Full text to speech American retired Air Force Major General Charles Sweeny in May 11, 1995 in America congress:
I'm America retired Air Force Major General Charles.Sweeny, I was the only one who participated in the two on the Japanese atomic bomb pilot, in the bombing of Hiroshima, the right seat pilot officer Colonel Tibbetts, in the bombing of Nagasaki, served as squadron commander.As the only one in the two on the Japanese atomic bomb pilot, I will present my personal experience of the past.
I want to emphasize, I stated the fact is beyond all dispute, but some people just ignore these obvious facts,Because of these facts and in their mind, bias is inconsistent.
At the moment, as experienced people that history, I want to offer my thoughts, observations and conclusions.I believe that President Truman made use of the atomic bomb on Japan's decision was not only accord with the situation at that time, but also has the necessity to overwhelm other possible choice of moral.Like our this generation like most people, I don't want one thing to happen is war.We as a nation is not knight, we don't want that kind of brilliant.When our country was struggling through the great depression, the Japanese began on the conquest of its neighbors - what do"Greater East Asia co prosperity sphere".Fascism is always under the banner of beautiful banner to cover the most despicable conspiracy.
This "common prosperity" is the total war through the China were cruel to.Japan as a nation, that he decreed by fate to rule Asia, and thus possess its natural resources and vast land.Without the slightest remorse or hesitation, the Japanese army slaughtered innocent men, women and children.In the extremely brutal massacres in Nanjing, 30Thousands of civilians were killed barehanded.This is a crime.
This is a fact.
Japan believes that American stop now "divine" Asian life at the NaI in Hui Department of K.In Japan the carefully planned attack on Pearl Harbor American stationed in the Navy's Pacific fleet.Attack time scheduled for a Sunday morning,Because this action can maximize the destroy the fleet strength, eliminate personnel, to give a fatal blow to the America navy.
Thousands of USA marine life annihilated in the still sleeping in the bottom of Pearl Harbor U.S. Navy warships in Arizona.Many soldiers which don't even know why by surprise attack.The war was thus imposed on American head. The fall of Corey Sedor and the Allied prisoners of war, to disperse the last glimmer of Japanese brutality suspicion.Even in wartime, the Japanese army's brutality and make one's hair stand on end.Bagan, death march was horror.
Japanese think that surrender is to own, to family, to insult the motherland, emperor.They are on their own and the enemy will not relent.
7000 soldiers and prisoners of war were beaten, shot in Philippines, by the bayonet stabbed to death, or died from disease and starvation.
This is true with American across the vast expanse of the Pacific to Japan's slow, difficult, and costly March, Japan has shown herself to be unfeeling, furious pride killing machine.No matter how desperate war, no matter how slim chance, regardless of whether it is what determines the Japanese, Dou Zhan to the last man.In order to obtain the possible glory, the Japanese go to all lengths to kill as many Americans as possible.
The United States came from Japan closer, Japanese behavior becomes more crazy.
Saipan: U. s.troops killed 3000 people, including 1500 people died in the last few hours.
Sulfur Huangdao: U. s.troops killed 6000 people, injured 21000 people.
The island of Okinawa: American troops killed 12000 people, injured 38000 people.
This is heavy fact, Caimi Katz -
namely "kamikaze", a plane loaded with bombs hit the USA warships.The team believes this is immeasurably vast difference of supreme glory, God of the realm of sublimation.In the waters of Okinawa, Dutch act aggressive kamikaze to 5000 USA marine life.
The Japanese words and actions that, as long as the first American to set foot on the Japanese mainland, they would execute every allied prisoner.Japan is preparing for Massacre,Forced the Allied prisoners dig your grave.Even after the surrender, they are still executed some prisoners of war.
"Potsdam declaration" demanded the unconditional surrender of japan.Japanese think it ridiculous and not worthy of consideration.We learned from the intercepted password, Japan plans to delay the time, strive for acceptable conditions after the surrender negotiations.
In the months before August 6th, America planes started bombing Japan, a Japanese city flames, tens of thousands of Japanese die.But the Japanese military vowed never to surrender.They are prepared to sacrifice their own people,In return for their visions of glory and honor - no matter how many more people died.
They refused to rescue civilians, even though our pilots have been previously possible bombings dropping leaflets.
In a 10 Day bombing campaign, Tokyo, Nagoya, Kobe, Osaka many places to ashes.
