SAP credit management processes

SAP credit management processes

In order to reduce the enterprise in the actual business of credit risk, the SAP system provides a credit management complex solution, when customers more than its credit permission scope, system can make rapid and effective response. As shown in the diagram below shows the credit management information of a customer in SAP system.

Credit management information for all customers the same enterprise is credit to master data maintenance to the system, the full realization of the sharing of customer credit management information. But the credit management information for each customer with the sales operation, can realize the timely dynamic update. The SAP system of customer credit management information timely updates, and credit control strategy is realized through the SAP system background configuration. Here the combination of different credit control area, different risk categories, different credit group detailed credit control settings, to achieve the enterprise's credit control strategy.

1 definition of credit control area. Credit control area is SAP sales and organization to control credit risk for accounts receivable module. The path configuration system for enterprise structure definition: = = = > defines financial accounting credit control area and organizational value. In order to improve the work efficiency, it is recommended in the "list of credit control area" which maintain default credit master data value, realize the credit data automatically create the customer in creating a customer master data. Maintain that only need to different risk categories of customers and customer credit limit.

2 to the company code allocation of credit control area. According to different products, different sales approach, a company code can have multiple credit control area. At the same time a credit control area can be assigned to more than one company code, for example, a group of customers can have a total credit limit, and can in all credit control within the scope of the credit control within the scope of the credit limit. Background: path configuration system for financial accounting of accounts receivable and accounts payable = = = > credit control credit management accounting subject = > allocation allows the credit control area for company code and organizational value.

3 to the sales range assignment of credit control area. Sales organization, distribution of organic combination between channels and product group three consists of a sales area. Sales reflect a different enterprise products and combination of different sales approach, a credit control area can be assigned multiple sales, a sales area can only be assigned to a credit control area, between the credit control area and sales area is a one to many relationship. Background: path configuration system for enterprise structure = > allocation = > sales distribution control range of sales and distribution organization = > value of the loan.

4 definition of risk categories. Risk categories can be understood as the level of risk, first of all to the customer to distinguish different risk categories, then according to different risk categories can perform different credit policy. Background: system configuration path for the financial accounting of accounts receivable and accounts payable = = = > credit control credit management accounting subject = > define risk category and organizational value.

5 definition of credit group. Credit can be understood as the credit control area control link different, credit control can be carried out in three business segments: sales order, delivery and delivery. The path configuration system for basic functions: sales distribution = = = credit management / risk management of credit management = > define credit group and organizational value.

Pricing process of credit control 6 definition. This is mainly for credit control on which contains price condition type value. The key is the need for setting the corresponding indicator type price terms of credit control, will need to control prices to credit price. The path specific system configurations for: sales distribution = > basic function = > credit management / risk management = > credit management / risk management set = > input settings.

7 activate the item category credit update. Whether this configuration update credit amount in sales data item category hierarchy of control. To achieve customer credit timely dynamic update, the corresponding sales document types of active credit check. The path configuration system for basic functions: sales distribution = = = credit management / risk management credit management / risk management set = > determine effective receivables and organizational value case each item category.

8 for sales document and proof of delivery, the allocation of credit and credit control. By this configuration to achieve the sales order and delivery and credit control credit group and combination of different types of system.

9 definition of automatic credit control. The definition of how to implement credit control specific here, reflects an enterprise's basic credit policy. The path configuration system for basic functions: sales distribution = = = credit management / risk management of credit management = > defines the automatic credit control and organizational value.

Credit control in the SAP control can realize the branch code, sales area, divided into different risk categories of customers, document type. In order to realize the credit control, need first to pricing process of credit control definition, followed by the credit control to activate the item category. Determine the credit control area generally has four levels: the company code, sales, customer master data and user exit, four priority increase.

The SAP system of credit management function is very powerful, and in the sales management process, credit management is the main internal locus of control, this proposal would risk categories are divided into three grades according to low, medium or high, according to the customer's credit status, divide the customers into low risk customers, customers in risk, higher risk customers, the classification management of customer.

In the credit control strategy, the different credit control area, to realize the control to sales and orders of magnitude. For low risk clients, when super credit limit, the system is a warning about, does not affect the business operation; for risk customers, when super credit limit, orders will be frozen, the subsequent business cannot continue, through the corresponding examination and approval, will be frozen in order to release the follow-up operation can be carried out; and the high risk customers, when super credit limit, the order cannot save.

In order to ensure the credit of master data to create the customer at the same time, create new customers, suggest that automatically create the customer to achieve the creation of customer master data through the system configuration credit master data.

In the specific implementation strategies, recommendations will be internal customer maintenance into low risk customers, external customer maintenance of risk or high risk customers. The need for credit customers, the enterprise credit management team must give credit according to the customer's credit status, so as to achieve the effective support of the internal control system of SAP.