Teaching exam review topics overview

Foreign criminal law science teaching exam review topics overview

A, noun explanation

1, the modesty of the criminal law    2, retribution       3, the purpose of punishment  

4, criminal objectivism       5, criminal subjectivism  6, the qualifications punishment

7, direct principal offender           8 the indirect principal offender       9, the reason free behavior 

10, the epidemiology causality      11, formal illegality     12, the essence of illegality

13, objective illegality      14, the theory of subjective illegality15, the result has no value

16, conduct without value       17, ground for elimination of illegality18, the imaginary defense

19, self-help behavior            20, responsibility         21, the new negligence theory

22, the new negligence theory        23, the anticipated possibility    The common principal offender 24, collusion

25, Indefinite Penalty          26, days fine system     27, the Irish system       

28, the narrow sense of security measures       29, crime of violence        30, the crime of Embezzlement

31, the old negligence theory             32, the narrow sense accomplice      33, implicated offense

34, the recidivist               35, probation              36, the new negligence theory

Two, single choice

1, "crime and punishment" the author of one book is: (    )

A, Feuerbach            B, Lombroso

C, Beccaria           D, Phil

2, first put forward in the psychological coercion theory, and as the theoretical basis of the principle of legality of the scholars is: (    )

A, Feuerbach            B, Bentham

C, Beccaria           D, Lester

3, the following does not belong to the representative of the new is: (        )

A, Lombroso          B, Beccaria

C, Lester            D, Phil

4, before the two World War, in the German criminal law occupies dominant position is (behavior theory    )

A, causal behavior theory       B, the theory of social behavior

C, on the purpose of behavior         D, the theory of social behavior

5, in German, Japanese criminal theory, does not belong to the elements of the elements is (    )

A, behavior        B, behavior subject

C, object of behavior     D, anticipated possibility

6, adhere to the obligation of foreseeing result as the center of the negligence theory (      )

A, the old negligence theory    B, the new negligence theory

C, the new negligence theory  D, said conditions

7, in distinguishing the impossibility and attempted crime on the standard of criminal law, Germany take (  )

A, purely subjective to say        B risk, subjective said

C, specific danger "        Risk of D, objectively speaking

8, about the difference between the principal and the accomplice, accomplice concept advocated Limited (  )

A, implement the behavior being mean and is based on principal, and the implementation of behavior based on the meaning of the added Tam is the accomplice.

B, the results were the causes is the principal offender; the simple conditions effect on the result, as accomplice.

C, think to bodily their direct implementation of elements of the people is the principal, in addition the participants are accomplice

D, on the realization of any crime condition of people, are implemented in compliance with the constitution of elements, which are the principal.

By using formal 9, indefinite penalty as a penalty system, occurred in the first (  )

A, America        B, Australia

C, Ireland     D, UK

10, about the beginning period, the Japanese criminal law theory and judicial practice it is (    )

A, the onset of labor said         B, a show that

C, all exposed said        D,Independent breath say

11, adhere to the results to avoid duty as the center of the negligence theory (      )

A, the old negligence theory    B, the new negligence theory

C, the new negligence theory

12, the theory of anticipated possibility comes from the earliest (     )

A, Germany's 1897 "hobby horse"     B, Japan in 1933 fifth "Bai Island pills events"

C, nineteenth Century 60 Japan Morinaga milk event   D, Japan's Minamata disease cases

13, in the modern penalty system, is at the center of the penalty is (    )

A, the death penalty    B, the free punishment    C, the property punishment    D, the qualifications punishment

14, about the causes of crime, adhere to the "born criminal", that the physical constitution specific crime is rooted in the criminal's is (      )

A, Lombroso  B, Phil      

 C, Lester     D, Feuerbach

15, on the foreign criminal verdict that the countries of the European Economic Community, take the approach is (      )

Recognition of the positive A, foreign criminal judgment      B, foreign penal sentence negative acknowledgement

C, will not admit foreign criminal judgment      D, the recognition of foreign criminal verdict of guilty

16, epidemiology causality to (    )

