The bill is how to become a law -- on the decision system American economy (three) Chen Sijin

   Congress is the highest legislative body America, only members of the house and Senate bill can be delivered to Congress, but in reality, often by law enforcement officials drafting legislation. Submitted by members of Congress act became law path, there are multiple obstacles, progress every step of the way, as long as a 'no' decisions, the bill would cease abruptly in the forward channel.


America bill is how to become a law

Text / Chen Sijin


Part I writes, when Congress received President Kennedy's "bill of rights", after a fierce debate in the house and Senate, President Kennedy was assassinated the following year (1964) in July 2nd, after Congress passed into law, is the famous "bill of rights".

In fact, it is very difficult to make laws, and prevent the bill became law, is relatively easy. Congress is the highest legislative body America, only members of the house and Senate bill can be delivered to Congress, but in reality, often by law enforcement officials drafting legislation, such as Kennedy's "bill of rights". Submitted by members of Congress act became law path, there are multiple obstacles, progress every step of the way, as long as a "no" decision, the bill would cease abruptly in the forward channel.

So some people therefore quipped, two main functions of the house and Senate members are: the formulation of laws and prevent the law. Implementation of the former need to sweat, patience and display processing creaking machines skills, while the latter is in their daily work, easily and with countless changes.

The fact that it is true. Usually, the draft law submitted to Congress the year is less thousands, as many thousands of cases. For example, America 112nd (2011 /2012) Congress (2 years for the 1), the house of Representatives received 6722 pieces of legislation, the Senate is 3715 pieces, a total of 10437 parts, finally became law only in 219 cases, the success rate of less than 2.1%, a record setting legal efficiency lowest record (a general success rate 6%). Failure of the case, including the Senate on China import tariff bill (in 2010 also had a). This bill is origin from Maine Republican Senator Snow (Olympia Snowe), as well as the Democratic senator from the state of Ohio, Brown (Sherrod Brown) submitted to Congress, and therefore from different senators Snow and Brown, then known as the bill sponsor (Sponsor).

  And want to let the bill becomes law, it must find out as much as possible joint initiative of people in congress. Bill is signed more members to support, by the greater the possibility, especially the co sponsors across party. Otherwise, a lot of legislation would be lengthy speech (Filibuster) strangle in the cradle.

Indeed. In October 11, 2011, the Senate voted 63:35 to USA through legislation, approved the reform act of currency exchange rate surveillance, to punish Chinese suspected of manipulating its currency, to request American from China import tariffs, the national currency to offset the undervalued. However, in the moment of dance for joy, the Republican led House Speaker Bona (John Boehner) said, he will not take Bill introducing the house vote. He says this is "dangerous", the economic relationship between the world's two largest economy, could trigger a trade war because of this bill. "".

In fact, if according to the normal procedure, speaker Boehner will give the Senate bill, the House subcommittee on the introduction of the hearing. But he did not do so, many bill is dead in this stage. When the bill is not to go to the next step -- Floor Action (bench bill) was quietly kill.

So for this bill, the Senate and house of Representatives why differences? In fact, this is decided by the norms of the congress.

American Congress like all organizations, a guide to conduct formal rules and informal rules, the exact specific responsibilities and not allowed to act. The constitution of each house can create their own rules, so the formal rules, house of Representatives participate very different (but both also have some common code of conduct).

The house of representatives in some fields are experts, they will with the eye of an expert to judge and delayed (or permit) a bill. So John Boehner as leader of the house, in the constitution status, is recognized as the next president and vice president, have the ability and power to control the legislation important matters. Sino US relationship is so important, he can not be?

However, even if the bill passed both houses of the review, the "journey" is far from over. The difference by the house and the Senate will, the difference is sometimes subtle, sometimes quite large. Before the act placed to the president's desk, you must override a compromise version of the bill, the Senate approved no difference. This phase is called the Conference Committee (Consultative Committee).

To avoid "consultative committee" can also, often used method has two: first, one can simply use the other House bill (every single word or phrase); second, members of both houses of the bill to revise back and forth, until the differences properly addressed, then the final vote on the bill "pass" or "veto". After further revision in not to need, to be sent to the president's desk.

  The bill became law in the process, the president plays a limited role important, so the president or his aides and advisers will consult the legislative process. If the President voted for the bill, he signed the law will become. If the president is not optimistic about the bill, but also do not want to stop, become law after the no action condition for ten days. The president can veto the bill, which will send back. But the house of representatives of the 2/3 vote to override the president's veto, still make the bill became law. But the president still can kill the bill in Congress at the end of the meeting, if he had not taken any action within ten days, while the Congress is adjourned, the veto was called a pocket veto (Pocket veto).

Unfortunately, American act according to Chinese currency this year again. In March 20, 2013, Democratic Senator Levin (Sandy Levin, Michigan) and Ruian (Tim Ryan, Ohio), joined the Republican Senator Murphy (Tim Murphy, Pennsylvania) and Brooks (Mo Brooks, Alabama) sent a bill to Congress, to the Chinese alleged currency manipulation sanctions.

We can not help but ask, members of the Congress was elected, their proposal really represent public opinion? For more details, please read the.