis and Wa, cabinet, or a space, or resignation speech was two terms it weighs in cantonese.


Seventy-first, after the resignation of the cabinet of [post]

The first two of occasions in the cabinet, the new chief executive, used for cabinet ministers, the appointment of Institute of San in terms or from lead, with use of same position by the connecting line.


Article seventy-second [position] Institute of minister of cabinet

The cabinet minister, the cabinet by the Institute of biotechnology represents a bill by Congress of a proposed at the general state, and foreign relations in the analysis of the report to congress at a, and liquid in the executive departments or command and supervision in japanese.


Article seventy-third [of] the Cabinet Affairs

The cabinet, he used in general administration affairs of foreign affairs or, in line left.


The law by the sincerity of execution, a state by the Institute for language and japanese.


Diplomatic relations or science in Japanese language and.


The treaty also has concluded in language and. But, in a timely analysis of advance, and at later, Congress recognized as: of or, in language and by the necessary and also in.


The law of definite reference for better, as by government officials, in charge of the Japanese language and Japanese from the transaction or.


To calculate or make a at Congress proposed by in Japanese language and.


The Constitution and laws of the language of the provisions or implementation also in tameni, decree or set up by the language and. But, in a decree, especially in the use of same: Law of appointment, ARU occasions or in addition to, or a penalty at: it was in language and, with it from space.


Amnesty, pardon, commutation of punishment, punishment of execution of relief and complex rights has decided in Japanese language and.


Article seventy-fourth of law Decree [?] signature of witness?

Law & Order: I, director of the Secretary of state, signed in at a cabinet minister, petition, Institute of Japanese language and Japanese in or necessary and in.


Article seventy-fifth [Secretary of state] of V. chase

The Secretary of state, used by use of same in office, the cabinet minister in the Institute, aka, tobacco was agreed terms accuse San two terms it. But the woman, Inc., V. chase for terms, as of Rights: two terms it against san.


The sixth chapter justice


Article seventy-sixth [judicial rights, referee, referee of prohibition, special magistrate of independent]


I at judicial rights: the Supreme Court, and the law (the law) of the set will in and of soul and set up the factory in lower court of genera in japanese.


The special tribunal, set up by the Institute of engineering terms in language and creative space, from it. The administrative institutions, and a final judgment or at or for language and, with it from space.


I at the magistrate or, use of same conscience of dependence is better at independent technique by use of same or better job rights for, Inc. of constitution and laws in the first constraint in terms of san.


Article seventy-seventh [of] the rule making rights


The Supreme Court, lawsuit of Japanese:, for procedural, attorney, judge the law of internal and judicial affairs processing in Japanese, in matters will limit or have also for rights in it, by the analysis of at rules set.


Police officer: laboratory, the Supreme Court decided in rules of dependence of I: two terms it weighs tobacco was Cantonese cantonese.


The Supreme Court, the Subordinate Court in WA, or set up by the rules for rights or lower limit, as the appointment of Japanese language and, in Japan, in.


Article Seventy-eighth [security] magistrate of identity

Judge: referee of soul, body, and failure of tameni position or hold in language and, with it and decided from two terms for occasions it has in addition to San WA, at public in elastic impeach of and weighs two terms was tobacco recall San two terms it. The magistrate of disciplinary isolation: administrative organization, Inc., by the terms for language and used with it from space.


Article seventy-ninth [constitution, Supreme Court of the Supreme Court of the magistrate]


The Supreme Court, or by use of same length in case of the magistrate and the law of definite will by use of same number of members of the magistrate from him: by the use of same composition technique terms, long for in outside of the magistrate magistrate:, from: by the Japanese cabinet appointed for terms.


The Supreme Court of the magistrate appointed chief executive, in use of same named after the initial will at line: in terms of house members, election of inter national review of pay a, after ten years of the same or of a case of primary will at line: in terms of the house of Representatives, election of more of the time in the midbrain, pay, use of same result and also by the same after the moo.


The applications of it in, at most, a magistrate, voters in recall and also can be in or by use of same, and paint: magistrate: San, recall in terms.


Review of studies in law (also matters: the Supreme Court, magistrate national examination method): by the terms set by Japan as.


