A global law firm for the 21st
CenturyThe twenty-first Century global Law Corporation
2, Adam & Reese
The law firm for today's Gulf
SouthDesigned for today's southern Persian Gulf service law firm
3, the American Bar Endowment law firm
Insuring Your Life's Needs. Advancing Your Life's
WorkEnsure that your life, improve your life.
4, Avdrews & Kurth
5, the Armall Golden Gregory law firm
Not if, but
howNot if, but how
6, Babst, Callard, Clements & Zomnir
Focused Practice, Focused knowledge, A clear view of the
solutionsFocus on business, focusing on knowledge, clear vision problem solving
7, Baker & Botts
Take your ideas to the
worldChange your dreams to the world
8, Baker & Daniels
An Indiana Law Firm Since
1863Indiana law firm since 1863
We Know the
TerritoryWe know what the limits
9, Baker & Mckenzie
One world. One Firm.
ConnectedOne world, one firm, links
10, Barnes & Thornburg
When it
countsWhen the countdown......
11, Bass, Berry & Simms
Developing Winning Strategies, in the Boardroom and the
CourtroomIn the development of the strategy in the board of directors, or at the hearing
12, Bell, Boyd & Lloyd
A tradition of quality services, hard work and innovation has
established Bell, Boyd & Lloyd as one of the
Nation's leading law
firmsQuality, innovation efforts, traditional, Bell, Boyd & Lloyd has become one of the lawyer business leader
13, the Bingham Dana law firm
Legal Insight. Business
InstinctThe law of commercial intuitive insight
A tradition of
innovationThe tradition of innovation
16, Brobeck. law firm
When your future is at
stakeWhen you are at stake we on your side
17, the Bryan Cave law firm
Vision in
PracticeLegal professional visual
18, the Buchanon Ingersoll law firm
The law firm that business builds
onAs the foundation of the law firm
19, Barr & Forman
MatterTo solve the problem
20, the Car Goodson Warner law firm
A Professional
corporationThe most professional organizations
21, Choate Hall & Stewart
Big firm experience, small firm
attentionThe experience little attention
22, Collier & Shannon
Unique, comprehensive and creative strategies serving your legal
and business
interestsThe only comprehensive creation strategy service your legal and business affairs
23, the Coudert Brothers law firm
Global Reach. Local
StrengthGlobal reach local forces
24, Crowell & Moring
Your guide to the
TopGuide you towards the peak
25, Cummings & Lockwood
Solutions for a changing
worldFor the changing world offer solutions
26, the Dickinson Wright law firm
One of Michigan's largest law firms, with over 120 years of
excellenceA long history of 120 years of Michigan, one of the biggest Law Corporation
27, the Dickstein Shaprio et.al. law firm
innovatorsLegal reformers
28, Dinsmore & Shohl
Trusts legal counsel since
1908Trusted lawyer since 1908
29, Dorsey & Shohl
Client focus. Global
visionThe focus of global customer vision
30, Dow Lohnes & Albertson
The law firm for the information
economyInformation economy law firm
31, the Duane Morris law firm
Serving clients regionally, nationally and
internationallyCustomer service -- the national and international
32, the Dykerma Gossett law firm
Experience. Expertise.
ExcellenceExperience of professional excellence
33, the Eckery Seamans et. al. law firm
Attorneys who make things
happenMakes it all possible lawyer
34, Epstein Becker & Green
Your partners in business
growthYour career partner
35, the Fennemore Craig law firm
A History to
LeverageHistory of strategy
36, Fenwick & West
Lawyering for the information
ageIn the era of information law
37, Fish & Neave
Leaders in the Law of
IdeasThe legal spirit leader
38, Fleischman & Gelman
SolvedProblem solved
39, Foley & Lardner
Commitment to
ExcellenceThe outstanding commitment
40, Fox Rothschild O'Brien & Frankel
Legal excellence for more than nine
decadesOutstanding legal team of more than ninety years
41, Fredriksa & Byron law firm
Where law and business
meetWhen law and business
42, Freeborn & Peters
One of America's leading law firms to
businessTo solve the conflict between law and business leaders, America Law Corporation engaged in commercial activities
43, Frost & Jacobs
Universal in scope, personal in
approachWorld scope, personal way
44, Goodkind Labaton Rudoff & Sucharow LLP
law firm
Practical Advice. Sound
SolutionsProfessional advice, just solutions
45, the Goodman and Carr law firm
Hard Working
LawHard law
46, Goulston & Storrs law firm?
Think/ResultsConsider the results
47, the Gray Cary law firm
Technology's Legal
EdgeLegal weapons technology
48, Greembaum (Greembaum Doll & McDonald)
Your network for business law is @gdm.
comCommercial network @gdm.com you
49, Gunster Yoakley & Stewart (Stewart) law firm
Innovative legal counsel for a connected
worldLegal experts innovation as the joint World Service
50, the Hale and Door law firm
When Success
MattersWhen success is crucial
51, Haynes/Boone law firm
Are you
changing?Are you change?
