Matching interest repayment:Repayment of principal and interest on the monthly increase, reduce the monthly repayment amount, the same.This repayment method is suitable for the now less income, while the expected future income of companies with high repayment, the calculation is simple, convenient, financial planning.
Matching principal repayment:Repayment of principal and interest unchanged, reduce the monthly repayment amount, reduce the monthly.For income in the peak of the company, in the same length of the loan principal, the same case matching principal, interest paid less than matching the repayment of principal and interest paid by.
Decreasing matching incremental and matching:The two repayment methods is matching interest variants, just put a loan period is divided into a plurality of the loan period, is matching interest repayment in a plurality of the loan period, incremental amount or the amount of decline among a plurality of the loan period, it is suitable the crowd is similar to a matching interest repayment and the repayment of principal amount of.
Fortnight:Biweekly for shortening the repayment period, higher than the original monthly repayment repayment frequency, the resulting is the principal amount of the loan to reduce faster, also means the return throughout the repayment period of loan interest, the return will be far less than the monthly repayment of the loan interest, the gold reduce speed.ForWorkAnd stable income people,ChoiceFortnight is very appropriate.
Mobile portfolio repayment:Flexible repayment plan according to the lenders.Efficient use of repayment of funds through the plan, it was adapted to unstable income, population.
Soft loan:The olderParentsChildren's loan portfolio and younger, mortgage time according to age small repayment calculation.This solves the small age, such as just in the company purchase demand.Suitable for harmony and financial simple family.
Repayment:And the bank agreed in a certain period of time only small amount of loan interest, at a certain time matching interest repayment or matching principal repayment.Application of current income less, population.
Revolving credit:Will the property as collateral to obtain loans in the bank, and then fractionated extraction in the loan period, suitable for improvementHouseHome.