[title] regulations The constitution of the Republic of China (1954) -
[unit] Promulgated by the National People's Congress -
[time] Promulgated by 1954-9-20 -
[] 1975-1-17 failure time
[title] regulations The constitution of the Republic of China (1975) -
[unit] Promulgated by the National People's Congress -
[time] Promulgated by 1975-1-17 -
[] 1978-3-5 failure time
[title] regulations The constitution of the Republic of China (1978) -
[unit] Promulgated by the National People's Congress -
[time] Promulgated by 1978-3-5 -
[] 1982-12-4 failure time
[title] regulations The constitution of the PRC -
[unit] Promulgated by the National People's Congress -
[time] Promulgated by 1982-12-4 -
[title] regulations People's Republic of China constitutional amendment (1988) [unit] the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress promulgated [time] Promulgated by 1988-4-12 [failure] [source] regulations in the bulletin of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on 1988
[title] regulations People's Republic of China constitutional amendment (1993) [unit] the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress promulgated [time] Promulgated by 1993-3-29 [failure] [source] regulations in the bulletin of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on 1993
[title] regulations People's Republic of China constitutional amendment (1999) [unit] the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress promulgated [time] Promulgated by 1999-3-15 [failure] [source] regulations in the bulletin of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on 1999
[title] regulations The constitution of the Republic of China (2004) [unit] Promulgated by the National People's Congress [time] Promulgated by 2004-3-14 [failure] [source] regulations in the bulletin of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on 2004