American 1789 "bill of rights", the constitutional amendment of ten (in English)

USA "bill of rights" background

"Bill of rights" (Bill of rights) refers to the first and Tenth Amendment to the constitution American constitution. When USA draft constitution submitted to the state legislature approved, some people proposed the Constitution can not guarantee the people's basic rights and doubts. In this regard, support the draft constitution Federalist to American people's guarantee, will be the first Congress, add to the constitution bill of rights. In the constitution approved after the first session of congress. The majority of lawmakers to support the bill of rights should be put forward, and the relevant rights should be protected in the constitution. The drafting of the bill of rights task fell toJamesMadisonBody. Madison embarked on the drafting of the bill of rights in the "bill of rights" on the basis of Virginia. It is agreed, the bill of rights will be in the form of constitutional amendment was added to the constitution, in order to avoid direct to amend the Constitution and in need of a second for lengthy ratification process.1789First 12 amendments are proposed, but 2 of them failed. In December 15, 1791, the 10 amendment to the rest of the passed, become what is now called "bill of rights". The bill of rights in the draft article eleventh in 1992 approved, become the twenty-seventh amendment to the constitution. This Amendment prohibits Congress to improve the members of the remuneration.


The bill of rights(America constitution ten amendment, in English)

1787Philadelphia drafted constitution, in the states of deliberation and approval process, there are many American citizens feel uneasy, because the Constitution does not expressly protects the rights of individuals. Therefore, the "constitution" added10Amendment, unified called "bill of rights", English calledTheBillOfRightsBecause of the supplement of "bill of rights", "constitution" in the13States are approved, and in1789Years.

Article 1 AmendmentI

CongressShallMakeNoLawRespectingAnEstablishmentOfReligion, OrProhibiting那个FreeExerciseThereof; OrAbridging那个FreedomOfSpeech, OrOf那个Press; Or那个RightOf那个PeoplePeaceablyToAssemble, AndToPetition那个GovernmentForARedressOfGrievances

Translation: the Congress shall make no law about the following matters: establishment of religion, or prohibitedFreedom of religious beliefDeprived ofFreedom of speechOrThe freedom of the pressOr the right of the people of peaceThe rallyAnd to the governmentPetitionRedress of grievances.

Article second AmendmentII

AWellRegulatedMilitia, BeingNecessaryTo那个SecurityOfAFreeState, 那个RightOf那个PeopleToKeepAndBearArms, ShallNotBeInfringed

Translation: a well regulated militia is necessary to security of a free state, the people to keep andThe carrying of weaponsThe right to inviolability.

Article third AmendmentIII

NoSoldierShall, InTimeOfPeaceBeQuarteredInAnyHouse, Without那个ConsentOf那个Owner, NorInTimeOfWar, ButInAMannerToBePrescribedByLaw

Translation: without the consent of the owner, the soldiers usually be quartered in anyResidentialIn accordance with the law; the way, will also be stationed in wartime.

Article fourth AmendmentIV

TheRightOf那个PeopleToBeSecureInTheirPersons, Houses, Papers, AndEffects, AgainstUnreasonableSearchesAndSeizures, ShallNotBeViolated, AndNoWarrantsShallIssue, ButUponProbableCause, SupportedByOathOrAffirmation, AndParticularlyDescribing那个PlaceToBeSearched, And那个PersonsOrThingsToBeSeized

Translation: PeoplePersonal, residential, documents and property against unreasonable searchesAnd the right of seizure, shall not be infringed. In addition to according to the possible reason, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized, not a search and seizure.

Article fifth AmendmentV

NoPersonShallBeHeldToAnswerForACapital, OrOtherwiseInfamousCrime, UnlessOnAPresentmentOrIndictmentOfAGrandJury, ExceptInCasesArisingIn那个LandOrNavalForces, OrIn那个Militia, WhenInActualServiceInTimeOfWarOrPublicDanger; NorShallAnyPersonBeSubjectFor那个SameOffenceToBeTwicePutInJeopardyOfLifeOrLimb; NorShallBeCompelledInAnyCriminalCaseToBeAWitnessAgainstHimself, NorBeDeprivedOfLife, Liberty, OrProperty, WithoutDueProcessOfLaw; NorShallPrivatePropertyBeTakenForPublicUse, WithoutJustCompensation
Translation: unless according to a grand jury report or complaint, any person not subject to death or other felony trial, but the occurrence or in wartime or public danger served in the militia except cases in army, navy; nor shall any person for the same offenceThe two sufferDanger to life or health; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be aA witness against himself; withoutDue process of law, nor be deprived of life, liberty or property.Without just compensation, private property shall not be taken for public use.