The Supreme Court of the magistrate, Institute of law (the law fiftieth): set in age of up to as a case of Returning Officer, and also by the.


The Supreme Court of the magistrate: I, at regular in the amount of compensation or by a steel tube by the singer. In return, Zai Renzhong Institute of engineering, engineering or deduction in terms in Japanese language and, with it from space.


Article eightieth [lower court of the magistrate]


The lower court of the magistrate, Supreme Court, in a case of registration of persons named and analysis, from language terms at cabinet or appointed by the japanese. Use of same magistrate:, or ten years and a term, as San language and, in terms of Japan, in. However, a law (the law fiftieth): set in age of as I a case of back up when used in official.


The lower court of the magistrate: I, at regular in the amount of compensation or by a steel tube by the singer. In return, Zai Renzhong Institute of engineering, engineering or deduction in terms in Japanese language and, with it from space.


Article eighty-first [Law nado of constitutionality review rights]

The Supreme Court of law, order, or all, rules or isolation, the constitution of suitable for a space, also it has decided, I from the rights or have also limited in final referee from aru.


Article eighty-second [the public]


The referee for trial and judgment: in open court, or for terms Japan inc..


Court, magistrate, in Japan, the Japanese unanimously order or good or harm of customs also in Yu, ARU and won a case of occasions, for instance, in:: open a technique for using terms from engineering or for language and, in Japan. However, a political crime, published in Japanese in crime, or language of constitutionThe third chapterFrom Japanese national security by of rights, problems and analysis in event of Cantonese at society for technology for instance, often in terms:: or open a Cantonese Cantonese Cantonese it weighs tobacco was terms.


The seventh chapter Finance


Article eighty-third [Fiscal Science of rights limit]

Country of financial or science for rights, Congress also limit: through in it, at base of engineering or exercise was a two terms terms it weighs tobacco Cantonese cantonese.


Article eighty-fourth [taxation elements]

Thou for tax or a class of weighs, or current of tax or change also in law or law, as used in fixed in conditions of and I in language and by the necessary and also in.


Article eighty-fifth [country expenditure and country of the debt burden]

China has a cost expenditure, or country, debt burden, as used in the Japanese or Congress of through of based on the language and by the necessary and also in.


Article eighty-sixth [budget for producing and Congress of through]

Cabinet:, each accounting year of budget has made a Congress of proposed technique, use of same deliberation or, at the sunset or two terms of tobacco was through two it weighs in cantonese.


Article eighty-seventh [] contingency fee


I see it a difficult budget of deficiency of charging for TA will, at Congress through it as base of initial fee, or was at a responsibility of the cabinet of Japan by the Japanese language terms spending in language and, in Japan.


I at initial fee of expenditure in the analysis of it, or, after the cabinet at: as Congress of commitment or two terms of tobacco was Cantonese Cantonese it weighs.


Article eighty-eighth [cost] Royal Royal Property?

I at Royal property, as is also in China. I at Royal cost of Wa, budget of a meter, or, by Congress at in Cantonese Cantonese Cantonese it weighs tobacco was terms.


Article eighty-ninth [spending public property of the limitation of using]

The use of same in gold he public property of religious organization, or in a group of studies on: use, benefit if the woman on the maintenance of Institute for will, or male dominated in the genus of a space to charity, if education is a cause of control on: love of a factory, or spending a terms use of same, or use of a Cantonese Cantonese for: it weighs at.


Article ninetieth [accounts accounting laboratory, Institute]?


Country of revenue expenditure of the accounts, I: at every year accounting laboratory, Institute, Inc., a cabinet or terms of laboratory medicine, time of year, or in the use of same laboratory reports and studies, and in terms of a proposed by the Congress: two terms it weighs tobacco was Cantonese cantonese.


Accounting laboratory, Institute of organization and enforcement, the legal limit: (Accounting Laboratory, Institute of law): by the terms set by Japan as.


Article ninety-first [Financial] report

The cabinet, Congress, and as a regular in the national control, less on the moo, and every year, time, the financial situation in the analysis of it at a Cantonese speech was reported in Cantonese Cantonese it weighs terms.


The eighth chapter of local autonomy


Article ninety-second [] the basic principles of local self-government

The local public affairs of the organization and management of related matters: also in, local autonomy in the purpose of it, the law of the base at (local autonomy law): by the terms set by Japan as.