Even after the use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan still think America only a bomb, Japan can continue to.After August 6th, they had 3 days to surrender, but they don't.Only in Nagasaki by the atomic bombing, the emperor of Japan finally surrendered.Even in this case, the military still claim that they can and should continue to fight.A group of army officers staged a coup attempt to intercept and destroy the emperor, the Japanese announced the surrender.
These facts help illuminate the nature of the enemy we faced, helps to President Truman in a variety of choice should be taken into consideration in the background, helps to explain why the atomic bombing of Japan is necessary.
Like every servicemen and women, Truman's understanding of these facts.Casualties were not some abstract, but the painful truth.
-- the atomic bomb is the end of the war?
- yeah.
That is a must?
-- disputes.
Over the past 50 years, in the eyes of some Japanese victims, U.S. become cruel conquerors and revenge; the use of the atomic bomb is not justice, not the beginning of ethics in the nuclear era.Naturally, in order to support this kind of distorted, they are bound to deliberately ignore the facts or fabrication of new materials to prove that this argument.One of the most surprising through one, is to deny the Japanese had massacre.
How will things like this?
The answer may be found in the recent events in.
The current President Barack Truman why atomic bombing of Japan issued the command argument, in some cases has evolved into a numbers game.The Smith plan "atomic bombing consequences" exhibition, display the despicable argument, the argument made historyCaused a great disturbance.
"Atomic bomb consequences" exhibition message - Japan is the victim, American is evil invaders.Imagine if your child to see the exhibition, they will leave what kind of impression?They will know the truth now?
In a nationally televised debate, I heard a so-called prominent historians claim that, atomic bomb is not necessary,President Truman is to want to use the atomic bomb scare the Russians, the Japanese were ready to surrender.
Some people have suggested, general Eisenhower said, the Japanese were ready to surrender, there is no need to use the atomic bomb, however, based on the same judgment, Eisenhower had seriously underestimated the Germany's will to fight, in 1944 concluded that Germany has been unable to offensive operations.This is a catastrophic error of judgment, the result is the Ardennes battle.Is the service, the number of UNITA troops needlessly sacrificed, and risking allowed Germany to prolong the war and risk conditions of surrender.
Quite a fair conclusion is, according to the Pacific war situation, can be reasonably expected Japan will be more than Germany crazy enemy.
Finally, there is a theory that, if the Allied invasion of Japan, our casualties is not 1000000, but as long as the death of 46000 people is enough.Only 46000!Can you imagine this argument cold?Only 46000 people, like these is be of no great importance American lives.
At this moment, I have to admit, I don't know the Japanese invasion troops will the number of casualties -- no one knows.
According to Japan's wartime behavior judgment, I think, fair and reasonable to assume that an invasion of the mainland will be long and costly.Based on what we know, not according to some assumptions, Japan is not going to surrender unconditionally.
The sulfur in Huangdao - Pacific in a 8 square mile island - attack,
6000 Marines died, total casualties over 27000.
But for those who think our loss is only 46000 people, I would like to ask:?
?What are the 46000 men who father who's brother who's husband?
Yes, I only pay attention to the lives of Americans, however, Japan's life the Pu Zhao soon felt save said ne alignment Tao Emperor just Di uniform f troops anxiously waiting for the attack in the ocean - their lives at Q in Japan the next step how to go.Japan can surrender at any moment, but they chose to wait.
But when Japan "attempt nothing and accomplish nothing", as the war of American casualties, every day more than 900 people.
I've heard another statement, said we should negotiate with Japan, to a Japanese acceptable conditional surrender.
I've never heard anyone proposed negotiations with fascist Germany surrendered.This is a crazy idea, any rational person would not say such things.With such an evil fascism negotiations, is to admit its legitimacy, evenIs has in fact beat it, it is not the empty philosophical principle, but human justice request, must be thoroughly, clean the eradication of fascist demonic forces, must shatter these evil forces.The fascist leaderHave been ruthlessly broke diplomatic reputation.
Why the Pacific War history can be so easily forgotten?
The reason may lie in the ongoing to distort history, a mockery of our collective memory.
In the 50 years later, the Japanese leaders claim that they are victims of reckless, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Nanjing massacre in essence is one thing!
Generations of Japanese do not know their countries are doing what in the second world war.This can be understood why they don't understand Japanese why want to apologize.
Unlike the German pleaded guilty attitude, Japan insists that it didn't do anything wrong, its behavior is trapped by circumstances.This attitude shattered any truly healHope.
