"Criminal law" the 232nd Created: March 30, 2014 / Author: Aaron Lewis The murdererThe death penaltyLife imprisonmentOr for more than ten years in prison Other felonyMore than ten years in prisonLife imprisonmentOr death "Criminal law" the 232nd penaltyDifferent from the otherThe murderer after the first lightThe first light after the other Light or heavyLook at the size of the maliciousMaliciousHeavier Maximum malice isKill the murdererHe shall be given a heavier punishment meansA life for a life "I want to kill you"AmitabhaBoth the implementation of behavior or connivance or generate thoughts or outright liesAll the heavier punishment "I want to kill you"Damn damn damn behavior the connivance of the shield damn damn sickAnd damn"Criminal law" article 232nd 2010-11-29