A, intentional crimes    B, all criminal cases

C, all negligence crime cases D, industry, food, medicine and other pollution crime

17, in the common crime, criminal means (      )

A, perpetrator   B, help offender  C,, instigator D, coerced offender

18, for the first time from the cruelty of death penalty system, theoretical argument inhumane and unnecessary, explicitly proposed the abolition of the death penalty or strictly limit the application of the death penalty is (      )

A, Feuerbach      B, Beccaria     C, Bentham    D, Lester

19, about "the cognizance of the criminal law," Japan is taken (    )

A, the essence of the objective      B, subjective theory  

C, the formal objective theory       D, compromise

20, to the cause of freedom, the criminal law (in Germany    )

A, the current criminal law does not expressly   

B, in the specific provisions of the criminal law as an independent crime

C, the provisions in the general principles of criminal law, and affirms its punishment

D, expressly provided in criminal law does not have the punishment

21, look forward to the possibility of (    Essential factor

A, the constituent elements of a compliance   B, illegal    C, responsibility Elements of D, intentional or negligent

22, the first being institutionalized in (      )

A, UK                B, the British colonial Australia

C, America                `D, Germany

23`, designed for the disadvantages of remedial long-term freedom penalty system is: (    )

A, recidivism system      B, the probation system

C, the parole system      D, the combined punishment for several crimes

24, the following is not the education theory of punishment, intent penal theory as the theoretical basis is: (    )

A, security punishment system        B, the parole system

`C, the probation system            D, the legal principle of crime and punishment

25, the scholars of criminal law enlightenment of social contract theory is: (    )

A, Montesquieu   B, Rock  C, Rousseau   D, Kant

26, in the subjective meaning of treatment to the criminal, the criminal modern school advocates (   )

A, free meaning theory             B, decision theory

C, moral responsibility             D, the theory of social responsibility

27, the justifiable defense is not to bear criminal responsibility, because of the lack of constitution of a crime (     ) elements.

A, deserve   B, accountability   C, illegal   D, compliance

28, actors have common processing on the specific crime in the subjective, to achieve a common criminal intent, to the accomplice. The theory is called: (      )

A,          Independent said                 B, common crime

C, act together                 D, accomplice subordination said

29, foreign criminal law for the death penalty trend view is: (    )

A, completely abolished                    B, retention, but the overall reduction

C, retention, but the overall expansion            D, again, hard to foresee

30, Smith is a forest planning wood workers, labor rest space smoking friends, because something urgent to find him, throw cigarette butts on the ground, causing a fire. The workers are: (    )

A,          The cognitive negligence                B, professional negligence

C, illegal negligence                    D, there is recognition of the professional negligence

31, the theft was sentenced to imprisonment Harry have a year, suspended for two years, second years and robbery should be sentenced to three years in prison on the day of judgment. Zhang: (genus     )

A, recidivism   B, repeat offenders     C, continuous offence   D, punish the guilty

32, John has a star, a day will be held hostage to the star from his room, to eat and drink, but not to move around freely, causing the star was forced to live for seven days, after being rescued by people. John: (Acts     )

A, state crime B, in place of crime   C, continuous offence    D, continuous crime

33, William often alcoholism, drugs and gang and others, the (    )

A, B, labor disposition monitoring measures B, good assuranceC, corrective action

34, Americans Taylor robbery committed in October 1, 1990, shall be sentenced to 7 years in July 31, 1995, theft, shall be sentenced to 2 years in prison. In July 31, 2000 caught. The (it should be prosecuted    )

A, innocentB, robbery and theft crime, theft of two CD, robbery

35, human sexual stimulation or meet and Implementation Based on sex, the subjective elements ( )

A, the purpose offense B, crime of tendencyC, the expressive offense D, habitual offender

36, a battery B, B is injured, B by ambulance traffic accident on the way to death, B. A causal relationship between behavior and B beating death. This view of causality in Criminal Law (in     ).

