Students write China and America 10 gap

A mayor and civilians, not what two things

I remember in 2000 in OSU, Bush and Gore are going to OSU speech for votes. I drive from home to school at that time, closer to the school on the yard, two police prompted me to stop. I stopped to watch, saw four black car passed, then two police motorcycle away. For a while after the school hall, just know Bush comrades in speech, four black car was parked outside just see. I think this is not disturbing that act in Chinese is certainly not do, usually to a few blocks of martial law.

Christmas in 2001, Sherry to the Silicon Valley concert, I certainly do not miss to go to watch. The show also please SANJOSE
(Silicon Valley English city name) mayor, near the end of the performance, Sherry asked the mayor took office, table and many viewers, the mayor naturally and audience together with Sherry's song to sing and dance. The song ended, the mayor stood at the team make no reply, and the audience came down to queue.

I think at that time, which should be in the China, mayor is not in the table was introduced to compliment a, later no longer speak a few words, then by all the applause and look down the glorious went down, the event will be. Some people like the mayor be furious, punishment......

Two, USA restaurant not Lounge

To eat one and two China friends, which is a Peking University students, witty agile response, I like listening to him very much, he can always take a very boring things funny anomaly. That is no exception, he smiled and asked me: "have you found it? No American lounge restaurant." I nodded, he went on to say: "if a restaurant in America also get a private room, the boss met rich shout: please! It must make a few lifetime money are not litigation." The customer came, pointing to the booth said: I want to take that position! If you do not pay do not seat, it must be on the court, the boss was treated by discrimination sin, that what the spirit of damages at sixes and sevens a together, no method.

America school to practice of equal right law, it is in accordance with the proportion of ethnic students. For example, black students learning in general, they are not good, but when university students, must be based on the equal right law students a certain proportion of black students, not because of the black score than other racial difference, university campus there is no black students.

Three, the ordinary people have social security

Former days he wrote an article about medical system in the article, I was reading a scare, the heart also really sad. This market is not the market, called at sixes and sevens liberalization. In developed countries, nor the absolute market, such as America medical education in many aspects are not market. Medical insurance system, from their own family to buy the company's health insurance, such as my husband's company bought us a medical insurance, if there are children, children also buy. Year of the family income below $30000, the state will be the corresponding medical insurance policy, of course, there are still can't afford to buy a good medical insurance. I met a 70 year old woman, had the operation fee a big operation spent $about 800000, is Chinese over to see children, green card China citizens, to the hospital did not pay medical insurance. The hospital established, or move operation, according to the old lady's income each month, more than 80 $to repay, actually to death I estimate is not ten thousand dollars.

Remember China workers to buy a house is where the unit is responsible for, buy a house now began to market, the first two days to see an article, said China to increase the pace of real estate reform if you don't slow down would be a problem. In fact, the residents to buy a house should not be completely market-oriented, America government actually share the residents to buy a house, for example, a friend bought a HOUSE of 540000, 30 years to pay off each month, 2700$, but the government tax rebate each month about 500$, which is part of the burden of the cost of government.

And education, I am 96 years of University, started at their own expense system that Chinese college tuition, I was like a semester 2400 yuan, in fact, for many families this is a big expenditure. But America education system is not fully market-oriented, if you can afford to go to a private school, the family is on the general public schools. This year I file returns discovery, in California, if you are a California residents (the tax year in California is California residents), then you or your spouse undergraduate child if the first two years, tuition fees can be refunded 92%, after two years is more than 70%. Graduate students back, I calculate California residents, a $one thousand more in class seemed more than 300. If this is too expensive to community college, every credit more than ten dollars, to three or four and then transferred to the State University, all the credit to the past.

Four, Chinese "affirmative education"?

There are many problems, such as infrastructure construction etc.. That day and the out of date to chat, said don't know China government spend on which pieces, which one is at sixes and sevens. Can USA is a real sense of the people, the president election of governor what, they want to raise money, countries not to pay. American will take in the world east play West dozen military expenses, but also to his beloved little country expense and so on, but many more than public ownership in socialist countries, Europe, not to mention it, Welfare Bureau has almost become the burden of the development. But China government money did not know actually spent where to go, see a building high up, the rich and the poor is bigger and bigger, more and more social problem more and more serious.

Five, the mayor of CCTV than rich, beautiful mayor feel ashamed of one's inferiority

See CCTV recently a period of "let the world know Chinese" program, which mainly exit personnel for the two mayors, China Weihai mayor Cui, American come in Montevideo Ivo mayor, the theme of the two mayors dialogue with each other through television, and talk to their construction and development of city, the purpose is to let the rest of the world understand Chinese, let Chinese understand the world.

