Bank loans overdue for how long will become bad record

If you have a bank loan, payment date to accidentally account did not save enough money, what would be the consequences? Since the national personal credit rating system network operation of central bank, we pay more attention on their credit record and. For a lot of people worry that, if overdue will not affect the credit record.

 In fact, the customer overdue days, will form the record upload to the credit system, it depends on whether the bank has the grace period. If you upload to the credit system, is identified as malicious overdue, banks have also identified standards of their own, not lump together.

ICBC Zhejiang branch of the customers overdue a grace period of 10 days, that is to say a chargeback to 5 customers, if 5 of the account balance is insufficient, as long as 15 days before the money to cover, the overdue record will not appear in the credit system. The development of deep to the customer a grace period of 7 days, Bank of communications, grace period is generally 3 days. Some banks have no grace period, only concrete examples of specific treatment. For example, the Bank of Hangzhou for the overdue customers usually take remind measures, if not timely repayment reminder, may have bad records.

 If the customers frequently overdue, and each time did not exceed the grace period, the bank also will be uploaded to the credit system, banks will be based on their own criteria to measure whether clients malicious late, if the number of late, although no more than 7 days, the bank also thinks that the lack of good faith awareness of customer.