A, reasonB, C, the conditions that the causal relationshipD, disease theory

37, people use weapon to stab victims body, also caused the victim of expensive clothes damage. This behavior should be identified as: (        )

A, just a crimeA crime, the evaluation of the BC, a crime sentencingD, and crime

38, the criminal law of many countries generally implement (on recidivism    ) punishment.

A, heavier    B, aggravated    C, basic sentence  D, lenient

39, to correctly understand the criminal negligence is (   )

A, punishment intentionally, not to punish negligence   B, negligence is the only result crime

The core C, negligence is not pay attention to     C, the new negligence theory emphasizes the obligation to foresee results

40, the theory of anticipated possibility comes from the earliest (    The criminal judgment).

A, France   C, Germany  C, Japan  D, Italy

The essential difference between the 41, penalty and security measures is (    )

A, conduct themselvesB, ethicsC, weight is differentD, for different purposes

42, if the investigating authorities have to determine who is the criminal, but do not know where the crime, criminal spontaneous reporting crimes, L. (    ).

A, surrender B, Confessions  C, the first service D, non surrender

43, the relationship between absorption law concurrence, applicable (   Principle.

A, a special method is better than the general method   B, basic law prior to supplement method

C, completely method is better than the incomplete law D, weight method is better than the light method

44, from the angle of criminal legislation, criminal responsibility judgment ability to take (   Method.

A, biology  C, medical C, psychology D, mixed

45, Japan Minamata disease cases and (    ) theory.

A, anticipated possibility          B, the new negligence theory

C, epidemiology causality theory    `D, theory of impossibility

46, and make up for the defect of short-term freedom penalty (independent system    )

A, weekend detention system        B, semi detention system

C, the Anglo American social service orderD, silent system

47, about the indefinite penalty system, the correct term is (  )

A,Its theoretical basis is the theory of criminal classical school

B,First the system in Germany

C,Mainly applicable to a felony

D,Is the product of the theory of the Criminal Modern School

48, do not belong to the property punishment (penalty is       )

A, fine      B, the confiscation of property

C, rehabilitation      D, Department of materials

49, against the national interests and apply their criminal law, embodies the criminal law on the scope of application (in space  )

A, the principle of territory              B, personal principle

C, protection principle              D, the principle of universal

In line with the 50 principal components, the behavior and illegal, accomplice was set up, which is (    ) claims

A, minimum subordination              B, restriction from the property

`C, extreme dependency                `D, the most extreme dependency

Three, determine the title

1, the criminal law is regarded as both "good people's charter", and "criminal's charter". (    )

2, the contemporary criminal law is a kind of protection of the interests of the law and safeguard the social ethic law. (        )

3, at present in the field of administrative law in the Anglo American legal system, intentional, negligence is not recognized as a basic requirement for the blame. (        )

4, crime subjective thought, the foundation of criminal responsibility is reflected in the external behavior of crime people, realistic behavior is the base of the conviction and sentence. (      )

5 criminal classical school advocates the crime decision theory, social responsibility theory, the main purpose of punishment is to prevent crime. (    )

6, no punishment is undeserved punishment behavior, no cracks, uneven punishment is the principle of legality. (    )

The 7 constituent elements of a compliance judgment is a kind of objective without value judgment (    )

8, illegal judgment is a specific non subjective values, but also a positive judgment. (        )

9, objective behavior theory that human behavior is not only the whole process of causality, and objective activities of the whole process. (    )

10, in line with the Constitution and law is a "smoke" and "fire". (    )

11 help offender and the instigator with is the basic elements of criminal law. (    )

12, a beaten B to B, B take injured, ambulance traffic accident appeared in the way, death induced by ethylene. The German judicial practice and judicial theory think the assault a and B behavior exist causal relationship. (    )

The 13 act without value theory claims that evil behavior, evil heart is mainly according to the law, pay attention to behavior in the illegal judgment on the anti ethical and moral nature. (      )

14, on the question of the status of the causal behavior, theory that intention is the responsibility, and the objective behavior theory is that the elements of the elements. (  )