The first half of the program without major problems, some problems exposed in the second half of the program, deeply shocked and sigh. The main problem in Sino US two mayors invite each other to visit your city link. Both sides after several invited each other, after American Alvin mayor expressed "stingy", Chinese Cui mayor expressed "generous". A "generous", a "stingy", showing the two officials "truth". Ji'an was stunned and exclamatory question, is this "generous" and "stingy" completely different.

To make "generous" and "stingy" content. After USA Alvin mayor accepted Chinese Cui mayor at the invitation of the happy, "stingy" that she did not visit costs, and though she as a city, but her office expenses from the tax money, every expenditure must be responsible for its citizens, China will be an additional cost spending, not in her office expense list, therefore, she must first to the relevant enterprises obtained after donation, corporate sponsorship, to arrange the schedule, and so on, is very natural, sincere.

After Chinese Cui mayor accepted USA Alvin mayor visit invitation in happy, did not express any of the travel cost concerns. On the contrary, after hearing the mayor Ai Wen "stingy" words "generous", immediately said he would pay for all the expenses of mayor Ai Wen's visit to China, the presenter "assistant", also one one list includes round-trip airfare, accommodation, food and drink, the full cost, in addition, also said that the initiative to clothes donated gifts so, to mayor Ai Wen, is very natural, sincere. China mayor Cui "generous", so "stingy" USA Alvin mayor grow happily, said that night will pack. See here, everyone should understand people's amazement and sigh come from.

After six, the mayor of Weihai who in Kang?

To explain this dismay. Comparing the two city, America Alvin mayor's come Monte City, is the world's richest Microsoft Corp headquarters, Nintendo Co in the United States headquarters, and other big company is located, the tax revenue is not thick, Alvin mayor to visit China to any company donation of funds, is not difficult to get enough sponsorship. Weihai is a small city from four small village development soon, its economic strength, and came by, gap obviously, the comparison results, more Meng, Weihai city is rich, relatively poor. Then compare the two mayor, compared to the two mayor of personal income, believe Alvin Mayor Mayor Cui certainly than high, the comparison results, Alvin Mayor Mayor Cui is rich, relatively poor. But, why the rich rich city mayor America so "stingy", while the poor China poor city mayor is so "generous"? This, can not let people deeply shocked?!

As Alvin mayor single visit cost estimate, round-trip air tickets, board and lodging expenses if a week time calculation, should be around $five thousand, RMB forty thousand, mayor Cui visit costs should be equivalent, Cui mayor Alvin mayor in order to understand, and to make Elvin mayor know Cui mayor, recently the budget is eighty thousand yuan. As far as I know, the president a year's wages more than eighty thousand yuan. A little of the mayor of Weihai wages how many? Mayor Cui if generously out of their own pockets to the United States, and the generous pay out of pocket for Alvin mayor visit costs, people when be rendered speechless, however, but really for Cui, worry, after visits, Cui mayor a how to have the Spring Festival? Presumably the mayor Cui is generous in their Weihai City financial expense, the generous must already have a well-thought-out plan, and be accustomed to. This is the "generous", "stingy" contrast.

Seven, China mayor when America as "stingy as mayor"

A dismayed and give birth to sigh, Dutch act as the lead for the mayor Cui this in the U. s.And China a woman and a man Chinese presenter style "generous" applause, applause the audience were, no one asked. It can be said to have what kind of audience is what the mayor! Chinese than America difference is more than the mayor, and includes at least the billions of muddle along without any aim of national. A mayor of Weihai City, so "generous" eighty thousand yuan, the number of national mayors are so generous eighty thousand yuan, Chinese billions of taxpayer, will be in the "let China to understand the world, let the world understand the process Chinese", Everfount let Chinese mayors "generous" shot, American mayors "stingy" heart to. This "generous", is right, is wrong, China taxpayers shouldn't think twice? China officials when America Alvin mayor as "save as"?

Eight, the tax rate comparison

  In USA California, seems to be more than $28000 in annual revenue is required to pay taxes. Chinese personal income tax rate is: China monthly 3500 yuan tax equivalent to the annual salary of $50000 in USA (single) rate! American personal income tax can be deducted at the end of a lot of things, there is a general algorithm, if you make will be returned to you, have a lot of interests, will give you a lot of money when the state pension every month old to retire, this money than you could pay the tax more. In China, if you have income tax, in this month, next month, no income, no refund, no retirement at the end of the year, no, no refund!

