How to buy a car for second years insurance?

 As the car prices fell, many just got his driver's license novice became owners, owners to purchase a car insurance is the top priority after, how to take reasonable, novice to open the new, and what to buy insurance? According to the introduction, if the car is better, the loss of vehicle insurance, third party liability insurance, liability insurance, car insurance insure against. While daochengjian vehicles insurance, the insured can decide whether to buy according to the grade of the vehicle, daily parking and night parking place. Second years of car insurance how to buy the right?

 The new owner often occurs in the first year against two wrong tendencies: one is the choice of the so-called all risks, for higher value of vehicles, it is certainly desirable, but for vehicle value, economic conditions are the average owner is too extravagant, some. Two is the excessive pursuit of save only to buy insurance to pay strong.

 After the first year of new car insurance expires second years, how to buy car insurance? The owner can set the situation and policy insurance actual loss were compared, then the first year the results into the new car insurance second years on, the type selection of the first year of more targeted and guidance. Expert proposal, the first year of the vehicle in good condition, park environment is safe, can need not consider pilfer and loss of additional insurance (such as body scratch insurance) insurance, but the insurance accident insurance must not be let down large, such as three party insurance, car damage insurance should be covered. Other types of vehicles when according to their own situation, rational choice, reasonably determine insurance amount.

 Second years of insurance premium of how much money? Usually and first year insurance, need two parts to buy compulsory insurance and commercial insurance. Cross strong insurance is compulsory national insurance, commercial insurance is based on the need to set their own car. Basic cost of insurance to pay strong first years are unified, charge of second years and the first year out of hook, good driving record owners will be able to get more concessions; and have the responsibility of traffic accidents, traffic violations, including driving car owners will be faced with the premium prices of punishment.


                                                      Reprint: Xie Defang successful insurance network