15, about the responsibility nature, the old theory is meant the ability or capacity of crime; and new claims is the penalty ability. (       )

16, thought it was a gun, in fact each other is himself, at present, criminal traffic view specific meet said, should according to intentional homicide lethal attempt and negligence imagination joinder of treatment. (    )

17, the scope of the punishment of attempted offense, the criminal law to give punishment to all intentional crime. (      )

18, in the common crime, criminal law, conduct in the efforts to stop but it still happens, according to the discontinuation of treatment. (        )

19, according to the provisions of the criminal code, security measures mainly applies to intentional crime and negligent crime lighter. (        )

20, third from the thieves steal property, the right to say don't think the establishment of theft, theft has said that the establishment of.

21, to conduct their own direct, positive physical activity to implement the provisions of criminal elements of the crime, called the indirect principal offender.                        (      )

22, for the protection of law may not be infringed upon, the criminal law stipulates that all is not usually as behavior can be set up not as a crime.                                    (    )

23, the people without responsibility of physical activity is a crime, abettor, rather than the indirect principal offender. (    )

24, contrary to reason free behavior, with "behavior and responsibility existing at the same time, the principle of" criminal law usually provision is not punishable behavior. (    )

25, dangerous crime can be divided into concrete dangerous offense and abstract dangerous crime, the former is to have a law against the specific risk for the elements of the crime, the latter only abstract danger on the establishment of the crime. (    )

In 26, the question of causality, reason is the traffic using the international standard of criminal law.(    )

27, security measures is mainly applied to criminal negligence (misdemeanor    )

28, the violation of people without responsibility can justifiable defense problems, subjective illegitimacy theory that their behavior is not illegal, and therefore cannot be justifiable defense.(      )

29, illegal resistance based on promise of the victim behavior argument is based on the principle of superior interest. (   )

30, the imaginary defense can stop it deliberately, also negates the existence, so it is not a punishment.(    )

31, security measure results from the theory of retributive punishment to moral responsibility based on the (    )

32, whether the actor has risk is decided the only condition applies security measures (    )

33, security measures can be applicable criminal behavior can be applied to general illegal behavior (      )

34, security punishment and penalty can only choose a suitable, after the punishment cannot apply security measures, (  )

35 the parole is intent penal theory as the theoretical basis to the education theory of punishment,, is designed primarily for remedial term freedom penalty.

(  )

36, in common, after the court trial to determine the act constitutes a crime, for conviction, and declared that the penalty, but the conditions are not for execution of the punishment. (    )

37, recidivism is the same person has two times the crime (Crime    )

38, at present, fine penalty only applies to property crime, which in practice is not widely used. (  )

Established in 39, Indefinite Penalty System in the criminal classical school on the basis of the theory of (    )

40, the old negligence theory to the challenge of duty as the center, to the theory of allowed dangerous based (      )

41, the modern various countries criminal law usually directly positive provisions of responsibility (    )

42, the responsibility judgment is made on the behavior of the subjective, the judgment (    )

43, the psychological responsibility, behavior person with ability of responsibility, also has the deliberate negligence, would be the responsibility of the perpetrator. (    )

44, "without responsibility there is no punishment", which is one of the fundamental principles of modern criminal law.

45, all the victim damage behaviors are obstructing illegality. (      )

46, emergency shelter damage can avoid damage (more than      )

47, excessive defense, refuge when are obstructing illegality defenses (        )

48, the results of no value theory holds that illegality is against the interests of the law or threat, produce bad results is illegal according to the. (      )

In 49, the penalty system, the death penalty and corporal punishment is the center.(    )

50, "punished behavior but not act", this is the criminal classical school claims.(  )

Four, multiple choice questions

1, the main representative of the new criminal law are: (    )

A, Lombroso           B, Feuerbach

C, Beccaria           D, Phil

The main point of 2, the old school in the criminal law crime theory are: (      )

A, humans have free will, crime is man's free will choice result psychology

B, criminal responsibility is reflected in the external behavior of crime people.

