This paper is on Suli "legal thinking?" some views of a response and criticism.The judge handling methods and thoughts of Su Li appreciated USA realism, denied the legal existence of dogmatics of law thinking method, unconditionally advocated "above the law" and "consider the consequences".This paper advocates the legal thinking "dualism", that is, with the coordination and balance between the standard and the social reality, to follow the rules and beyond the law.The legal person can not rigidly adhere to the rule of law and the concept of logic, in the face of stiff law and living, not rigid no consequentialist considerations.But the social consequences of consideration, should not be exaggerated "function and meaning beyond the law", not to the unique method of Anglo American law system and civil law covered the negation of dogmatics of law method originally existing "above the law" function, thinking method should not deny dogmatics of law on the legal characteristic.
Key word.
Legal thinking; dualism; dogmatics of law beyond the legal consequences; consideration
The law of self maintenance, it has been necessary to repeatedly.
Carle Engisch {1}
Justice suitable for super positive, progressive attitudes to put forward according to law, and the stability of the method is suitable to the positivism, conservative attitude for legal reasons.
Ladd Bruch {2}
We will never be able to prove that we are awake, that we are awake.
Wu Jingxiong {3}
Professor Zhu Suli in the "Harvard Law Review" fourteenth volumes of second series (2013) issued the "legal thinking?"(hereinafter referred to as" Zhu "), delicate and vivid, copious and fluent, the deconstruction of the academic features and profound writing Kung Fu stand vividly revealed on the paper, prompting us to reflect on" legal thinking "topic at the same time, also can cause the occupation law and many law students on already established that suspicion.
The core viewpoint of Zhu Wen is to emphasize the idea of legal realism and handling method under the guidance of the America type (if not "thinking" words) superiority, thought to be "above the law" and "consider the consequences of" judge is legal person is the most ideal.This is an instructive idea, let us to reflect on the limitations of dogmatics of law, rules of the helpless reflection.As Su Li said, with the new changes in the legal development, legal person to new challenges and new problems that parts of the law of attention in the field of social economy as a result of the development of the science and technology, traditional legal doctrine does have its limitations.Therefore, I very much agree with Su Li in the article are as follows: the legal person position can not be limited to legal rules and concepts, face rigid laws and living, not rigid no consequentialist considerations.In this sense, scholars prefer in the academic point of view the realism of the concept of justice, emphasizes the transcendence of legal methodology, is no ground for blame, but also has great academic value.
The difference between the Zhu Wen touch legal doctrine and legal realism, but the difference is in fact Donald Black called "Jurisprudential
model" and "Sociological model" (i.e., Luhmann called Binary
code["two yuan"] thinking mode) and the difference between the opposites, {4} problems whose essence lies in how people in the face of the rule of law and social the fact (economic, political, social, cultural, moral factors) and asymmetry between tension.In the author's opinion, when emphasizing the social consequences, may not exaggerate "function and meaning beyond the law", but can not deny specific thinking in legal rules of dogmatics of law method.They should not have been taking a simple relationship between a shed, and should be combined and coordinated.In fact, coordination can both can be combined, and the.In the last part of this paper will elaborate this problem.
However, Su Li in order to transcend that of legal realism "law" and "consequences" meaning, and not directly to prove this point of view, but through the following path and perspective to find arguments: one is hard to originate in the China contemporary legal occupation movement "legal thinking" and "
Thinking Like America A
Lawyer" pulled together, as some do not understand the law practice of scholars "copycat" America version or for small has interests and fictional topics; the two is the question "legal thinking" exists, does not think that there is a legal person unique thinking, to "unique legal has legal thinking" to deny the legal person's thinking; the three is that of dogmatics of law focus only on the concept, regardless of the consequences, do not know "above the law", seems to be the only America legal people know "above the law", understand the consequences consideration etc..Zhu Wen used a misunderstanding, exaggerated, extreme views as argument, so that a meaningful academic point of view not only not be supported, but breed some appear wrong problem.Before the discussion of the related problems, or from the relationship between the legal thinking and legal methods on hand, from the legal method and the legal thinking of common sense and general point of view, to clarify some problems of Su Li article confused.
