The Constitution and legal relations

As the constitution, making other laws are used as standard. The constitution only made provisions in principle, and specific rules are in the relevant laws and regulations, such as the provisions of the criminal law of the civil law, equality between relations, litigation law procedure, but they make all may not conflict with the constitution, otherwise it is unconstitutional.
1 Why do we establish a constitution? Analysis of the 1954 constitutional purpose --
The data shows, China's 1954 Constitution with Stalin's proposal. The Communist Party of China was ready to make a formal constitution in the socialist stage. But Stalin thinks, the enemy can be used two statements to the worker peasant soldier carries on the propaganda, against you, you were not elected, the government is not elected; two is the national no constitution. You should take this weapon in enemy hands. "Take this weapon" is to establish a constitution. It is in this proposal, the CPC began to consider the establishment of legitimacy of constitutional regime.
   Obviously, to confer legitimacy for the existing regime, is the fundamental goal of making the 1954 constitution.
   In addition, the framers would make the Constitution provides the complete basis each aspect to the state of social life. Mao Zedong said, "an organization must have a constitution, a country must have a constitution, the constitution is a set of general rules", he wants to let the country's social life to follow. He emphasized that the basis. The 1954 draft constitution has gone through two great discussion: one is in the drafting of the personage of more than 8000 people participate in the draft constitution (Draft) discussion, made a total of more than 5900 pieces of advice. One is to carry out the 1.5 million people participate in, made a total of 1180000 to amend or supplement the views of the public discussion. Scholars will be the two big discussion as a democratic performance. But the author thinks, this should actually be regarded as is a move the pursuit of completeness. This can be obtained from Mao Zedong made in the previous discussion about the "draft" the constitution of the people's Republic of China in the speech. He said: "what are the benefits to collect these suggestions? Good, can understand there are some ideas in this eight thousand people and, can have a comparison." "Without these opinions, the draft constitution draft although basically is correct, but still incomplete, imperfect, not careful." "But today, is relatively complete the draft, this is the result of adopting rational suggestions." Stress is not complete, Mao Zedong one's claim. Zhou Enlai in the Central People's Government Committee of the twentieth meeting held in 1953 also said: (constitution) in the drafting process, the Central People's Government Committee to all members of the CPPCC National Committee, the committee, departments of the leading comrades, still can put forward to have the opinion, absorbed, the Constitution made more complete.
2, re relation between constitution and common law: "the establishment of common laws can't be in conflict with the constitution principle"
In a word, "the constitution is the mother law" concept has been difficult to load the constitution as the supreme law significance, this concept has so far only one item: requirement of the constitution text has the full completeness, so as to be able to with social development and continuous increase, ordinary law provides the legislative basis update.