C, criminal responsibility is antisocial offenders

D, a crime is an inevitable outcome of the comprehensive effects of human physiological reason, social reason and natural causes

3, elements of constitution of crime, criminal law theory of Germany and Japan generally include the following (    Essential factor

A, the constituent elements of a compliance     B, illegal   

C, accountability            D, the object of crime

4, in Germany, the Japanese criminal law, the following (about behavior theory      View)

A, causal behavior theory      B, on the purpose of behavior        

C, the theory of social behavior        D, personality behavior theory

5, on the ground for elimination of illegality in nature, foreign criminal law theory has the following three claims (    )

A said, interest measure    B, to say      

C, social correspondence    D, responsibility resistance said

6, in the foreign criminal law, Dutch act related crime includes the crime (    )

A, the Dutch act act    B, help Dutch act

C, entrust homicide  D, the promise of homicide

7, in Germany, the Japanese criminal law, the crime of abandonment (mainly have the following    The type)

A, only the crime of abandonment        B, the responsibility to protect those who abandon crime

C, abandoned deadly injury blame      D, the crime of abandonment relatives

8, in the western science of criminal law, as the short-term free punishment instead of means (    )

A, conversion of fine penalty     B, the execution of punishment, declares hesitate hesitation

C, forced labor         D, deprivation of civil rights

9 theoretical basis, the new negligence theory is: (    )

The risk of A, allowed        B, legal risk allocation

C, the principle of trust            D, fuzzy insecurity, fear

10, the following in accordance with requirements of the principle of legality has (        )

A, legal realism     B, retroactive law   

C, prohibition of analogy to explainD,The principle of definiteness

The emergency shelter conditions, about (11      )

A, there is danger      B, shall not have

C, the refuge          D, shelter the damage may exceed its to avoid damage

12, in Germany, in criminal law, responsibility generally considered to include (    )

A, responsibility          B, willful negligence

C, the identity of the perpetrator      D, anticipated possibility

13, about the conditions for establishment of discontinuation of crime, criminal law general provisions (      )

A, arbitrary        B, the act of suspension

C, no results  The causal relationship between the D, suspend the behavior and the result will not occur

About 14 of collusive coprincipals establishment conditions (    )

A, there are more than two common requirements 

B, all the colluders have clear perpetrator

C, all the conspirators are directly implemented crime 

D conspiracy, a section of the people of the direct implementation of the crime

15, in the common crime, the narrow sense accomplice refers to (    )

A, principal offender    B, the instigator    C, help offender   D, coerced offender

In Germany, 16 in criminal law, security measures are generally applicable to (    )

A, because of taking alcohol habits and crime behavior

Criminal behavior B, because sexual impulse and the implementation of the

C, misdemeanor criminal negligence

Illegal acts performed by D, irresponsible

17, about the murder was agreed conditions (    )

A, trust and commitment have understanding, identification

B, must be my true purpose

C, trust and commitment must be express    

D, trust and commitment must hope no survival

18, in German, Japanese criminal law, the crime of abandonment is (object  )

A, is limited to relatives    B, no rescue force people

C, because of old age, young people without the rescue force

D, because of physical disability or illness who needs assistance

19, in German, Japanese criminal law, the crime of embezzlement can be divided into (    )

A, the crime of Embezzlement    B, the business of crime of Embezzlement

C, appropriation from the compound guilty of  D, increase the crime of Embezzlement

The main representative, modern school has (20      )

A, Lombroso    B, Beccaria

C, Lester     D, Phil

The function of criminal law, about 21, according to the theory of modern criminal law are: (  )

A, behavior regulation function        B, legal benefit protection function

C, maintaining ethical function        D, the function to protect liberty

22, the old school the main point in the criminal theory are: (      )

A, humans have free will, crime is man's free will choice result psychology

B, criminal responsibility is reflected in the external behavior of crime people.

