84 words of the preamble to the constitution American

Pan Zhengbo


   One of the most stable, the most effective, so far-reaching USA constitution, in fact, is one of the most concise constitution. Only7Article21Paragraph. The only84A (Chinese) character. The full text is as follows: --


We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of liberty, but for the United States to develop and establish a constitution.

           (fromJ.Ethel Zhao Yifan Guo Guoliang series, "which made American main translation

The text "article51Page,2000.3Hainan Publishing House)


   Just plain in two words or three, not a long and minute statement statement, no ideology. It expresses only establish justice, safeguard peace, establish defense, enhance their offspring to enjoy the freedom and happiness that several from the human basic appeal.

A good constitution, first of all it is not text carefully considered, but leaders (because, the constitution is used to constrain the leader and the protection of the rights of the people) to its divinity respect.

American, since this simple constitution. From a founding father of a country to the ordinary people, we are careful to pursue, that it shall not be infringed. Supervise each other through the legal system, through a free and powerful public opinion, no one dare to, it comply in appearance but oppose in heart.

   Result is be known to all. Two hundred years later, this time in a wilderness, sand into the country, built the only superpower in the world. We just have a look the picture of Obama in the White House, President George W. Bush invited him and his3Presidents, gather in the Oval Office, talk cheerfully and humorously, enjoyable picture, it is not that the constitution "to enjoy the blessings of liberty"5President? What let a person envy!


    The formulation of the Constitution1787Years, is China's fifty-two years of Qing Emperor Qianlong, being in a hack writer touted as "the peak of Kangxi and Qianlong". From the Opium War and more than half a century. China adhere to the dictatorship, fall in a straight line; USA executive liberal democracy and spiral. Reverse the widening gap, and growing.

   From the late Qing Dynasty so far, China made countless constitution. The constitution is the highest power constraints of the hands and feet, therefore, soon became a mere scrap of paper. Mao during the cultural revolution, Snow publicly tell Foreigners, he is "the monk umbrella, defy laws human and divine". As a founding father of a country are the constitution as a piece of paper. Chinese people and its leader, but in this two hundred years, to continue its cruelThe bloody fighting each other, be brutal and inhuman.                     (2012-04-012012-04-14 correction)