The 2012 Canadian University Law School Rankings

                 The 2012 Canadian University Law School Rankings

1 University Of Toronto of the University of Toronto

McGill University Mcgill University, 2

3 Osgoode Hall Law School of York University

  Osgood of the York University School of law

Ottawa University Ottawa University, 4

5 Queen 's University of the Queen's University

6 Dalhousie University Dell Dalhousie University

7 University of Alberta University of Alberta

8 University Of Victoria of the University of Victoria

9 University of British Columbia (UBC) of The University of British Columbia

10 University Of Saskatchewan card Sichuan University of Texas

11 University Of Manitoba of the The University of Manitoba

12 University Of New Brunswick of the University of New Brunswick

13 The University of Western Ontario of the University of Western Ontario

14 University Of Windsor of the University of Windsor

15 University Of Calgary of the University of Calgary

16 University Of Moncton MAC University