A legal person, the thinking is always legal occupation and the method based on the existing
"The law of human thinking" in the rise of the contemporary Chinese, originated in the early 90's of the last century began legal occupation movement, has its unique Chinese background and conditions, namely China from on century 50's to 90's has no legal person's occupation, which seriously hindered the development of the judicial system and the rule of law the.Emphasize legal occupation, occupation thinking will concern the legal person.It is not Su Li said "Thinking
Like A
Lawyer" from the American copycat version."And the necessity of legal thinking" the needs and Chinese judicial reform and the background is closely related to occupation.Therefore, it is closely related to formal, procedural justice, legal occupation, occupation of theories and ideas of it and the law, has the connotation Chinese itself, and becomes the mainstream consciousness of law era.
From the works of Su Li, his occupation of the legal person have a certain skepticism, {5} it will also have his opposition to legal thought today's point of view.I don't want to go into the legal person and the legal occupation occupation theory, only from the analysis of some basic concepts related to clarify the significance of legal occupation.Su Li's first relates to necessity should we admit that "Legal
Profession" and "Professionalization".The so-called "business daily" (Occupation) is usually divided into two categories, one is "called Trades, it does not need much training, such as craftsmen and the like; as for healers, teachers, or Profession, cultivation to volume, and its efforts to the object, not for the interests of small has, for the happiness......"{6} only a small amount of industry development becomes the occupation, it has a professional, independent (independent), the public, {7} and has unique skills and ethics, people in front of the "threshold" requirements.{8} legal person needs "much accomplishment" occupation ability, including legal person, need long-term training.It is a special legal thinking and legal methods based on the legal workers, the professional division of labor on the significance of Legal
Profession (legal occupation), rather than the public sense of the Trade (industry).Occupation "is a fiduciary (fiduciary), not just a business" -- this is the occupation from American lawyers.{9} if we admit the legal occupation professional, independent, public and unity, also cannot deny the existence of different from the popular thinking "the law of human thinking".China judicial circles before the 90's of last century, there is a pair of basic contradiction: a severe shortage of society on the judicial occupation requirements and occupation of the legal person.Chinese legal profession and the legal profession is the shortage occupation at the time of the legal person of this problem, began to emphasize the importance of "legal thinking" in the 90's of the last century.Chinese without legal activity specialization and occupation of the time, and there was no legal occupation (legal person) and legal means, and therefore there was no legal person's thinking.And this is our country the legal circle and law circle the most anxiety.If you recognize the importance of the rule of law occupation Chinese, you should admit the legal occupation and occupation thinking, especially thinking method as the occupation the legal basic of dogmatics of law.Conversely, if the law does not recognize the importance of China occupation of the rule of law, there is no need to admit the legal occupation and occupation thinking.
The legal method is a core element of legal thinking, legal thinking is the result of long-term effects of legal method.The subject of legal thinking in the legal person, the object of thinking is the rule of law and the facts of the case, ways of thinking are the third elements of legal thinking.The main part of the legal thinking method is the method of law.It is method of thinking, decided that the thinking subject have special thinking.As the name suggests, the legal method is forming method of legal judgment, it is the main method of legal thinking and legal application.In other words, the legal method is a set of occupation, is one's special skill.Legal person whether have a unique way of thinking, depending on whether the unique legal method.If the law is all people have, so the legal thinking has no independent status, like the popular thinking.Conversely, if the law is unique, so the legal thinking is unique.The legal person and the public may be consistent in the thinking object, such as all the law and the facts of the case, and method of factor is a core element of difference between professional thinking and general thinking.