52, the Heller Ehrman law firm
Challenging the laws of
conventionChallenge the legal customs
53, Holland & Hart
Partnering law &
technologCombination of law and technology
54, Holmes Robert & Owen
Global perspective. Local
commitmentView the world mission
55, Howry & Simon
Where leaders
goLeaders to place
56, the Ice Miller law firm
Legal & Business Advisors
It's a complex world. Be
advisedThis is a complex world, cautious as well.
57, the Jackson Lewis law firm
All we do is
workWe have to do is work
58, the Jackson Walker law firm
Tradition and innovation since
1887Tradition and reform started in 1887
59, the Jones Day law firm
Legal minds. Global
intelligenceThe legal concept of the wisdom of the world
60, Kenyon & Kenyon
Serving the World's Leading
InnovatorsService in the world leader in the innovation
61, the Kirkpatrick &Stockton law firm
A law firm serving global
clientsThe global customer service law firm
62, Kirkpatrick & Lockhart
usChallenge yourself
63, the Kramer Levin law firm
Counseling visionaries for more than 30
yearsVisionary consulting for more than 30 years of experience
64, Latham & Watkins law firm
Strategic Legal
CounselLegal strategy consulting
65, Deinard law firm
Uncommon Wisdom. Common
SenseThe extraordinary wisdom of ordinary insight
66, the Littler Mendelson law firm
The National Employment & Labor Law
FirmNational labor law firm
67, the Locke Reynolds law firm
Committed to your
SuccessPromise you success
68, Manatt Phelps & Phillips
Get connected @
ManattPlease connect the @ Manatt
69, Martin Clearwatter & Bell
We know the Medicine & Serving the Professions for
Over Half a
CenturyMore than half a century since we know the medical and service professional
70, McCarter & English
New Jersey's oldest and largest law
firmNew Jersey, the oldest and largest law firm
71, Millbank law firm
Forging results in a new business
ageCreate results in new economic era
72, the Miller Canfield law firm
Leadership. Teamwork.
SolutionsTo solve the leadership
73, Miller & Chevalier
Washington lawyers, worldwide
perspectiveWashington lawyer in the world
74, Morrison & Foerster
Lawyers for the global
economyServices for the global economic law
75, Hoskin & Harcourt
Class Action Defense in
CanadaCanada Co litigation counsel
76, the Palmer Dodge law firm
Service. Strategy.
SuccessService strategy
77, the Patton Boggs law firm
Seeing things
differentlyOut of the ordinary
78, the Weiss Rifking et. al. law firm
Achieving excellence in the art and science of the
lawThe art and science of law perfection in one's studies
79, Pepper Han Milton law firm
Defining VALUE in legal
servicesDefining the legal value of the service
80, the Perkins Coie law firm
Lawyers to the Entrepreneurial
CommunityEntrepreneurial team of lawyers
81, the Pillsbury Winthrop law firm
For the new business
universeIn order to the new world economy
82, Plunkett & Cooney
Michigan's Law
FirmMichigan law firm
83, Plymate & Associates
A source or
StrengthThe source of power
84, the Proskauer Rose law firm
Proskauer means
ResultsProskauer means that the results
85, Quarles & Brady
DedicationSpecial offer
86, the Reed Smith law firm
It's not just business. It's
personalNot only is the problem of money this is one problem
87, Reinhart, Boenier et. al. law firm
Clients First. Excellence
AlwaysCustomer first brilliant forever
88, Kaplan Miller & Cires
A National Law Firm Creating
SolutionsNational law firms to create solutions
89, Ropers law firm
A Better Legal
SystemBetter legal system
90, the Saul Ewing law firm
AheadThink ahead
91, Schiff Hardie & Waite
Serving business since
1864The business has been in service since 1864
92, Schulte Roth & Zabel
Let our experience be your
guideOur experienceYour guide
93, the Seyfarth Shaw law firm
We're at the top of our
gameWe are very high in industry
94, Pittman law firm
Where law, business and technology
convergeA career in law science gathering place
95, the Sheppard Mullin law firm
California's Business Law
FirmCalifornia state commercial law firm
96, Shook Hardy & Bacon
Global. Connected. Collaborative.
Client-focusedGlobal connectivity cooperation customers as the center
97, the Shumaker Loop et. al. law firm
Ahead of the
curveIn the road before
98, Sidley & Austen law firm
Legal Excellence. Practical Solutions.
WorldwideThe law virtue professional programs throughout the world
99, the Skadden Arps law firm
A Tradition of
ExcellenceThe inheritance outstanding history
100, Snell & Wilmer
ExpectationsVery excited
101, Spiegel & McDiarmid
Empowering local
progressTo promote local development
102, the Stradling Yocca et. al. law firm
Advancing Business Through the
LawThe promotion of commercial law
103, Squire Sanders & Dempsey
Legal Counsel
WorldwideLegal advice to the world
104, the Swieler Berlin law firm
Take the
leadPlease a lawyer in the leader
105, Venable law firm
Staying ahead of
changeStanding before the change
106, Voorhies & Labbe
Partnered with Clients-Since
1924The customer's partner began in 1924