Article ninety-third of local public affairs of Parliament []


The local public affairs, law of set of: I of soul: for and use of same, and the engine and a parliament or by setting up at.


The local public affairs of long, use of same in parliament members and law of constant will in use of same clerk: use of same, he in the local public affairs of residents, Inc., direct election in terms by the japanese.


Article ninety-fourth [local public affairs of rights can]

The local public affairs, or use of same property management, or a transaction by the science and technique, and administrative or executive also can have a, by rights by the law of the range aboard or making up rules in language and, in Japan.


Article ninety-fifth [of] the special law referendum

One of the local public affairs of the first application in terms of San special law: Law of set in and I, Inc. of soul, and use of same local public affairs of residents of voting in and use of same it at half of it was agreed by the two terms: tobacco, Congress, Inc. has developed terms also from the language and, with it from space.


The ninth chapter correction


Article ninety-sixth [correction] of Procedural Constitution


Factory of constitution amendment, the house of representatives or, in three of two above of distribution from Congress, Inc., a, a, or terms, on the proposal at a national in the use of same by the two terms of tobacco was admitted it weighs in Cantonese cantonese. In recognition of engineering, especially in national polls, or Congress of fixed will in election of international line: in terms of it, and at the same vote of majority of distribution into or necessary and also in.


The constitution of it correct analysis atThe aforesaidIn recognition of metaphor, used, and by the emperor, in the name of Japan, National Institute of engineering and development of constitution and by the Japanese and a moo into of UTI in engineering terms, at the straight or published in japanese.


The tenth chapter the highest law


Article ninety-seventh [] nature of basic human rights

Factory of constitution, Japan in the Japanese national security for basic human rights, in the years of human: for in free of effort from analysis results of thou at: terms, CSAC: Rights: how much of past practice, as worthy of in, now and future of a national control, invasion of Japanese language and in the space of it, from the permanent rights and environmental at San for studies in terms of trust from aru.


Article ninety-eighth the highest [constitution of regulations, comply with international regulations] of the treaty?


Factory of constitution, the supreme law of Japan: Japanese analysis, use of same thou at rules of Anti Japanese in law, command, Chao Chi and liquid state in the use of same in Japanese, in his acts of all or a portion of, or use of same efficacy or have a technique for it.


Japan, conclude treaties and the establishment of a case for international regulations: San terms, Inc. has sincerity of follow up terms in language and by the necessary and also in.


Article ninety-ninth [duty] respect for the Constitution

The emperor or oral administration and the Secretary of state, members of Congress, the magistrate by use of same of civil servants, he used language of constitution or a support for compulsory or respect also negative.


The eleventh chapter is


Article 100 [date] implementation


Factory of constitution, published in Japan: a Kara starting at six months or of a case, Kara, Inc. has performed in terms of authentication.


Factory of constitution implementation by Japanese in tameni necessary legal formulation, two of the Senate in the election and Congress convened in procedural and liquid in the language of constitution implementation by Japanese in tameni necessary technique for preparing procedural, the Institute of date and bottled moo, or line: before in terms Inc. and, in Japan.


Article 101 [in Japanese in the Congress, of provisions]

Factory of constitution implementation of international, the Senate, or set up a at society for technology and it, with the same: Cantonese and formation in between, you also massively, and a house: Congress of rights or for limit at.


Article 102 a first term Senator [of]

Factory of constitution in the first stage of the Senate and in e of UTI, use of same half of users of term:,: three years and up the terms or in. Senator: use of same, law of constant will in and: in soul, Inc. has set the terms and I in.


Article 103 where [Civil Servants in Japanese, in of provisions]

Factory of constitution implementation of present in Japanese from the Secretary of state, in the house of Representatives and the magistrate and liquid in the use of same, use of same civil servants from him in the position of phase I, Inc., in place of constitution from that weighs in at those terms as society for technology, especially in the law: from a case or fixed by the occasion in addition to the constitution, it used in implementation of engineering at will, of course, in the case of use of same position or loss of language and used it in cantonese. But, in a language of constitution and analysis, at a successor, election or appointment of San TA and, of course, terms used by use of same position or loss of.