C, criminal responsibility is antisocial offenders

D, a crime is an inevitable outcome of the comprehensive effects of human physiological reason, social reason and natural causes

23, in German, Japanese criminal law scholars, about the constituent elements of a compliance judgment generally (    )

A, an objective and non value judgement        B, a kind of illegality and objective judgment

C, a kind of subjective illegality judgment           D, elements are violations of the type

24, which of the following theories related to the production of the punishment of crime and pollution (      )

A, causality said      B, epidemiology causality said

C, the new negligence theory              `D, the new negligence theory

25, the following reasons belong to the ground for elimination of illegality is (    )

A, act        B, self destructive behavior

Homicide C, commitment D, self-help behavior

26, about the responsibility judgment, the following statements are correct (      )

A, is a kind of objective without value judgment    B, is a kind of subjective value judgment

C, is a kind of illegal subjective judgment     D, is a specific value judgement

27, elements of liability, generally considered to include (    )

A, responsibility    B, willful negligence

C, consciousness of illegality  D, anticipated possibility

28, about the possibility of expectation, which of the following errors is (  )

`A, look forward to the possibility of elements belonging to the responsibility    B, look forward to the possibility of resistance but have no behavior illegality

C, the anticipated possibility is the element of illegality     `D, the theory of anticipated possibility originated from Japan's "Minamata disease cases"

29, according to the judicial practice in Japan, does not belong to the impossibility is (    )

A,Will not reach the lethal amount of air into the vein;

B,No money in his pocket to the implementation of theft;

C,The police shot and no bullet;

D,To make doping, but the use of raw materials can not be produced.

30 disadvantages of short-term freedom penalty, mainly (    )

A,There is not enough time to education, improve the victim

B,The victim is easy to infect each other vices, the personal dangerousness;

C,Took up too much of the prison facilities, resulting in excessive burden to the execution practice.

D,No force on the profit-making crime.

31, the elimination of main (  ")

A, the criminal is dead    B, the dangerousness of the criminal

C, exceed the limitation period  D, the punishment has been completely executed

32, about the conditions for the application of parole is generally: (      )

A, generally applicable to lesser crimes    B, the victim must go through the legal time limit

C, the victim shall repent      D, the victim must have rendered meritorious service

33, on the implementation of the hesitation system of statements are correct (    )

A,The establishment of the system is mainly to avoid the disadvantages of short-term freedom penalty execution of the

B,Mainly applicable to the lesser crimes

C,People do not have a criminal record, or has a criminal record but has been a certain period of time

D,Have to be of a certain test period of suspension of offenders

34, about the qualification penalty, the criminal law general provisions:(    )

A, deprivation of rights            B, deprivation of parental rights

C, deprivation in certain occupation or business right  D, deprived of the right to engage in certain activities

35, about the attempted crime, the following statements are correct (    )

A,Attempted offense with the basic constitutive elements of crime

B,Attempted offense is the crime with modified elements

C,The criminal law stipulates that all attempted crime must be punished

D,Attempted crime punishment is based on sexual risk behavior itself with the

36, about the new negligence theory, the following statements are correct:(        )

A,The new negligence theory is mainly to overcome the old negligence theory problem of large scope of punishment;

B,The new negligence theory to the foreseeable obligations as the center;

C,The new negligence theory result avoidance obligation as the center;

D,The foundation for the development of the new negligence theory is the theory of allowed dangerous

37, the moral responsibility is: (    )

The old school A, the idea of criminal law theory    B, that the crime is the free will of human behavior based on the implementation of;

C, believe that the implementation of crime activities based on free will, to be ethical;

E,There is a danger to society, social division, as means of social defense penalty punishment legal status.

38, belongs to the criminal classical school, and not to the opinions of the Criminal Modern School: (    )

A, moral responsibility               B, specifically to the prisoner  

C, holds retributive punishment                D, free meaning theory

Structure 39, normative responsibility should include the following aspects: (     )

A, psychological factsB, standard evaluationC, D, look forward to the possibility of causal control standards

40, the theory was based on the following contents: (     )

A, remedy the disadvantages of short-term punishment against freedom        B, must be attached to the protection observed measures

Expression of C, jurisdiction, the verdict form declaration  D, the test period, can be regarded as the punishment has been completely executed

41, Porsche is a French family of the maid, is mainly responsible for looking after the children. Due to chat with the neighbors maid concentrate, had not found the child out of the building by playing, children nearly falls. Porsche's behavior belongs to (     )

A, negligence B, not as a crime C, attempted crime  D, dangerous crime

42, Douglas not because of the police traffic control, while the car to hit the police induced injury. The act of (    Should (,)  Handle.

