Domestic violence laws

Family violence, that occur in between family members, by beating, binding, confinement, mutilation or other means to family members from the physical, mental, and other aspects of damage and destruction behavior.


The marriage law article43Family violence or maltreatment of family members of the implementation of the provisions, the victim has the right to request, the residents' committee, villagers' committee or the entity where shall dissuade, mediation.


The family violence act directly on the victim's body, so that victims of physical or mental pain, damage their health and dignity.


Domestic violence occurs in the blood, marriage, adoption living together with family members, such as the husband to his wife, the parents of their children, adult children to their parents, but women affected by violence against her husband is the most common, they are victims of family violence are the biggest, especially the husband to wife violence. Domestic violence will cause death, serious injury, injuries, physical pain or mental pain.


   "Marriage law" article45Provision of bigamy, family violence or maltreatment of implementation, the desertion of one family member constitute a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. The victim may in accordance with the relevant provisions of the criminal procedure law, to the people's court private prosecution; the public security organ shall investigate the case according to law, the people's Procuratorate shall initiate a public prosecution according to law.