The training of thinking usually appears in the professional education or occupation training, or that appear in the teaching process and the teacher's mouth.The legal profession (occupation) thinking training is not exceptional also, more often appeared in the course of law education, law teachers in the mouth.Why do we hear the less occupation of lawyers and judges the legal thinking about?Because they have been training well, legal thinking has already be accustomed to for them.As adults with growth, accustomed to wash, to walk, to write such action, also won't like children do pay attention to their face, to walk, to write correctly, whether the parents first education requirements.Therefore, Su Li article logically from the legal education began to talk about the legal thinking.Su Li admitted the existence of "thinking like a lawyer in America" (Thinking
Like A
Lawyer) such formulation, and lists the requirements there is indeed a American law school teaching, but he tried to explain it from its objective, to deny the existence of "legal thinking".He said, USA legal education in the "Thinking
Like A
Lawyer" just to "hope they (the first grade students) familiar with Anglo American law as soon as possible the basic system environment and the analysis of some of the basic skills of reasoning".Regardless of American Su Li legal education in the "Thinking
Like A
Lawyer" for the accuracy of such understanding, are the "basic skills" analysis of the reasoning is not a legal method?Is it not contain develop level methods of legal thinking of the requirements for the students?
According to Soviet power point, is the "basic skills" not saying law person is not equal to "legal methods"?From what he said "deconstruction 'law thinking' does not deny that the interpretation of the text, doctrine, 'literal' and legal reasoning and other professional skills training.This is still essential, irreplaceable "this sentence can know, Sue and no professional skills and legal method of negative law of human existence.This is the premise we may also discuss and reach a consensus.Here, a formal logic we will find Sue force errors: on the one hand the law people are required for professional skills and methods of training, on the other hand, the existence of negative legal thinking.The legal person has the professional method without professional thinking, just as "square circle", this is really unbelievable.Is it legal method is behavior rather than thinking?We have seen what occupation of the judges use legal way of thinking, is to think in the hands and feet?
We cannot rely on the existing scientific means to see clearly the human thinking activity of human thought, it does not exist, or that human thinking only of the behavior, not that the mind is the behavior.Su Li said, the so-called law thinking, in fact just behavior.{10} if the important factors of legal methods of legal thinking, legal thinking "is not the only behavior", all of these methods, technology, skill is manual operation technology of legal person?The legal person in manual operation?Reluctantly said, this can be, how to perform such as how judges to participate in the proceedings, the judge how to notice in knock gavel, how to draft out and print the verdict, the execution court judge.But the judge occupation activities of the real and essential performance?Obviously not, judges except occupation thinking what's left?!The rest of the "behavior" with respect to the judge thinking, is almost negligible.The judge is a judge, the judge of the so-called "behavior" should only through the brain for judgment.Prosecutors are different, their "behavior", including the prosecution supervision.The prosecution is to transfer to the judge thinking judgment, supervision includes supervision judgment of the judge thinking.The lawyer "behavior", including the defense agency, including the urge to judge thought, from the angle to the professional thinking led to the judges thinking and judgment, the lawyer is not thinking there is no way to complete its defense and agency work, the main legal human thinking constitute part of all its activities.Professional (or occupation) features first, "professional relates to intelligence, mental skills, rather than physical or manual.English mentioned 'professional', 'learning to develop common through professional' (learned
profession) a word, to emphasize the occupation and trade, the different processes, professional to rely solely on the brain".{11}
The way of legal thinking is different from the method of law, but the legal thinking is based on the mode and method exists.Legal methods more specific performance for thinking skills, such as legal interpretation, filling in gaps, not identified in terms of the specific applications of dogmatics of law and legal reasoning method.And the way of thinking is a kind of application specific method of occupation and the formation of long-term thinking habits and thinking mode.{12} legal thinking based on the legal method and legal thinking, otherwise no to exist.
