Funny law included

   This law, is a kind of violence tools people created. However, due to many problems of moral paradox, resulting in some legal ready to accept either course. Today to find some legal funny USA, its funny skills as an actor. The reason lies in the legal resources America excess employment lawyers, many is a good example of. Where the law is fragmented, so make it somewhat shocking.


Each must take a shower
America Elizabeth Kentucky City Police Commissioner Reuben Gardiner says to the reporter, some provisions of the law in Kentucky can use the word "stupid". For example, in the legal text in Kentucky, there are people each year must be at least a bath, otherwise it will face punishment. Gardiner said: "in Kentucky, there are a lot of silly and crazy laws."

Another Kentucky state law: "any woman not wearing a swimsuit appear in the state highway, unless she has at least two police escort, and she was holding a stick." Behind the provisions of this Law and the superfluous added: "this Law shall not apply to those weighing less than 90 pounds (about 40 kg) or weigh more than 200 pounds (about 90 kg) of women, of course, it also does not apply to the mare."

Gardiner has also found strange law, many of Kentucky's journalists including: throw egg to speech in public places or people throw tomatoes will be jailed for 1 years; the chicken, duck, rabbit after contracting the color out of selling is illegal, but if their number more than 6 case.

New York City Department of transportation to a provision, the woman can bare chest take the city subway, regulations referred to in men can not wear shirts, women have the same rights. The legislation is a feminist in the subway wearing no clothes caught out. New York Department of transportation police spokesman said, they will be the implementation of the provisions, but "if they violate other laws, such as the naked sat smoking in the Metro chair, we will take legal action." New York law does not allow the public to smoke in subway.

The cock mustn't tweet mousetrap must have the license
According to USA media said, in fact not only in the state of Kentucky, American other states have a variety of strange and eccentric law, its funny was less than the state of Kentucky. For example, in California, a city of San Francisco's legal provisions, prohibits elephants walk in the streets, unless their necks tied to a chain; a law in Losangeles says, at the same time to 2000 sheep through Hollywood Boulevard to belong to illegal behavior; another weird Losangeles law also prohibits people in the street to catch moths; central California Palo Artaud, a law make an unnecessary move said: "on the wall and any other vertical surface ice skating is illegal".

California Ontario City, a book in 1930, these laws stipulates: "the time banned cock in shouldn't tweet tweet chaos, otherwise the host will eat or be fined." California and Ohio and Cleveland had a strange law, if there is no legal license use mouse, mouse traps to catch mice is illegal!

Elephants have to pay parking fees are not allowed to walk backwards
A Florida law also deprived of the rights of unmarried woman skydiving on Sunday, if a violation of this law, on the theory that women will be liable to a fine or jail. Another law of Florida, if an elephant is master in a parking lot, then it should also like automobiles pay parking fees.

According to reports, American Connecticut funny laws also did not much, provisions of Denver Municipality on a legal provision, after sunset must go ahead, if walking backwards is illegal; a law in Hartford banning people with their hands inverted walk street; the outside the city there is a law, man don't kiss his wife on Sunday, otherwise it will be fine.

Husband beat his wife's kissing time
Idaho State laws and interference to the husband and wife and lover life. The state law says, if a man give his sweetheart a box of chocolate sugar, so the box of candy and weight must not be less than 50 pounds, or lover has the right to appeal. Iowa law also provides continuous, lovers kissing time should not exceed 5 minutes, or face a penalty.

Provisions of Michigan Prefecture Detroit city law, if not obtain the husband wife allows, will not be able to cut off her hair. Montana law stipulates the wife without permission peek at her husband's letters belong to a felony, even if she was looking at the other woman to her husband's love letter. The law of Arkansas, husband dozen wife is legitimate, but not more than once a month.

Louisiana state law prohibits the couple to a store to buy a bed, two people together to lie in bed test bed "softness". The Oregon law couples sex husband mouth not swearing, or curse someone, otherwise the wife has the right to appeal.

Cats and dogs are not allowed to smoke cigars can the police man bites dog
With Ian in Illinois, a law that prohibits anyone will be lit cigars to a dog or a cat or any other household pets pumping. Noam, a Illinois law prohibits people to make faces at the dog, or be fined, arrested or imprisoned.

Paulding, Ohio a strange law says, "if a dog barking in public places more than large, police can bite to it for it is quiet.
Eat garlic can machine to don't sneeze
The Ohio State law, a married man plane must carry his own wife, but if he married for more than 12 months is not. Kansas a law forbidding the hiccups in the airport, probably afraid of hiccups breath is too large, the aircraft "blow away"; and the laws of the state of Delaware has banned the sneeze in the plane, is estimated to be afraid of the aircraft to "shake down".

Minnesota state law people can not be in the airport play checkers, reason is "lest cause gambling sense and sense of adventure", increase people fly unease.
Missouri Reed Ward, said the law, when the pilot to fly the plane, it is forbidden to eat shelled peanuts or need to spit the seed watermelon. Rhode Island state law in Wakefield, said, people ate garlic within 4 hours, prohibit the plane.

Water can not go up the bees may not cross the street
In Louisiana, a man robbed the bank is illegal; but if he robbed the bank and a water pistol hit the bank teller a water, it would be illegal.
Louisiana state law also stipulates that, if real teeth to bite, that is "simple attack behavior"; but if is full of false teeth to bite, the crime will be doubly guilty, become a "serious attacks".

There are some weird laws of nature actually launched command. A law: "Arkansas Arkansas River ban up higher than the small stone bridge on the main street." Kirk Illinois orchid city a law for the bees under the command: "no bees flying over the village or through any street!"

The matters are different times change law is still valid
The financial secretary of Kentucky, Elizabeth Steve. Parke says to the reporter, Elizabeth, some strange laws are enacted in nineteenth Century, but it still exists in the legal provisions of effective. Parke said: "there is a strange law, if a horse to death at the door, the owner must be within 12 hours it will be moved; if the horse not to move it, you have to move it away. I believe that the law was perhaps really useful, but this is clearly not applicable."

Many of these now seems very funny laws are most before and after the war of independence America enacted, some legal provisions could be traced back to 1659, though there may be It stands to reason. reason to develop and adopt these laws, but the world matters are different, these provisions already cannot pass. However, the law has still not been States abolished, so that they are still effective in theory.

It is reported, some USA parties have begun to hundreds of funny place law book to USA act initiated "challenge". They are issued to the initiative of the States members of American, so that all of these are still in America law book occupies a position, but already uses not funny law abolished as soon as possible, so as not to leave the world.


   Probably more than these people make me on the spot, but the law is not good. We human beings from civilization (by Shanding cave people) up to now, there are a few million years. During this period, we formulated the law of countless, but really that no bugs? Or modified without flaws? No, say from this aspect, we didn't progress.