Article Sixth AmendmentVI

InAllCriminalProsecutions, 那个AccusedShallEnjoy那个RightToASpeedyAndPublicTrial, ByAnImpartialJuryOf那个StateAndDistrictWherein那个CrimeShallHaveBeenCommitted, WhichDistrictShallHaveBeenPreviouslyAscertainedByLaw, AndToBeInformedOf那个NatureAndCauseOf那个Accusation; ToBeConfrontedWith那个WitnessesAgainstHim; ToHaveCompulsoryProcessForObtainingWitnessesInHisFavor, AndToHave那个AssistanceOfCounselForHisDefence

Translation: in all criminal prosecutions, the accused has the right to the crime occurred in the impartial jury of the state and district to a speedy and public trial, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law; informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; be confronted with the witnesses against him;For obtaining witnesses in his favor to have compulsory process; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Article seventh AmendmentVII

InSuitsAtCommonLaw, Where那个ValueInControversyShallExceedTwentyDollars, 那个RightOfTrialByJuryShallBePreserved, AndNoFactTriedByAJury, ShallBeOtherwiseReexaminedInAnyCourtOf那个UnitedStates, ThanAccordingTo那个RulesOf那个CommonLaw
Translation: in suits at common law, the argument value of more thanTwenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be protected. The jury in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of customary law, shall not be re examined.

Article eighth AmendmentVIII

ExcessiveBailShallNotBeRequired, NorExcessiveFinesImposed, NorCruelAndUnusualPunishmentsInflicted
Translation: Excessive bail shall not be required, no fines shall be imposed, cruel and unusualPunishment.

Article ninth AmendmentIX

TheEnumerationIn那个Constitution, OfCertainRights, ShallNotBeConstruedToDenyOrDisparageOthersRetainedBy那个People

Translation:The enumeration in the constitution of certain, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Article tenth AmendmentX

ThePowersNotDelegatedTo那个UnitedStatesBy那个Constitution, NorProhibitedByItTo那个States, AreReservedTo那个StatesRespectively, OrTo那个People

Translation:Not delegated to the United States Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states by the exercise of power, the states retain their, or retained by the people.



The bill of rights(America constitution ten Amendment)

The first amendmentRules: the Congress shall make no law respecting the state religion or prohibitedFreedom of religion. Congress has no right to the restriction of citizens of speech, publication, assembly, freedom of petition law.

The second amendment: a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

The third amendment: in peacetime, without the consent of the owner, shall not be any soldiers stationed in the house; in time of war, or be stationed, in addition to the way of law.

The Fourth Amendment: People's personal, residential, documents and property against unreasonable search and seizure rights should not be infringed. Search and seizure warrant, must be sworn and confirmation, indeed"Reliable reason"Only by the local judge issued. But the need to search the place and get people to specific. In fact, the fourth amendment to protect is not controlled by the government rather than places unreasonable intrusions. That is to say, the individual homes and possessions is"The personal freedom of the extended"Therefore, is a part of personal rights.

The Fifth Amendment: without a grand jury agreed, any person who does not accept the death penalty and felony criminal charges, the public risk in wartime or, except in the case appeared in the army and Navy and militia. Nor shall any person for the same offence two was put in jeopardy of life or limb. Nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself. Without the lawDue process, any person of life, liberty, property is not affected by deprivation. Without fair compensation, private property shall not be taken for public use.

The Sixth Amendment: all criminal charges, the right of the defendant in criminal jurisdiction over the crime occurred without prejudice the jury timely, public trial. The accused should be told the prosecution facts and cause of action, have the right to obtain evidence in its favor, accept the defense lawyers the right to help.

The Seventh Amendment: in the cases of the common law, in excess of the amount in dispute20The dollar case retain let the jury trial right. In the non jury cases, will be reviewed in federal court, not according to the rules of the common law review.

The Eighth Amendment: Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment.

The Ninth Amendment: the enumeration in the constitution, the right infringement, can not be used to the inherent rights of others.

The Tenth Amendment: no constitutional federal rights, or is not prohibited by the constitution granted the rights of the States, by the state and its people are reserved.