New York Stock Exchange main board listing conditions American

New York Stock Exchange main board listing standards



Global standards

Domestic standard (for USA Domestic Company standard)



Equity index

The whole shareholders



The public ownership



Public shareholding part Market

IPOs, spin off listing

Other forms of listed


60000000 dollars

100000000 dollars


60000000 dollars

100000000 dollars












Financial indicators

Standard 1: profit index

Adjusted pre tax net profit

3 years ago the sum

Last first years

Last second years

Last third years



100000000 dollars

25000000 dollars

25000000 dollars

N\A (domestic enterprises do not apply)



10000000 dollars

2000000 dollars

2000000 dollars

> 0 (see note)

Standard 2: market value standard

When the market value of listed

The 1 most recent fiscal year the total income


750000000 dollars

75000000 dollars


750000000 dollars

75000000 dollars

Standard 3: market value plus cash flow standard

The gross market value

The last 12 months the total income

Operating cash flow is the sum of the past 3 years

In recent 2 years, every year not less than

Every year over the past 3 years of not less than


500000000 dollars

100000000 dollars

100000000 dollars

25000000 dollars

In each of the past three years of operating cash flows are not the sum is negative


500000000 dollars

100000000 dollars

25000000 dollars


In each of the past three years of operating cash flows are not the sum is negative

Standard 4: Associate Company listed

For the NYSE listed Associate Company market value of more than

Public shareholding part Market

Operating life



500000000 dollars

60000000 dollars

It's been 12 months



500000000 dollars

60000000 dollars

It's been 12 months

Note: 1, in certain circumstances, can accept the financial figures of 2 years and 9 months.

2, in certain circumstances, can accept third last year for the deficit, but 3 years ago the sum of more than $12000000, first last year to more than $5000000, second last year to more than $2000000.