The criminal procedure law of the people's Republic of China (English Edition)

Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China
Article 1
Pursuant to the Constitution and for the purposes of guaranteeing the correct operation of the Criminal Law, punishing crime, protecting the public, safeguarding the security of the State and the public safety of society, and ensuring the socialist order, this Law is enacted

Article 2
The tasks of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China shall be: to ensure accurate and prompt ascertainment of the facts of crimes, to correctly apply laws, to punish criminal offenders, to guarantee any innocent person from criminal prosecution, to educate citizens to voluntarily observe the law and actively struggle against criminal acts, so as to uphold the socialist legal system, to protect the citizens'rights of person, rights over their property, democratic rights and other rights, and to guarantee the smooth progress of the socialist modernization

Article 3
The public security organs shall be responsible for the investigation, detention, execution of arrests and pre-trial examination in connection with criminal cases. The people's procuratorates shall be responsible for the procuratorial work, the approving of arrests, and the investigation and initiation of public prosecution in connection with cases accepted directly by them. The people's courts shall be responsible for the trial. No other organ, organization or person shall have the right to exercise such powers, unless the laws otherwise provide