A, imaginative joinder of offencesB, implicated offense  C, overlapping absorption  D, choose a heavier punishment

43, Jack and Tom did not know each other, one day happen to have slipped into an apartment to steal, steal their own things, but the one Jack cannot move TV, asked Tom to help me lift down the stairs. And then Tom back to the apartment to steal after leaving the site. The two men (    )

A, accidental coincidence                B, not an accomplice

Jack C, principal, Tom helped make      Tom D, the one-sided accomplice

44, Kent knows a acquaintance purse is empty, and constantly with Costa said "this person has a lot of money in the purse, you to steal." Star after listening to the implementation of the theft, but just when he was caught out. Kent's behavior belongs to (  )

A, instigated attempted            B, attempted instigation

C, false instigation         D, the indirect principal offender

45, Close drove in Carter ordered drinks, killed a pedestrian escape. The act of (  )

A, the principal and the indirect principal offender               B, the aggregated consequential offense

C, accomplished offense                         D, a known criminal negligence

46, the switchman for drinking drunken, in the loss of responsibility state, not down on the train before the arrival of the railing, cause the train collided with a car by penalty sanctions. This case reflects what theories (        )?

A, not as a crime theory                B, indirect principal theory

C, the cause of freedom theory            D, behavior and responsibility at the same time ontology

47, formal illegality and substantive illegality relationship can be expressed as (   ).

A, the corresponding concept, not the concept of opposites; B, opposite concept, not the concept of

C, on the ground for elimination of misfeasance as media   D, some behavior has substantive illegality, but has no formal illegality

48, the theory of social responsibility, think (        These people also have responsibilities). And the moral responsibility of contrast.

A, the mental patientB, drunk people C, criminal minors  D, tramp

49, the first to comply with the requirements of intentional elements that have knowledge, if in the murder case, usually have to be in the know which of the following facts: (       )

A, realize the important parts of the body with a gunshot victim

B, realize the behavior is "murder" behavior

C, recognizing the murder is illegal

D, recognizing the homicide behavior is consistent with the relevant provisions of the criminal law

50, foreign criminal law cannot be regarded as crime are: (        )

A, the dead fetus underwent abortion operation

B, with normal saline

C, will not achieve the dose of poison into others drink

D, the victim suffers from diabetes and its drinking sugar high food

Five, question and answer

What are the basic idea of criminal law 1, old school?

What are the basic 2 point of view, the criminal law in school?

3, comparison of retribution and purpose theory of punishment

4, comparison of objectivism and subjectivism criminal crime.

5, the establishment of conditions of epidemiology causality.

6, more formal illegality and substantive illegality

7, objective law and subjective illegality

8, compare the behavior without value and the result of no value

9, the condition of justifiable defense

10, the proper hedging condition.

11, compare the moral responsibility theory and the theory of social responsibility

12, compare the mental liability and responsibility theory.

13, compare the new negligence theory and the old negligence theory.

14, the concept and criteria for judging the possibility of expectation.

15, the establishment of conditions of the discontinuation of crime

16, compare the accomplice subordination theory and accomplice independence theory.

17, the concept of complicity common perpetrator and establishment conditions.

18, the disadvantages of short-term penalty of depriving freedom.

19, the day fine system.

Qualification 20, Jian Shude, and Japanese criminal law punishment content.

21, comparison of Anglo American law system and continental law system of probation.

22, the concept of security measures and applicable conditions.

The 23 day, Jian Shude, in the abandonment crime.

The 24 day, Jian Shude, in the criminal law of the crime of embezzlement.

25, the protection of foreign criminal law on property crime related theoretical interests.