Su Li recognition of professional skills and legal methods, but the law does not recognize people's thinking or legal thinking, this is not logical.Let us have a look have not been Su Li negative, not according to the logical relationship are comprehensive "text interpretation, doctrine, 'literal' and legal reasoning and other professional skills training" exactly is what things?Interpretation of the text probably refers to all the legal interpretation of legal interpretation, this is not standard.Dogmatics of law usually refers to a scientific and normative legal method of continental law legal concepts or comments from Italy law and developed theory."Kouziyan" is obviously the folk saying, say Orphean dot refers to the legal person rigorous treatment under the provisions of the law, that ugly point fingering law people chew over."Legal reasoning" is obviously a formal legal method, is a kind of activities suitable for the use in Anglo American law inside, also has methodological significance.Continental law usually does not directly use the "legal reasoning", but different approaches but equally satisfactory results and some legal methods in continental law.Therefore, these four things are is totally illogical.It is difficult to understand, the Soviet force are not a complete list of legal methods, but arbitrarily denied legal thought exist?Only that, Su Li does not concern or not seriously legal method, mingled with the legal method and vague prejudice.
Su Li hand to recognize the existence of legal methods and skills, on the other hand, does not recognize the "law of human thinking".How did he consider this problem, to our puzzle.Does he want to say: the so-called "legal person" itself does not exist?In fact, he has boldly said -- "there are people who want to build the legal community......This is an impossible task "(from the presidents of third parts).Furthermore, Su Li Is it right? Want to say "the rule of law?Well, this is a mission impossible "?Indeed, we humans are afraid of difficulties, but people never stop to overcome the difficulty of.If because of difficult things, but to give up the pursuit, and in view of the difficulties to deny all the ideals and beliefs, even if the re write beautiful, is also a lack of scholars should bear.Chinese literati has always been a "morality, skilled artist article" spirit.In the present society, a scholar still bear the enlightenment, leading the social responsibility?If not to try to change the backward reality, to pursue the ideal, it should not only admit the reality, deny the ideal, to exaggerate the difficulties, rationality and reasoning behind the phenomenon of.It makes what explanation?
Zhu Wen misunderstanding is the law of human thinking (legal thinking and legal occupation) and legal method separated.For legal person, legal thinking is a special method for occupation and the independent existence of.We can't imagine a person, thinking and method of his thinking can be separated.We also can't imagine, a legal professional thinking in the case of no legal method.
The independence of the uniqueness of the two, legal method determines the legal thinking
Let us have a look the contents of legal method.Dogmatics of law of legal interpretation, legal loophole filling, general clauses (concept) of special application, constitute a legal method of continental law system.The Anglo American law system and formed a "distinguishing
technique in case law tradition" (the distinguishing technique), also the focus of legal methods in "legal
reasoning" (legal reasoning, legal reasoning becomes) against the law in Anglo American Law (jurisprudence) referred to as a method of.From the Anglo American legal point of view, each link of European various "legal method", there are legal reasoning.If none of these methods, there is no legal person professional way of thinking, is not a "law of human thinking".The key question is: These are not peculiar to the legal person?Or non legal professionals are also commonly used?
A method of optional method in our law, combined with a simple "Pediatrics" case to illustrate.
The facts of the case: a 3 year old boy and his mother in the yard a neighbor B, a talking and neighbour B, children with the yard cock B home play, but left the rooster peck, urged the court to prosecute neighbour B.
In this case the problem is: neighbour B should not be lost?The number of claims?
We assume that the legal person and the mother are well known for the following two articles:
One, "general principles of civil law" provisions of article 127th "domesticated animal causes harm to another person, the keeper or manager of the animal shall bear civil liability";
Second, "the general principles of the civil law" 131st stipulates that "the victim also at fault for causing the damage, the civil liability of the infringer may be reduced".
This is a fact very simple case, let the aunt when old uncle, also can make judgment, conclusion, and the conclusion and the legal judgment would be pretty close, but the difference between them is that reason (reason).Remember the sarcasm judge as saying "the judge often error prone on the reasons".Indeed, the judicial judgment is the most important reason.The law - language cloud "vague and uncertain reasons not compelling reason" (Causa
vaga et incerta non EST causa rationabilis. A vague and uncertain
cause is not a reasonable
cause), the significance of legal methods is clear and provide sufficient reasons for judgment, and the conclusion is the test.
