Orange is orange students in the south in the North trifoliate and leaving USA become talent

   The development of property, environment can decide things or processes. Plants sprout, blossom, results in what is time, environmental conditions. This decisionIs a very simple materialism view of truth. The problem isIn Chinese this environment is a talent, or go abroad to American itA talent

 The key to this problem is the environment, social system determines the development of talentWhether it is important to human beings themselves (subjective) development personnel

  In fact, a democratic social system, in essence, is a kind of fairlyIncentive mechanism, society and promoting the development of talents


As we all know, freedom of speech and promote social truth. Freedom of speech system will inevitably promote social view of evolution. In particular, the political nature of the freedom of speech will promote the superstructure of the truth, the political freedom of speech must promote the development of the superstructure, the superstructure of the evolution, evolution, development must promote the relations of production, productivity evolution, development. Imprisoned the freedom of speech, especially the imprisoned political freedom of speech
The end result, is imprisoned, social creativity

This is why the Chinese may have Nobel award, and Chinese cannot obtain Nobel Award
The reason for this reason, is the reason why the social system