Yesterday, the Oriental TV broadcast of the "Yang Lan interview" the interview with Carter.In his review of Sino US diplomatic ties 30 years time, recalls that when he first met with Deng xiaoping.When two people join the lady standing in the White House balcony waved to the media and the public to pay tribute, Carter said: "I don't know today's decision in the future what will bring about what kind of results, but I know it is a new beginning."
Now 84 year old Carter said with a smile: "it did not imagine the development speed Chinese, also cannot imagine China can become the largest creditor America, and their interdependence and cooperation can achieve the depth and breadth of today."Looking back at the first meeting, Carter to Deng Xiaoping forthright humor impressed.When Carter talked about the conflict with the Soviet leaders on whether to allow the Jews from the Soviet Union to USA things, Deng Xiaoping said: "this is not in my this question, I could make five million Chinese to American."Carter also does not lose the agile responded: "I can make ten thousand lawyers to China."Deng Xiaoping said: "it seems that you still keep your lawyer, I still keep my people."
As an international conflict mediator, Carter persuaded Egypt and Israel signed the "camp David agreement".The occurrence of the Israeli Palestinian conflict in Gaza, Carter resolute and decisive "a pointless war" to describe his feelings.He believes that the isolation will deepen the hatred and prejudice, only dialogue and communication is the road to peace.He believes that the government is the biggest failure Bush itself, with moral superior enemies everywhere, but not with most countries of good cooperation, but to bring the biggest American moral crisis.As Obama supporters, he expects the new president will open the new road America communication and reconciliation.
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