How much money Chinese lawyers in America? (zz)

Reprinted from a friend, Harvard LLM BLOG, the original linkHttp://! D5C94EA73D4A71D4! 324.entry

American Institute for what kind of person? Many students are asked China LLM. After the battle in New York, more than two months of waiting, the facts clearly tell us what?

As a warning for the future, then is not the way. Compared with other Chinese students, students, we don't have a lot of good news. Look at them and pinch of several Offer options, I do not ask the people to China yourself: American office, mainland students have Chinese bar, have Chinese work experience, have China education background, in other words: an American in China doing business are most in need of connection, we are, why we have been discriminated against, was look, be rejected.

Non mainland students, get OFFER easily, honest to tell me: a US are willing to spend hundreds of thousands of training his Chinese, but one came to the door, begging for a job China LLM all according to fall.

Against false information, School of law, many students is: China market is very hot, Chinese law school students have good job prospects! In fact, they really Care your Chinese and your Chinese connection?

I feel like now:

"Good job" is said: "will be a little Chinese Chinese stand up now!"

They can speak some Chinese, but also by the common law undergraduate education, even compared to native America JD graduated from LLM, they have an advantage very much. American think they can Fit in American environment, but also in the Chinese Baihuo Baihuo, so hot in the China market circumstances, they become very popular. Whether you have any work experience, whether you have a bar, or even whether you really have been to China not, you are able to be appreciated by the u..

By comparison, law students, give up the comfortable life, Nabe Uritetsuki American desperately, visa, apply for the best America court, in the law school which is repressed, struggling life, everywhere to collect information, regardless of day and night of review bar..., for what? Is a small in us the position.

But the result is: Americans don't see you this. Eat bitter, leading to human -- is a lie.

Your identity is not changed. Chinese background you have become.

This can be clearly reflected in the Chinese business from American ideas. They Chinese is love and hate. Want to make money, but if China market instability. So, China students, they will be very realistic considerations. Really want to train you? No. Because you may want to stay in China permanent.

They want a flexible man, that China hollowed out, no money, you can be back to the UK, Singapore, America with. Now, you know Chinese, very good. But we don't need you really want to always be Chinese service.

Sad ah. We want to see people struggling in the American. Or Chinese too poor.

I love my motherland. In America reading we see most clearly.

If we don't be sad, this is an experience. Chinese need to get out and have a look, but home is the best, isn't it?

Go home.