Then, the law of the legal judgment in the case is how to make?Thinking process?Two main syllogism here involves judgment.
The first syllogism, it can be concluded according to the "general rules of the civil law" provisions of article 127th,: B shall compensate.
Second judgment is based on the "child mother has no neglect of discipline duty" the problem that after the judgement.Upon investigation, the child's mother is compulsory in lax discipline.Then, begin to apply the general principles of the civil law "article 131st".Note, this clause "the victim is also at fault for causing the damage, the civil liability of the infringer may be reduced".The aunt in no lawyer help, is likely to have no "victim" concept.Because the victim according to conventional understanding "(" text of the plain meaning interpretation) in this case refers only to the aggrieved three years old children.But the minor does not exist any fault problem on the law.The facts tell us is the child's mother is at fault.Then the mother's fault can not be the fault of the victim?The aunt would say, or not.She was not trained, will not be able to carry out legal thinking, more can't answer the question from the legal method.If the mother as a commissioned agent, she started to insist that victim does not include mother, family lawyers will argue her B.If she entrusted to as Party B's agent, she argues that the victims included a mother, a lawyer will argue with her family.Aunt cannot in this case legal thinking, giving the other party convincing conclusion.
At this time, only the legal professional through legal thinking, use legal methods, in order to solve this problem.If he doesn't use legal way, even the legal professional here will be uncertain, therefore, judges often will therefore "wishy washy" type of mediation.
Methods the correct, legal person's thinking is: the "victim" concept into the law interpretation method of subsumtion (Subsumere), is a control specification (premise) and fact (minor), "between facts and norms both circulation" (Engis "in the premise and the fact of life. Vision of the round-trip transfer") or shuttle back and forth (Wang Zejian) or "look right and left"."Legal thinking requires people to not only focus on the specific life in turn attention to abstract outline of life".{13} "any rules are compared with the facts (control) produced by the process of" be an easy job to -- we can find this sentence in the continental law works, but it is also a law professor common consensus.{14} common judge also cannot avoid this "from rules to fact, and then from the fact to the rules", "look right and left".Su Li can not say that "look right and left" is the act or action?Larenz was keen to point out mistakes in understanding the prone, he said "we can't look facts and law bars' round circulation: 'as just judge vision changes, it should be a process of thought, in this,' unprocessed facts' gradually transformed into the final (as a statement of the facts of the case), and (unprocessed) specification is transformed to a canonical form specific enough and suitable for judging the facts of the case".{15}
In the case of second syllogisms, why can take the "victim" (being pecked blind children) concept was expanded to its mother?Although this conclusion is obviously, the interpretation of law, who is also very simple "Pediatrics", but it must be pointed out that expanding interpretation (some say "of course to explain") reason: the mother and children in the interests of integration view, "victim" expanded to "the victim a party", so the "juvenile victim Guardian" fault also expanded into the "victim" concept.According to the legislative intent is, contributory negligence is to achieve a certain balance between the offender and the victim's interests.The possibility of {16} mother to child three years old damage should be foreseen but neglect of discipline.In 1991 the Supreme People's Court judicial interpretation in a similar case also made a further explanation, but without the legal method, think "Zhao (the victim) mother care for Zhao's not weeks, also have a fault, should reduce the Yin (the infringer's civil liability)".{17} I think the thinking and conclusion have the legal person many judicial interpretation of the Supreme People's court is correct, but often from the legal method of reason, this is not appropriate.So far, the aunt would say "this conclusion I can guess".The crux of the problem, such that outsiders at the same time, usually do not give a methodological reasons, some people even think that this approach is too simple, almost pants fart -- make an unnecessary move.The more complicated case?There are laws more complex methods (reasons) problem.Besides litigation cases have opposites, both of you how to persuade a conflict of interest?There is no legal method can't do anything.