True forgiveness is only the memory can bring, dangerous and forgotten could risk repeating history.
Through carefully orchestrated political and public relations activities, Japan now recommend the use of "Pacific Victory Day" to replace "the terms of the Japanese victory day".They say, this term will be the end of the Pacific War less especially associated with japan.
Some people may put forward, these words can say what?The Japanese victory, victory in the Pacific - let's celebrate an event, not a victory.
I want to say, everything is in a word.
To celebrate an event!Similar to celebrate the opening of a shopping mall, instead of celebrating the victory of the war.This would split the earth.Millions of dead, tens of millions have physical and psychological harm to people and many more people will be at a loss what to do.
This is a reversal of history, confuse right and wrong tool for language attack.Words can be like any kind of weapon as devastating: is lower; slavery is freedom; aggression is peace.To some extent, by dismantling the precise description and assault on our language, to be more dangerous than the real invasion 10 years ago Japan to us, at least in the real aggression, the enemy is clear, the threat is clear.
Today the Japanese skillfully playing the race card ", justice justify their behavior.Japan is not the evil invasion, but only from white imperialism in the liberation of the oppressed masses of Asia.
Liberation!Yes, they use death "liberation" of 20000000 innocent asians.I believe, this 20000000 innocent people, their families, their offspring, never appreciate Japanese noble behavior.
People often ask me, use of the atomic bomb in Japan is for revenge, whether it is deliberate destruction of an ancient and venerable civilization.
In this regard, the following facts: first, in the initial list of targets includes kyoto.Although Kyoto is a legitimate target, in previously had not been bombed, Secretary of state Stevens removed it from the list because it was the ancient capital of Japan, Kyoto, Japan is also the cultural and religious center.Secondly, we were under strict orders during the war, in any case, shall not be bombed the Imperial Palace in Tokyo -- although it is easy to identify the palace and killed the emperor.After all, we are not in order to revenge.I often wonder if there is an opportunity for Japan bombed house, would also like USA restraint.I think that Japan will not.
This let me clarify the fact, to correct a long-standing prejudice, that we deliberately choose populated city bombing.Each target city we need to bomb has important military value.Hiroshima is the Japanese Southern headquarters, and gathered the strength substantial defense forces.Nagasaki is the center of industry, there are two important arsenal.In the two city, Japan put Arsenal and disposition of troops in the city center.
As in any war, our goal - behoove goal - victory.This is an unshakable goal.
I don't want to deny that both sides many people died, only two countries, but also is the world.I'm not the cruelty of war and proud and happy, I don't want my people or those of another nation suffering.Every life is precious, but IRecognised as such a question you should ask the Japanese war criminals, are they to the Japanese people to achieve their brilliant.They waged war, and refused to stop the war.Don't they should be all of the suffering,The ultimate responsibility for the disaster in Japan?
Perhaps if the Japanese really understand the past, recognize their country in the war responsibility, they will see the Japanese war criminals are responsible for a war crime.Japanese people should give an answer far eastern people, who brought disaster upon the Far East countries, finally imposed on Japan's own.Of course, if we and the Japanese a obliterate the truth of history, then it is never do it.
If Japan does not search and accept the truth, how can Japan peace of mind to get along with their own, and with its Asian neighbors, and American?
I and my subordinates in missions with the conviction that, we will end the war.We don't feel happy.But a sense of responsibility and mission,And we wanted to return to his family.
Today, I stand here to testify, use and not celebrate the atomic bomb, but on the contrary.I hope that my mission is the last time.We as a nation can exist on the atomic bomb of fear.I felt fear.
But this does not mean that back in 1945 August, in time of war, in the adversary brutal conditions, President Truman was not obliged to use all the weapons of war.I agree with President Truman's decision, then and now.
The post-war years, Truman was asked whether the president has other options, he loudly said: No.Then he reminded the questioner: remember, Pearl Harbor victims also had no other choice.
The war is costly, as Robert E. Lee said: "war is so cruel
is a good thing, otherwise there will be love."
Thank God that we have nuclear weapons, rather than Japan and germany.Science has its own logic, sooner or later will have been designed atomic bomb.Science can never be denied.The atomic bomb is wise manufacturing problems, will eventually be the atomic bomb has been created by the fact that.
The German and Japanese fascism was defeated, the world will become a better place.Japan and American young people no longer kill each other, but growth, marry and settle down, live in peace.As a father of 10 and a grandfather of 21, I can show, I'm glad the war ended so.