The banking system vulnerabilities?

The banking system vulnerability?

  Now people fromRental housingTo buy a house, the rent to owing on the loan

The word of the students----Of course!I can't spend money to buy so many houses and paved, even on the house sets out from the banks so much money to do business, all this, all thanks to the loopholes in the system of Bank!Bank loan system, it is"A good system of serving the people"Ah!

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As a pawn shop boss, to peer perspective, I think there are loopholes in the system of bank loans:

  1Evaluation method, the value of the collateral defect.

For example, when developers to use only5000Million, he can use the land mortgage1A billion;For example, developers fix floor repair to the roof, it only7000Million(With the money)However, he can use this building mortgage2A billion. If, in accordance with our pawning the rules to do, things would be?When the development of commercial land mortgages, I will personally go to verify: developers get the land, whether really to the government5000Million.

And, if this is the case, he can only loan4000Million. Because I have accrued risk fund!When the development of the building of commercial mortgage loans, I will personally go to verify: developers for the repair of the building, really spent2000Million(Only the construction cost, no more). I will be in accordance with the various artificial, all kinds of building materials to the lowest building cost accounting. And, if the developers of the repair of the building did spend2000Million, he could only loans7000Million* 0.8=5600Million(Mortgage together).

Finally, when the purchase of mortgage loans, I absolutely can not in accordance with the"The transaction price of the purchase contract"To grant loans, the loan amount most home buyers can get is:7000Million* 0.8 *The purchase area/The total area.

Example: there is a clothes trader because business turnover, need to dress as collateral to bank loans. Tell us your opinion, is the bank"In accordance with the ex factory price of clothes8Fold"Give him the loan?Or the"According to the retail price of the dress8Fold"Give him a loan. Author statement: of course the ex factory price calculation. If in accordance with the retail price is, selling clothes merchant simply do not shop, he directly to the clothes sold to banks to make money faster!

Well, I understand, no wonder that will appear in the Chinese"The house was used to stir, not to live;Commercial housing is sold to the banks, not to the people"This anecdote!!!Students say: Yes!The mortgage of real value, is not determined by customers!!