2007 the second period "," people's judicial case to


2007 the second period "," people's judicial case to


Published: 2007-02-15 09:06:56


Criminal litigation section

[] new case new

Determination of the crime of dangerous goods from the watch case

-- Comment on the case of the Beijing Shanghai Expressway chlorine leakage

Zhang Bowen Gu Feng Song Feng Liu Ocean 

[guide] case

Accurately grasp the essentials of extradition case review

  -- review of extradition case review of the high court of Shanghai case

Qi OddHuang XiangqingXu Liming 

Several conditions for juvenile offenders is exempted from criminal punishment Liu Xin 

A case study []

Deliberately fraudulent traffic accident compensation for crime of fraud

Lee MingPang Xiaoqing 

Civil litigation section

[guide] case

Government investment preferential policy disputes, the court should not accept Feng Xiaoguang 

The lost credit card fraud will bear the losses? Shen Zhixian Lin Xiaonie 

The judge said the case []

Will users upload photos to set up news links: site constitute infringement

Zhang YunHuang Yanjie 

A case study []

Lexicographical books quality dispute whether academic disputes? Wang Lianguo 

The retired worker and the other employers only labor relationship has formed Wang Jihong 

The operator of the additional donated commodity should assume product liability Wang Hongyan 

[behind] decision

Image and name a military honor guard have what kind of rights?

Zhu Jianjun Wang Hong 

[tip] judge

The issue of compensation insurance to pay strong Lee RockHigh The original 

Administrative litigation section

[method] the judge

A case of administrative license from the reliance interest litigation on administrative licensing

The protection of Tang Xinfu Liu Xingwang 

"Communique" [case]

The correct understanding of inductrial injury in the workplace and work

  -- Sun Lixing v. Tianjin Park Labor Bureau work-related injuries that administrative dispute case

Lee Jay 

A case study []

No damage no relief

  -- not v. Wang Yinjiang report behavior