Buffett financial analysis code 04: a case study of the super star company
Buffett financial analysis code 10: every dollar cost of sales to create more value
Buffett financial analysis code 10: every dollar cost of sales to create more value
Buffett financial analysis code 12 Company R & D cost of the best zero
Buffett financial analysis code 13: depreciation expense accounts for less than the more the better
Buffett financial analysis code 17 Prefer long-term investment income
Buffett financial analysis password 19: the best index of shareholder rights and interests operating profit rate to measure business performance
Buffett financial analysis code 20: more of that more tax money
Buffett financial analysis code 21: profit before tax can better reflect the real corporate profitability
Buffett financial analysis code 21: profit before tax can better reflect the real corporate profitability
Buffett financial analysis password 22: don't look at tax profit
Buffett financial analysis password 22: don't look at tax profit
Buffett financial analysis code 24: comprehensive measure of the rate of return on net assets
Buffett financial analysis code 24: comprehensive measure of the rate of return on net assets
Buffett financial analysis code 25:EBITDA is a asshole index
Buffett financial analysis code 26: pay attention to the performance of the company to see at least 5 years
Buffett financial analysis code 27: Buffett is more concerned with the balance sheet than most people
Buffett financial analysis code 28: balance sheet three elements
Buffett financial analysis code 29: money more and more
Buffett financial analysis code 29: money more and more
Buffett financial analysis code 31: inventory turnover rate as high as possible
Tianfu health fund Liu Jianwei: inventory turnover rate as high as possible
Buffett financial analysis code 32: accounts receivable turnover rate as high as possible
Buffett financial analysis code 33: prefer light asset company
Buffett financial analysis code 36: intangible assets bring the excess proceeds
Buffett financial analysis password: economic Goodwill is more important than accounting Goodwill
Buffett financial analysis password: super star enterprise must have four standard