From the bank earnings often see banks realize the balance of non-performing loans and loan rate not double good scene, China CBRC each year are said Chinese banking and get good scene double down bad loans, many people have questioned, Chinese banking loans fast growth every year, but the balance of non-performing loans is not. Anti drop, this is Chinese banks to finance money, hide inside, the bad loans made loans, profits are made by the report, not the actual operating out of the.The balance of non-performing bank loans continue to decline, saying is to do not come true, but the bank's financial system processing, there is no peace of Italy, the bank every year for the cancellation of part of non-performing loans, as long as the bad loans bank annual verification is higher than the increase in non-performing loans, the bank's non-performing loan balance is gradually reduced.Because the write off non-performing loans must be filled with provision for gold, the verification efforts, the general provision of gold will be reduced, which will reduce the total bank loan provisioning rate.The CBRC enhanced coverage rate regulation of non-performing loans, so banks have to write off the impulse of non-performing loans, because the premise in the same quality of assets and the impairment of assets, the stronger the write off bad loans, the base is smaller, the higher coverage rate of non-performing loans.If the future implementation of the loan loss provision rate regulation, and the index is set too high, then the loan quality slightly better banks reduce bad loans after verification, such China bank industry will be a new scene non-performing loans rises year by year.
Table 1 lists several typical bank from 2005 to mid 2010 on bad loan write off cases.In recent years, China's banking industry and increase of non-performing loans increased efforts to write off, most banks non-performing loans is lower than the write off bad loans, the non-performing loan balance is reduced; some of the banks is the verification of great intensity, but because of the credit management is not perfect, non-performing loans increased more than write off bad loans, the balance of non-performing loans increased, such as Minsheng Bank, the balance of non-performing loans was 4830000000 in 2005, from 2005 to 2010 were 4390000000 higher than mid off, China Merchants Bank and Societe Generale, but in 2010, Minsheng Bank Non-performing loans still amounted to 7510000000.Huaxia Bank, these 5 and a half years great efforts to write off of bad loans, 5 and a half years co verification 7630000000, but the balance of non-performing loans in mid 2010 is still as high as 6280000000, only more than 5 years ago 7100000000 decreased slightly, while the 5 and a half years ago, the Chinese industry non-performing loan growth rate of only 109.3%, the new increase in Huaxia bank bad the loan was higher.The balance of non-performing loans to rise, this is mainly the bad loan write off is insufficient, additional bad loans of more.The deep development of the 5 and a half years of efforts to write off the maximum total write off, 14360000000, this is mainly the development of deep old too much, 2005 non-performing rate of 9.33%, 5 and a half years in the deep development of new bad loans is not much.These 5 and a half years real bad loans declined is China Merchants Bank, China Merchants Bank Non-performing loans without verification, mid 2010 non-performing loan balance is still less than 05 years, and China Merchants Bank 5 years loan growth just below the Societe Generale, loans increased by 176.6%, which shows that in 2005 China Merchants Bank on the determination of non-performing loans is more stringent.Societe Generale removed verification after substantial non-performing loan rate is the lowest, only 0.91%, and the merchants, Societe Generale Bank and investment assets quality best, Societe Generale, Shanghai Pudong development relative to investment, CCB, the cancellation of bad loans, the greatest intensity, which reduces the SocGen gold balance of provision for bad loans, which resulted in high non-performing loans Industrial Bank provisioning rate, the situation of low total loan provision gold rate lower.These 5 and a half years, substantial non-performing loan bank growth higher than the investment, the deep development and construction, but the past 5 and a half years Xingye Bank loan growth rate was the highest, up to 222.5%, despite substantial non-performing loan growth is not high, but the loan growth is the lowest, only 112%.Considering the loan growth and substantial non-performing loan growth, China Merchants Bank and Societe Generale recognition of non-performing loans is more stringent, it is not imagined by a large number of non-performing loans extended to normal loans.Through the subdivision of merchants, Societe Generale, deep development, CCB (is this 5 years substantial non-performing loan rate lower) the lending industry, the banks personal housing mortgage loans are accounted for relatively high, and the personal housing mortgage loans low rate of bad, this is they the past 5 and a half years new cause adverse loan low.