How serious

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According to China media reports, the use of guns by two villagers in Guizhou province died in Anshun City, Guanling County Public Security Bureau deputy director of the police station Zhang Lei Po Gong police in January 12th. In January 18th, the Anshun Municipal People's government at this press conference, be informed. Bulletin said: the official survey 51 times, confirmed that the deceased Guo Yongzhi emotion, do not listen to discourage, rob Zhang Lei Video: Guizhou Anshun government denied that the police shot the complement of guns, in this process, Zhang Lei was shot to death. Then, the spokesman reiterated that exceed the standard, the alcohol content in the blood of the dead bodies, the alcohol content of Zhang Lei's is zero, the co firing five bullets, fired warning shots fired three shots hit two, two dead.


The police shot and killed two villagers news caused a shock in the society, the network has all kinds of sound. Does human life, in the face of barehanded villagers, whether the police only shoot shoot people, in that case the police shooting is justifiable defense, these are all need to say clearly to the public. In the same USA will encounter or the police to use lethal weapon to solve the problems in law enforcement, in order to protect the interests of the people, America law to the police in what circumstances can shoot there are strict limits.


There are about 400 police shot and resulted in the deaths USA every year, among them the 98% males, whites accounted for 56%, blacks accounted for 42%, 53% is 18 to 30 years old young man. The police used guns American terminology called lethal weapons, and police jargon used lethal weapon is opened fire to stop the spread of the crime. America law enforcement especially the police can be shot in any case, the Supreme Court has its specific provisions, if a criminal arrest, the police can reasonable use of lethal weapons to eliminate this resistance. What is the rational use of lethal weapons, which is needed in the field. According to the actual situation and make judgments, and not be wise after the event.


The most basic consideration America Supreme Court police shot and rationality is objective, to guarantee to find a balance between the arrested person personal rights and public safety benefits. The fourth amendment to the constitution of the people USA protection from law enforcement agencies unreasonable searches and seizures, so if there is no court issued a search warrant, the police can not be on the buildings mandatory search.


If the police use of deadly weapons proved to be unnecessary, even if the police in the arrest of offenders may be liable. Sue in Tennessee Garner case, the Supreme Court found that the police arrest the criminals in Tennessee Garner, although Garner is a fugitive, but he did not carry weapons, no violence against the police, the police shot him belonging to the excessive use of deadly weapons, to Garner's injury shall bear legal responsibility.


Federal law and state law on the law enforcement personnel to use lethal weapons or shooting requirements are stringent restrictions, in addition to the above mentioned criminals while resisting arrest, the police may be necessary to shoot, shoot is regarded as a means of final in all means are invalid. The law if the shot will endanger innocent people, the police can't shoot. If the suspect with a lethal weapon in crime, police shot and can, if the police don't think shot will cause more and more people are hurt, police can also shoot. Factors to consider include police shot: arrested people attack degree, degree of threat, suspect suspect whether the arrest. When the police to arrest a suspect, the police can shoot cause must be justifiable defense. If the police to a misdemeanor suspects shot is not justifiable defence, the police will bear criminal and civil liability to be killed or wounded.


It's the duty of the police to protect people from the threat and harm of crime, so the police in law enforcement with great power. As a citizen to obey the law to the police in the police law enforcement command, otherwise easily charged with obstruction of law enforcement or contempt for the law charges suffered serious consequences. In recent America San Francisco area a Chinese women pregnant women is because listen to police command, the police arrested on the spot. And the name of the Chinese women think they are being treated unfairly, heart very grievance.


In fact, the Chinese women encounter is a very small thing, as long as the America law are common sense or the police law enforcement people how to treat a little understanding, the results of this kind of thing will not be so. The name of the Chinese female drivers when the police think she break the traffic rules, and then gave her a ticket. In American police open ticket is needed to drive the signature of the person, if not for the police open ticket, can go to the court by the judge's decision. The police will not at the scene and was sent to discuss who is right and who is wrong, be ticketed the man is only obediently signature on the ticket, if not checked, the police can spot will you arrest. Americans generally know this approach drives fined by the police, but the Chinese women do not sign the ticket with police argue in their own right. The police warned her, if not the signature will go to prison, this is the most severe warning. But the Chinese lady or not to sign, then two police cars arrived, police reinforcements and put forward, such as no sign will go to prison. Then the three policemen into action, the Chinese lady handcuffed hands, brought her into a police car, then the name of the Chinese woman discovered the bad event, say me to sign, I signed, but all night. Because if the police will arrest someone, if release must have procedures. To the police station, the lady was released in ticket on signature.


It reflects two kinds, one is the police law enforcement authority, the people must have the police say to do. Two people can't argue with the police, if not satisfied or dissatisfied, can by the arbitral tribunal by the judge, but not on the spot and the police ethics.


In daily life, the general public and the police to deal directly with the chance is not much, once encountered the police law enforcement, people need to know what you can do, what must be done and not done. For example, the driver was stopped by the police, that may be because they think you violate the traffic rules, so the face of police whether you feel that there is much reason, also have to be very careful in their own language, behavior and emotion, limb movement. We can never argue or quarrel with the police, because anything you say may be the police evidence against you. In addition to not speak, can not tamper with, your hands must be put in the place where they can be seen, no police command, do not hand to take things, because you have any items like a gun, the police are likely to pose a threat to his life for you, is likely to start first for strong. When the police to arrest you, don't run or resistance, also cannot use the hand to touch the body, these will be easy to let the police have excessive reaction. In the field not the handling of the police complaints, or tell the police is wrong even offered to tell the police, these belong to impede law enforcement and even threatening police.

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