American tax in accordance with the family to calculate tax, if your income to support his wife, according to two people to count, and the child by several depend on your person to calculate tax. At this time, your tax rate is very low, low to no point! Even more children when countries have subsidies give you the money. If your wife have income, the income of the family together with tax score a tax rate should be lower. China tax never consider your tomorrow and your kids, never consider the factors of family. Chinese no pension, young people may have to feed four people and a child. China pension this question to the individual and society, the state and the government relieved of all responsibility. Request unit is responsible for the individual to pay old-age insurance. Now I every month more than 400 units, help me to pay 800 yuan. Do you think they would shirk your responsibility?! You pay the tax did not bring any pension and any benefits to you. Bring the burden to the enterprises and units in society. USA pay tax, enjoy all the benefits of the enjoyment of, on the highway car free, annual fee for not to tens of dollars, driver's license test $12. No maintenance statement. Before the children to university free. American if unemployment, can get every month about more than $1000 in unemployment benefits, the money enough to rent and food expenses. In China now I individuals and units per month to pay 300 yuan if the unemployment, unemployment insurance, each month if broken, for various departments and agencies, may be able to get 400 yuan a month. This money is not rent and food in the Chinese city. You'll find out the unemployment insurance is very funny.

Buy a house China: buy a house payment, 0.75 to 2, buy a house USA rebate.
Buy: China tax rebate, America.
Children in kindergarten: the domestic big city mostly ten thousand to twenty-one thousand years, also have cheap.
Children in junior high school, high school: the domestic big city mostly ten thousand to twenty-one thousand years, also have cheap.
Children to University: China tuition can be put on a par with the british.
Stock investment failure: Chinese nobody tube, you to jump off building will catch you go to jail, USA rebate.
Tax records: USA, Chinese received tax will not give you the receipt, not corresponding with your welfare.
We will look at a private enterprise and the boss to pay how much tax: 33 of the business tax, the value added tax of 17, 45 of the personal income tax!
Some people Chinese too absurd, students work to pick up the school to pay taxes! How much is his annual gross income? He is a total annual income can support himself?

Nine, the quality of life in contrast

Shanghai, Beijing and other big city Chinese's house was 800000 to 1000000 price, enough people to work a lifetime of struggle, their children's tuition fees, pension, unemployment and so a lot of problems. Governments and policy makers have a stable income, never know people's pain and quality of life in steady decline.

We count it a month income 19000 of people's quality of life: he has to pay pensions and housing fund 2500 yuan, have to pay personal income tax 3000 yuan, finally it is 14000 yuan. He must be continuous work for seven years to buy a house. His income in China is known as the high income, not stable. Big city a child to spend per month to 2000 yuan does not include the cost of reading.

The quality of life of ordinary people unbearable pressure burden fell steadily!

Americans buy a house is a villa, Chinese villa house a little cheaper than California, Chinese villa a month what management fees are more than ten thousand, and America?

Ten, the cost of living is too high, means that the extreme corruption and bribery

USA and other countries have repeatedly reduce tax, the tax increase as a political talk. Sad ah, do not consider the people's livelihood! The tax rate China monthly 3500 yuan tax equivalent to the annual salary of $50000 in American, quality of life of great difference! USA $50000 a year can have a family, China big city, 3500 yuan / month always can not afford to buy a house, tax deduction, the monthly traffic and rent, give parents 300, eat 500, can't even support himself.

The government is talking to adjust tax rates, they may be slightly lower on low incomes, but they will not reduce the total tax rate and tax revenue!

For the ordinary people of good things will never learn not to, for their own good things to the night school, also called loudly: China income tax is relatively low, the western countries of the personal income tax was high!

I want to cry, please speak with facts? I'm from America people back, I was in fact talking here. In addition to the Internet to search American rate. Any adjustment to tax China means increased income tax! Any country, people's cost of living is too high, mean and extreme corruption corruption! Most of the people there will scold me: you have the ability to USA or immigration USA, then I want to ask you a question: "why not to go to American? We Chinese not to ask people to learn?"

I don't know why so many in the China returnees, do not write this article. In order to everyone, for old people, I wanted to write this article. But my time is limited, I also not tax experts. Writing is not detailed and thorough. I hope your reference.

I always feel that the economic gap between China and the United States is not terrible, really terrible is education. This equality of education, social division of labor not only, or your *. Each individual support oneself, respected, even if you are the president, you don't have the noble where to go, you just occupation is the president, enjoy your occupation on the treatment, but a common American citizens.